Teh scareh


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Whats the most terrifying, shiver inducing thing you've ever seen or read that is likely to reduce you into a gibbering wreck at the mere memory of it?

Back at my parents' home, they had a Reader's Digest book called 'The Readers Digest Book of Strange Stories - Amazing facts! Stories that are bizarre, unusual, odd, astonishing, incredible...but true!', and I read it from cover to cover when I was about 10-12 years old. It was full of really interesting stories about all kinds of things, but the chapters on ghosts were the most memorable.

I managed to find a link to the story that shit me up so badly:


Bearing in mind that I was so young, and so impressionable, I really was terrified by the pictures. The tape recordings made it even worse.

Even now as I type this, I'm getting shivers running down my spine just thinking about how I felt on first reading the story. I had to put the cotton book marker that was tied to the spine on the same page, so I didn't run the risk of opening it up again on that page :eek6:


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
thats prety fucked up, either a hoax or probably to do with some complicated effect of decomposition.

My most shit scary moment...hmm...probably when i nearly drowned in a canooing accident. Went over a weir in my canoo but fucked it up cos some tart bumped into me near the edge, went over sideways and capsized - normally no problem at all cos im 3star canooist (Sea Scouts!) and can just do a lil eskimo roll and be up again but i lost my paddle and im not pro enough to do it by hand, plus the water was slightly too deepto push my sefl up in and i had got slightly stuck with my leg in the footrest (quite a poor situation i can tell you) so i was stuck undrwater wiv no paddle and it took nearly 2 minutes to get righted when the instructer came over and we executed a damned perfect rescue :D

scared the shit out of me and only ever went in a canoo once again :(


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Almost drowned too twice. Needless to say I don't volunteer to go swimming much anymore.

Really creepy thing happened a few years ago. We woke up in the middle of the night because of strange loud moaning and howling sounds outside.
Like every stupid person in horror movies you have to investigate it ;)
So we went outside and the sounds were coming from a small bush next to our bedroom window. After poking the bush the sounds stopped.
Never found out what made those sounds but I can assure you the adrenaline was pumping that night.


FH is my second home
Dec 25, 2003
It said on that site that the "faces" changed with Miss Perieras mood...


What the fuck was she thinkin about then when this was made! :eek6:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Cool, i love a good ghost story :)

Who is on the forum who has a ghost in there house ?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
L_Plates said:
Cool, i love a good ghost story :)

Who is on the forum who has a ghost in there house ?

ooh there was a great thread on BW about ghost stories, start one again! I love reading paranormal stuff.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I used to live in a haunted house - the old lady that lived in it immediately before us died there.

My mother caught me speaking to someone with an unfamiliar voice, bolt upright and wide-eyed in bed one night (I was about 2½ at the time) - I was asleep at the time.

There were other things - stuff flying off shelves that couldn't possibly even move by any explicable means etc that happened. We stayed there for about 2/3 years then moved.

Can't say I remember any of it personally, but my mother has told me all about it.

She sees dead people btw as well - so I blame it all on her.



Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
um...I have a book somewhere that I got when I went to school in England a long time ago (tdc aged 8ish). collection of "scary stories for kids", with amongst others "The Cantebury Tales"which is brilliant imo. anyway, one of the stories is a dull story about something I can't remember but (!) half way through it is a line drawing of two kids. I couldn't look at it without having a serious case of the screaming heebie-jeebies :///

real scariest thing: when I was younger still and lived in indonesia, we had mozzie-guaze streched over all our windows at home. one night a mate and I were playing in my room, when we heard a sound and noticed a distorted (in my memory it looks fiendish) face pressed into the guaze at my window. we both saw it at the same time, freaked out and ran from the room. teh eep :(


FH is my second home
Dec 25, 2003
do recall my mum saying when she was younger...

she lived in a small house, large family, her mum, 2 sisters and 2 brothers..

now, a waaay long time ago, she had another brother who was a pilot in World War 2, sadly he got shotdown and he was never ever found. Her mum got all the medals and stuff.

Now their dad, died also, im not sure how old she was, or how long after, but one of her sisters "stole" said medals. I didnt quite understand it myself because im sure they all lived in the same house, unless she was older and moved out.

But! One night, the family got a rude awakening when they saw a body at the end of the bed and everything started shaking and flying across the room. "He" wanted the medals, it was their dad apparently, and he was angry at them being stolen by the sister. Sadly i dont think she ever gave them back, but it did scare the shit out of everyone. I think they shortly moved out the house after that.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
More ghost stories please. I love the shivers you get from reading these things.

/me goes to bed to watch Evil Dead II


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Christ im getting the bloody shivers here, do remember one that happened maybe 2 or so years ago before my parents aplit and i had my high sleeper bed, was very odd, roughly in May or so, near my birthday.

Was roughly the middle of the night when i was woken up by a loud knock to my bed, thought it was maybe something had fallen off my bed like the remote, but when i started to settle in back to my bed, some strange whispering started, 2 voices pretty distrinctly young, babyish voice but were mumbling something for a good 5 min before i leaned over to check it wasnt my sister or something, moment i moved the voices stopped, very bloody freaky.

Uncle Sick

One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Sharma said:
but when i started to settle in back to my bed, some strange whispering started, 2 voices pretty distrinctly young, babyish voice but were mumbling something for a good 5 min before i leaned over to check it wasnt my sister or something, moment i moved the voices stopped, very bloody freaky.

I guess they couldn't decide who would get the first bite of tender goth flesh. :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 30, 2003
Back when I was about 18-19 I lived in a three story house on Coldbath Rd, birmingham with some friends. We had the usual footsteps at night, things moving so on. It was so bad in the one room that noone would sleep in there. We had to turn it into our studio and turn one of the downstairs rooms into a bedroom instead, and I tell you if our 18 year olds playing black metal and punk didnt scare off ghosties nowt would.
A lot of the neighbours in the area complained of the same sort of things, but none of what happened couldnt be put down to the fact that there were four under twenty year olds sharing a house with sick senses of humour, until one night. It was just after halloween when we had done a ouija board, clever souls that we were, and everything had gone mad, doors refusing to be opened, noises from upstairs, cats hissing at doors, at one point, it got so bad, we all ran out to go pub to find it closed. Strolled back, very slowly, mumbling about this was how they always died in the films, because they were stupid enough to go back and we all saw a blue light and what looked like a figure coming from the now studio window, strangely enough everyone suddenly realised they had promised to visit their parents/friends/uncles budgie and had to go now...apart from me...big tough me, who just knew it was one of them playing a joke..
Anyway I was there with my boyfriend and we were managing to ignore the noises and so on by turning the tv up and laughing far too loud at unfunny jokes when there was a power cut. Bravery failed and we decided it was time to stay at his flat, called a taxi and I realised I had left my keys upstairs, in the attic room, where I slept. So big scary punk he was, he waited in the taxi while I ran up to get them, came downstairs and just at the bottom I saw as plain as day a figure of a man. For some reason I called my boyfriends name thinking it was him, even though this was an old man with grey hair short on the top and long at the back and was wearing a pink and grey diamond jumper...yes I can still picture it...somehow i dont think it will ever go..and the man walked through the closed door at the bottom of the stairs into the living room. At this point I either ran or flew out of the house and into the taxi, I wouldnt be surprised if there was still a Carole shaped hole in the walls of the house...
Moved out shortly after that and even now almost ten years on, that house is always up for sale, I spoke to an old neighbour about it about five years ago and he said it has people live there for a few weeks but then they always move out.

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