TEH question

  • Thread starter Cavex ElSaviour
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Originally posted by old.Dillinja
Like the matrix?

Something like it.

HUGO will provide us with most we need to know about humans.
We have already managed to make simulations which let the enviroment provided change the outcome of the simulation object.
The rules you need to make a world like the one we are in, is not THAT hard: (you need dna, physic rules and the base nature of minerals/gasses and liquid and few other things)
To make such world-sims would provide GREAT support in considering the outcome of ideas, learn from and/or see what would happen if...In other words, there would be produced LOTS of them.

Mix: Matrix + eXistenZ + sience and you get more or less this :D

Im willing to protect any flaw, if you think im generally crasy feel free to say that as well, but there are more productive ways of saying it =)

I have had this theory longer then matrix and eXistenZ though =)



Originally posted by the_chimera
I would like to know where 42 comes into this.

Not read the hitchhickers guide to the galaxy ;(

But i doubt it have anything to do with 42 tbh

That is afaik the sum of the question of life, space and all, nothing to do with the simple questions we are discussing here :D


I don't think you're crazy, but I would like to know who this "HUGO" person is.


Existance is impossible IMO anyway, so I'm not sure how anything got here, be it a computer program or not.

You will always need something before the first thing to have created the first thing, and you would've needed something before the thing that created the first thing and you could go on forever, but I'm not going to... Then comes the big bang theory, what created the big bang, what created the thing that created the big bang and so on.


Well if life's a game, then the developer should be shot. Bad color scheme, busted up gfx, sfx are mostly annoying..no levels to gain...flacking hard to get into and no restart option, skills in play are pitiful and the balance between the realms is messed up. :p



Originally posted by old.Dillinja
I don't think you're crazy, but I would like to know who this "HUGO" person is.

HUGO = Human Genome Prosject.
Recently finished project making a map on all human gen material.
Still miss one serious step: know what all the genes do.
From there, the step is small for a computer to make a copy of you, brainless, out of one gene only :D

About the thing before the thing before the thing before.
In the start of all, there was nothing.
Tried to keep a "nothing" recently? Its a self destructing mass creating "something" and there it began :D

And you dont get closer to nothing then nothing, so its natural it was nothing in the start eh? Nothing dont need a creator, and its a temporary mass. Nothing make alot of pressure, and pressure would, in long enough time, make nothing into something, and something would be made into two, and those two would combine....you see where im heading =)



Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Well if life's a game, then the developer should be shot. Bad color scheme, busted up gfx, sfx are mostly annoying..no levels to gain...flacking hard to get into and no restart option, skills in play are pitiful and the balance between the realms is messed up. :p

Im pretty happy with the graphics imho. Its WAY better then any other game im playing, its massive multiplayer, it dont lag and there is no zergs around. Im happy =) And just LOOK at the buffering in the water, its great :D

Its alot of levels to gain. Get a job, and you get a level, realise your DARN bored of the job, and quit and play a game, you get another one, quit the game and get a job you really enjoy, new level, get a girl you love.....DING! See my point. Both low and medium levels is alot funnier in this game then in daoc as well, and you dont have to waste your time hunting mobs, you hunt for cash and girls instead .D

There is alot of restart options, but you can only have one char on each server in this game though. And if you die, you have to reroll. Skills in game is BRILLIANTS! Its always something new to learn, questions to have and monsters and people to meet. Tell me ONE other game you can play for 60 years and still not be bored enough to even take a minute break? There is millions of different challenges you can do, for instance, once i get a title on this board, i ding once, and if i find a girl and quit daoc, i think i ding at least three times :D

Balance between realms...its no realms, pretty sure this server is full pvp :D


Re: hehe

Originally posted by inuyasha

HUGO = Human Genome Prosject.
Recently finished project making a map on all human gen material.
Still miss one serious step: know what all the genes do.
From there, the step is small for a computer to make a copy of you, brainless, out of one gene only :D

About the thing before the thing before the thing before.
In the start of all, there was nothing.
Tried to keep a "nothing" recently? Its a self destructing mass creating "something" and there it began :D

And you dont get closer to nothing then nothing, so its natural it was nothing in the start eh? Nothing dont need a creator, and its a temporary mass. Nothing make alot of pressure, and pressure would, in long enough time, make nothing into something, and something would be made into two, and those two would combine....you see where im heading =)

Maybe I'm just stoopid, but I still can't see how nothing can become something.


though so

Originally posted by old.Dillinja

Maybe I'm just stoopid, but I still can't see how nothing can become something.

