tee hee


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Tom said:
Theres nothign pointless about securing the economic future of your country by controlling the world's oil market.
Two things that America haven't succeeded in doing with the recent Iraq invasion.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
throdgrain said:
Im really keen on offensive weapons :(
Me too, I have a baseball bat with "Your mothers got a penis!" inscribed on it.*

*is actually a lie, just in case you didn't guess**

**or didn't you? I really was just joking***



I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Jonaldo said:
Two things that America haven't succeeded in doing with the recent Iraq invasion.

Its only a few months since the invasion began, give it time. They're obviously thinking of the long term, the next 20 years or so.


Dec 22, 2003
I hold the same views as Sharma! (again ffs!!1)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Tom said:
Its only a few months since the invasion began, give it time. They're obviously thinking of the long term, the next 20 years or so.
Have we got enough oil left? :)
Serious question by the way, with rumours that we're running low on sources now is there an estimate to how much oil we have before we need to switch our primary power source?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Tom said:
Its only a few months since the invasion began, give it time. They're obviously thinking of the long term, the next 20 years or so.

LoL, you're quite the wit Tom!

Here's a good insight into what's been happening in Iraq, and, why after all this time since good 'ol dubya declared "mission accomplished", it still isn't.

It's a wee bit lengthy, but I suppose if you're not going to spend even 10 minutes reading an in-depth account of the grass-roots problems we're facing in Iraq (especially now that more British troops are going further into the war torn areas), then why bother saying anything?!



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Jonaldo said:
Have we got enough oil left? :)
Serious question by the way, with rumours that we're running low on sources now is there an estimate to how much oil we have before we need to switch our primary power source?
I am currently sitting on at least billion barrels of the stuff, tomorrow we will test the well, they expect it to produce 30k barrels per day. We have drilled and completed 20 wells in this field and there are plans for about 20 more, not all of these are oil producing some are used to inject water to make more oil come out of the ground :).
In the 5 years I have been down here, the rig I work on has 'struck' oil in two other 'billion barrel' fields, Akpo and Erha. We will go up the coast next month to the Ivory Coast to do more explaration, they are expecting to find more oil.
The technology is catching up with the seismology, there are good prospects in deeper water, and the technology to get it out is being advanced. The big new rigs can drill in 10000 feet of water, we are limited to 5000 feet.

The answer to your question though is no. As fast as we discover new oil, or a way to get new oil out of the ground, the demand for oil is rising faster. The economy of the world will eventually succumb and I will have to get to work by boat :eek7: This was pointed out in the old 'peak oil' thread earlier this year.



I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Paradroid said:
LoL, you're quite the wit Tom!

Here's a good insight into what's been happening in Iraq, and, why after all this time since good 'ol dubya declared "mission accomplished", it still isn't.

It's a wee bit lengthy, but I suppose if you're not going to spend even 10 minutes reading an in-depth account of the grass-roots problems we're facing in Iraq (especially now that more British troops are going further into the war torn areas), then why bother saying anything?!


FS stupid fucking slow boards and a good long post lost. Anyway, what does this have to do with the long term aim of invading Iraq, which is the oil?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 28, 2003
Tom said:
Theres nothign pointless about securing the economic future of your country by controlling the world's oil market.

Granted. But it doesn't make it right does it?

Bush: "Those damn Arabs are charging too much for the oil again!"
Cheyney: "Hey, don't they know we have to give our people cheap petrol so they can carry on driving their pointless SUVs?"
Bush: "Well I try and tell them that but they keep saying some bullshit about needing to support their economy"
Cheyney: "God damn!"
Rumsfeld: "Hey guys. Want me to bomb them? We can say Saddam done got them chemical weapons".
Bush + Cheyney: "Hell yeah!"


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Tom said:
FS stupid fucking slow boards and a good long post lost. Anyway, what does this have to do with the long term aim of invading Iraq, which is the oil?
I thought the idea of invading Iraq was so that America could win!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Tom said:
FS stupid fucking slow boards and a good long post lost. Anyway, what does this have to do with the long term aim of invading Iraq, which is the oil?

The neocons hoped to create a free market utopia, with long term provisions in place for them (and their oil baron/corporate mates) to be able to rape their economy.

If (if? ha!) Iraq disintegrates into chaos, there'll be no corporate backers ('cause there's no insurance), and, US oil companies won't be able to operate - due to constant insurgent attacks on their employees and "assets".

If the Iraqis rolled-over and said "Ok, you win, take what you want!", the US would probably have left Iraq by now, but the Iraqis would be in for decades of financial fuck-you from corporate America.

An unstable Iraq means an unstable, and costly, supply of oil.
A subdued Iraq means a stable, and cheap, source of oil.



One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
Tom said:
Theres nothign pointless about securing the economic future of your country by controlling the world's oil market.
Interesting how all you pro-war people were insisting that, no, of COURSE the war won't be/isn't/wasn't about oil, so quit it with your stupid conspiracy theories.
Jonaldo said:
I thought the idea of invading Iraq was so that America could win!
I thought it was about terrorism and discovering WMDs! What a funny old world we live in.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Louster said:
I thought it was about terrorism and discovering WMDs! What a funny old world we live in.
We weren't after any terrorists and we knew there were no WMDs! Indeed it is a funny old world.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Sharma said:
Since I can't edit, i'd like to explain why I hold that view.

In all honesty I wouldn't allow myself to be forced to handle an offensive weapon be it a gun or a simple combat knife, I refuse to partake in anything which would result in the death of another person.

If someone wants to join the army/navy/RAF or whatever then they can go do that, I however refuse to partake in any of these particular outfits, mainly because im not a fan of being forced into things, and I dont consider myself a particulary fit person, nor does it concern me to a large extent.

If someone wants to go to a pointless war wth the risk of wasting their life fighting in it, do that if I don't know them, it really doesn't make a difference to me.

I know this view would be considered amazingly selfish but thats how they chose to go, thats their own decision, not mine.

If there was a new war and people were being force drafted into the armed forces to fight in this well, sorry i'd rather oppose it and get myself thrown out than shoot another person dead in it or fuel people to do it.

I despise killings of other people, so i'd much rather be thrown in a prison cell for opposing the government than go out on a battlefield and possibly lose my life or cause an end to another person life.

<rant off>

Do you object in that you think the/a war is pointless, or in that you don't want to kill another human?

eg. If France* chose to conquer Britian, and starting chucking bombs at major cities, marching on the beaches etc, would you allow yourself to be drafted into the army?

*Ok, that's a bad example of a country. France couldn't conquer the derriere of a flea infested poodle.

... Oh, and by the way; What the hell happened to Afghanistan? :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
totally out of context I know, but you have a bit from 'The Trees' in your signature, I saw that sung live last month :clap: .



Kicking squealing Gucci little piggy
Dec 24, 2003
It used to be a case of invade a different country, jolly good show!*

Now it's justifying wars through questionable means and everyone calling it illegal**

*i know this isn't strictly true :p

**teehee, illegal war, what next? Illegal instructions in windo...oh wait... :p

T'is indeed a funny old world ;)

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