Talk about something interesting.



Could it be something that is foretold by or as if by supernatural means: divination, oracle, prophecy, soothsaying, vision. See FORESIGHT?


Originally posted by Summo
Could it be something that is foretold by or as if by supernatural means: divination, oracle, prophecy, soothsaying, vision. See FORESIGHT?

it certainly could, you win a... :m00:


Originally posted by n3wbie
Can two carboard toilet tubes support the weight of an average human man?

heh you watched the fastShow too i presume?


I think I would like to hear about the Hoover again...:rolleyes:


Now thats inspired me to go to the IRC channel! :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Summo
Could it be something that is foretold by or as if by supernatural means: divination, oracle, prophecy, soothsaying, vision. See FORESIGHT?

What? Bruce Foresight? WTF does he know?


all bruce's own.

willis, lee, Foresight, all of the fuckers!!!


Originally posted by oldlester

What? Bruce Foresight? WTF does he know?

He regularly forsees that it'll be nice to see you, to see you NICE!



OK SLiC3R, serious question here:

What sort of topics would you find interesting on these boards that you'd be willing to make sensible contributions to? Not that you're the type of guy to value what others think of you online (from what I've seen, forgive me if I'm wrong), it'd be nicer for the rest of us if something other than abusive garbage come out next to your name every now and again.


Originally posted by n3wbie

/me Realises you have replyed to the fact he made a post like that and so are justying his posts with a reply (as you put it)

Sorry, but these boards are in English.


Originally posted by xenon2000
OK SLiC3R, serious question here:

What sort of topics would you find interesting on these boards that you'd be willing to make sensible contributions to? Not that you're the type of guy to value what others think of you online (from what I've seen, forgive me if I'm wrong), it'd be nicer for the rest of us if something other than abusive garbage come out next to your name every now and again.

Spot the idiot who's missed the point entirely.


I know ive missed the point but i also you know you're all a) shit and b) i dont care anyway.

Exor isnt shit though :x


tbh u lot have missed the point.
a few years ago this place was fun.
now its nothing more than "the click" spouting shit at each other.
mayby ive just grown up a bit?
no doubt ill get flamed for my spelling/punctuation and stuff, ill post pictures of me giving a shit later if ya want.


The point is if you want to improve the quality of postings then post something worthwhile!!!!

Dont post complaints! That doesnt do anything!


The General forum should be about general matters relating to pc games imo. With maybe some side bits concerning what people like dont like. Some humour perhaps.
Some of you I really dont know why you dont just post in irc instead.
Like I said before, it would be a good idea if BW had charged to use the forum instead of the servers. ;)


Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it.


Originally posted by *Exor*
Spot the idiot who's missed the point entirely.
1.) I read your post, 2.) I knew what you meant by it, and 3.) I haven't missed the point. I merely steered away from it in that reply to see if there was any way we actually *could* get something interesting posted here more often.

So you think the place is shit... at least figure out why and come up with a way of making things better if you're bothered enough to read it in the first place (which you obviously are since you posted). Just saying it's shit makes it... even more shit tbh :/


psst xenon, little hint, exor belongs in the ignore list with bodhi :)


So you think the place is shit... at least figure out why and come up with a way of making things better [/B][/QUOTE]

well 1 way i can think of is letting newbs post, and then NOT poking holes in there posts
I realise this is not the most popular aproach as simple people always find it easy if they have back up.
how about banning the most offencive posters?
the twat with the "get aids and die" leaps to mind.
as he is iirc a "forum deity" ie: he posts wank a lot. it could be seen as barrys is a cunts haunt,which is a pitty as the general forum has a lot going for it.
or how about reading posts(even if they are posted by dyslexic's such as myself) and not flaming as soon as the name is not recognised?
less pic posts as well might help(im thinking here of again "forum deitys" who post such utter toss as "wrong forum" or "oh shit i spy a cunt" ok tbh i aint seen that 1 ere but surly the meaning is passed along nomatter what is said.
thats a start anyhow
there are pleny more reasons to "SHIT ON BW" as it were but why point them out.

as it stands the only posts worth reading are the "summos a hairdresser with a girly car so lets do some p/s pics" or the times where (shock and gasp) "out-siders" come and have a go at ya all for being analy retentive.
as i have already posted , this could be an exelent forum, alas as it is now it will only be a poor forum where no1 wants to post unless he has read the rules and not posted 4 a few years while he/she "gauges the temparature"

i could go on but m pissed and i still never got further than loging on and reading what has been posterd already.
plus once again i would like to point out the lack of humor anywhere on this is a real shame as barrys used to have one of the better forums of all the gsp's ahh well


Originally posted by theriven
as i have already posted , this could be an exelent forum, alas as it is now it will only be a poor forum where no1 wants to post unless he has read the rules and not posted 4 a few years while he/she "gauges the temparature"
It is an excellent forum, however the regulars are fairly unique, in comparrision to the average forum anyway. There is certain style here, that you either don't share, and hence stick out like a sore thumb, or you have and blend in imediately.

You may not have noticed, however numerous people have joined, and started posting, without being flamed or being held in contempt - The reason why they're accepted into the group, is because they're the same kind of people to the rest of the regulars. The simple fact is, people who "don't belong", aren't going to enjoy the forum, so they lose nothing by being made to feel unwelcome.

As for the forums being shit, well as it's been said before, the days of old allways look good. Admittedly i find myself replying to less topics, and choosing to read less, than i have at times in the past, however it's nothing drastic.

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by theriven

Please, make your posts more readable, I gave up after the middle of the first section (I'm loath to use paragraph).

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