Not stupid, i dont really understand it either, but a friend of mine told me this rather clearly, but that dont mean i can say it as clear :D

Nothing is in itself a force, like a magnetic force, containing pressure. Not really sure if you can call it nothing if there is nothing to have pressure on, but supposedly you should. If there is nothing in the space we have now, its self destructive case like a black hole, it make thing fill it. Not really sure what nothingness does if there IS nothing to fill it, but it at least seems from the world around us today it make something itself to fill it :D

Remember, the sum of all things is 0 still.
There is as many negative charges as there is positive, so basicly, we are still nothing 0 = -9 +9 and such. This was very important my friend claimed, but i never really understood that =)
If you have nothing, and its pressed apart, i assume you still have nothing, but with a seperation of magnetism as we today know as atoms and quarks, which basicly build all we cosist off :D


Ahh and there you bring up another point which I have thought about a lot in the past.

What is inside a black hole?

And what happens when you enter it?


hard to tell :D

Originally posted by old.Dillinja
Ahh and there you bring up another point which I have thought about a lot in the past.

What is inside a black hole?

And what happens when you enter it?

More or less everything is inside a black hole .D

I assume you know how a atom works. A black hole is a place where some material have had the lenght between the neutrons and the electrons lowered ALOT of times. Normaly you can lay a egg on the center of a football field, and place the electrons far outside it. If you then lower the distance to beeing really close to the egg, you get what is inside black holes. Its no longer material as we know it, case in itself its materials which would brake up under ANY other circumstances then the insane pressure it makes inside a black hole. The fact its so close to eachoter, make it REALLY heavy (one square centimeter would pretty surly be enough to put earth out of order by a long shot) As you know, heavy things attract other things in places where there is little athmosphere to counter the effect, so more and more join this black hole, and is made into this VERY compact matter, no matter what it once was.

If you was drawn into a black hole, you would simply die and get reduced to the same base matter as all the others inside there, sorry mac :D


Re: hard to tell :D

Originally posted by inuyasha

More or less everything is inside a black hole .D

I assume you know how a atom works. A black hole is a place where some material have had the lenght between the neutrons and the electrons lowered ALOT of times. Normaly you can lay a egg on the center of a football field, and place the electrons far outside it. If you then lower the distance to beeing really close to the egg, you get what is inside black holes. Its no longer material as we know it, case in itself its materials which would brake up under ANY other circumstances then the insane pressure it makes inside a black hole. The fact its so close to eachoter, make it REALLY heavy (one square centimeter would pretty surly be enough to put earth out of order by a long shot) As you know, heavy things attract other things in places where there is little athmosphere to counter the effect, so more and more join this black hole, and is made into this VERY compact matter, no matter what it once was.

If you was drawn into a black hole, you would simply die and get reduced to the same base matter as all the others inside there, sorry mac :D

I won't be going near any of those in the near future then.



Originally posted by old.Dillinja

I won't be going near any of those in the near future then.

You better not, no =)
If you ARE going near one, you must certainly have done some preparations anyways, rofl. In the worst way, maby you have no choise...new big bang anyone? :D

The nothingness thing is hard to explain and understand btw, im still thinking about details there, and there might be a few flaws...However, its more likely nothing created something, then that nothing is created and we are not here today, that be programmed or real or even dreamed, i still think we are here in some way, and then something must have been made from nothing or what equals nothing once. Most likely by beeing seperated into negatives and positives, since this is what we are builded off, but since im confused myself, I sincerly understand you are after reading the writings i made about it :D


I love this post .D

/me want advisor status in RL :D
Discussions like this pwn daoc =)


"Is there actually any point in praising your sorry ass since it seems like everything works by itself."



Originally posted by SFXman
"Is there actually any point in praising your sorry ass since it seems like everything works by itself."

Nope :D

Why do you think god have stopped bothering you with it :rolleyes:


Tihihi... reminded me of the movie Dogma again, was on the TV here in Finland last night.
That movie just kicks ass.... shit monster... lol... :D


dogma rocked :D

Originally posted by SFXman
Tihihi... reminded me of the movie Dogma again, was on the TV here in Finland last night.
That movie just kicks ass.... shit monster... lol... :D

Seen dogma a few times, have a officially bought copy ^_^
Love the film, but tbh, think the real godess is prettier then Moriesette :D


Re: dogma rocked :D

Originally posted by inuyasha
think the real godess is prettier then Moriesette :D
Hmm? I think I just lost track of your chain of thought.
I don't quite follow.

old.Gombur Glodson

Go watch Dogma, then you'll understand.

Testin da Cable

I'd ask nout...but I'd kick His arse for giving me guilt :eek:


What did I do so wrong to be cursed with an existance such as mine?


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
Go watch Dogma, then you'll understand.
I've watched it but I don't quite follow when Alanis was the mother god :p
Maybe I missed something while munching on popcorn.


Re: though so

Originally posted by inuyasha

Not stupid, i dont really understand it either, but a friend of mine told me this rather clearly, but that dont mean i can say it as clear :D

Nothing is in itself a force, like a magnetic force, containing pressure. Not really sure if you can call it nothing if there is nothing to have pressure on, but supposedly you should. If there is nothing in the space we have now, its self destructive case like a black hole, it make thing fill it. Not really sure what nothingness does if there IS nothing to fill it, but it at least seems from the world around us today it make something itself to fill it :D

Remember, the sum of all things is 0 still.
There is as many negative charges as there is positive, so basicly, we are still nothing 0 = -9 +9 and such. This was very important my friend claimed, but i never really understood that =)
If you have nothing, and its pressed apart, i assume you still have nothing, but with a seperation of magnetism as we today know as atoms and quarks, which basicly build all we cosist off :D

your comparison / explanation of the workings of a black hole wrt nothingness is ..., a little naive. Nothingness is by defenition nothing, so im sure you are unlikely to find any interesting behaviour from it, though low density regions can have a visible effect on more intersting matter, within themselves they are inherently stable, by definition infact ;)

and when you see your friend, tell him the sum of all things is quite a lot, not 0. Scientists have argued that it should be 0, but for instance if you take a look at the amount of matter and anti-matter in the unviverse you will find that there is an awfull lot more matter around and virtually no anti-matter. A net 0 universe would be very hard to live in, whereas ours is resplendant with stuff!


Re: Re: though so

Originally posted by boni_ofdavoid

your comparison / explanation of the workings of a black hole wrt nothingness is ..., a little naive. Nothingness is by defenition nothing, so im sure you are unlikely to find any interesting behaviour from it, though low density regions can have a visible effect on more intersting matter, within themselves they are inherently stable, by definition infact ;)

and when you see your friend, tell him the sum of all things is quite a lot, not 0. Scientists have argued that it should be 0, but for instance if you take a look at the amount of matter and anti-matter in the unviverse you will find that there is an awfull lot more matter around and virtually no anti-matter. A net 0 universe would be very hard to live in, whereas ours is resplendant with stuff!

The theory goes like this:
There is negative things in all that is positive, and just as much of each. This is like magnetism. We have just not found this negative "powers" yet. (anti-gravitation is likely).
The reason why this reason came, was becase its the only likely scientific theory which can explain the creation of universe(s) from nothing. That is of course...unless you belive God created the universe in seven days :rolleyes:
This was my friends quotes.

And as far as black holes go:

I have NOT claimed that there is nothing in a black hole, rather the total oppsite. A black hole is a place with matter compressed so hard its so heavy its gravity does not let any light reflect from it (black) and anything that come too close will be sucked in case of its heavy gravitation.

Nothingness have one VERY interesting behavior indeed, its a vacuum....a vacuum is a EXTREMLY powerfull pulling force, so to say it does not have any purple or interesting effects is hardly true. There is close to no "nothing" in the universe atm, since open vacuums are self destructing (temporary) and only last a little part of a second at the time. This pulling effect would of course not be in effect if there was nothing to pull, but that might be when the creation-theory of anti-gravitation come in mentioned earlier (which i still dont understand too the full)



Originally posted by SFXman

I've watched it but I don't quite follow when Alanis was the mother god :p
Maybe I missed something while munching on popcorn.

Quite simple, she was the god in the dogma film?
And i seen real girls her better, so she better shape up if she want to be a godess :rolleyes:



Originally posted by Elft0r !!1
What did I do so wrong to be cursed with an existance such as mine?

You really wanna know?
/me looks up hes mate God's old books, and await a answer.


Re: well...

Originally posted by inuyasha

Quite simple, she was the god in the dogma film?
And i seen real girls her better, so she better shape up if she want to be a godess :rolleyes:
Ah, that's what you mean. I knew she was the mother god in that movie but didn't realise you meant she should be better looking, in a sense.

n00b 79

Originally posted by Cavex ElSaviour
What if you can ask ONE question to god, what would you ask.

side note: dont care what god, dont care if you believe in god, lets just say that there is a all knowing god.

what do we have to do to make world peace :uhoh:

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