Takes the PISS!!



Wtf is up with bards running further away from 2 mercs 1 paladin. when all has end running and sprinting (no bard speed involved)

I dont see the point in flaming this particular guy here by name.

but Ive recorded it and mayb I can do something with it.

we chases a bard from bandit camp odin nearly to hmg.

he kept "lagjumping" further away from us. a little bit at a time.

people tells me its due to windowed mode stuff.

fuck sake. play fair.

btw im QQing. plz tell me to do it more :m00:


yup gotta say...a bard on half health..with no speed running...and probably out of end himself

shouldnt be able to outrun 2 mercs 1 pally...sprinting with end regen on.

But yet this guy in odins...DID !

Again i wont use his name...but its been noted

Warning for all. look out for a bard all in blue <grin>

Def a case of warping...and unfair play.


He can play end him self?, and twist with speed?


Originally posted by Glyph_mid
He can play end him self?, and twist with speed?

How can u twist speed when someone is hitting u?

Happened to me several times, yesterday was same. We were chasin a bard (think not the same who the others speak of) and as he was teleporting or something, always jumped a bit after we hitted air because of the pbt... :(


This has happened to me a few times me running faster then eceryone else. Noticed it when i was leading a group in emain and they all lost stick from time to time because i was running faster then the rest. Have no clue why and i wasn`t doing anything special to make it happend it just happend so don`t be so quick saying ppl cheat because i sure didn`t do it of my own free will and perhaps theese guys didn`t aswell. But it`s very annoying for me when it happends so mythic pls fix!


Happens alot with some healers and some clerics too :(


Must be the same bard that outrun Vanaya when she was sprinting and having skaldspeed. This was in Odins yesterday.


lagg running? dunno how to do it, but happned to me alot with infs following me..


Originally posted by Zorin-
Must be the same bard that outrun Vanaya when she was sprinting and having skaldspeed. This was in Odins yesterday.

Vanaya is a kobold and has shorter legs then a bard (Celt or Firbolg).

Its very annoying to have a Firbolg bard in a group filled with lurikeens ya know.


hmmm, bard in blue with blonde spikey hair i presume!? as it is he that i continual get this problem, oh and btw i have got PF but doesnt seem to be effective when they keep warping out of melee distance. Is rather annoying and if they cant play fair they really need to learn that there is more to life then winning!


@ Corran

So why do u think one special beloved Hib Tankgroup just keeps farming more random albgroups in og and albfrontier and doesn't watches for even fights with other tuff groups in emain?^^ :)

winning+rps >> nice fights


Got PF aswell but i can only hit the air because of the pbt, and i can say myself lucky if i can hit him in every 10 secs.


Heh, true Louder. However that warping didnt help his group that soon lay dead making snow angels in the woodlands of odins :p

Also doesn't help him when he tries to warp away from a couple of the group straight towards those of us that broke ofand ran an intercept course :)


Prevent Flight is the cause of the cheat in the end.

Melee has been given so many shit its practically useless for support at the moment to try and outrun/escape a melee-class.

I mean, who would make up 'Prevent Flight' ? Must have been a very frustrated player from Mythic playing a tank and he couldn't style because his enemy was trying to sprint flee away from him.

Time to give support some love and give them 'Invulnerable back' or something, a passive (ofcourse) RA's which makes them immune to Prevent Flight or any other melee-snares in the rear.


PF doesn't give you the right to Cheat

PF is a fair ability for its cost
Your Heros have it too (unless they have the delusions that IP will save them)


Oh btw i play a sorc and a Cleric

before you whine


Blimey if us hibs/mids whined on here everytime we saw an alb doing something out of the ordinary there wouldnt be any room left.

Would you so bothered about it if there wasnt any realm points to be gained from it?. I bet not.

If he started to play his instrument in between hits and got speed up for 1 second, he would be able to get away. Just keep spamming speed song icon. Ive done it on my little bard while a mob was hitting me.

I feel proud of the bard. This one actually survived a battle without dying first.


Originally posted by Puppetmistress
Prevent Flight is the cause of the cheat in the end.

Melee has been given so many shit its practically useless for support at the moment to try and outrun/escape a melee-class.

I mean, who would make up 'Prevent Flight' ? Must have been a very frustrated player from Mythic playing a tank and he couldn't style because his enemy was trying to sprint flee away from him.

Time to give support some love and give them 'Invulnerable back' or something, a passive (ofcourse) RA's which makes them immune to Prevent Flight or any other melee-snares in the rear.

same with diseases... practically uncurable in fights (2+ min, ae spam, single cure) and you cannot sprint away/cant catch anyone, and we cant use it ourselves...


Originally posted by Puppetmistress
Prevent Flight is the cause of the cheat in the end.

Melee has been given so many shit its practically useless for support at the moment to try and outrun/escape a melee-class.

I mean, who would make up 'Prevent Flight' ? Must have been a very frustrated player from Mythic playing a tank and he couldn't style because his enemy was trying to sprint flee away from him.

Time to give support some love and give them 'Invulnerable back' or something, a passive (ofcourse) RA's which makes them immune to Prevent Flight or any other melee-snares in the rear.

The original idea of PF was to make light tanks wanted but pure tanks have it too though most do not get it(i mean by choice not on their ra listing) :E


I believe PF was also put in before the snare styles were fixed - if the snare styles were working then there would probably be no need for PF. As it stands I think only BM's normally bother to get it in Hib at low RR - doesn't seem to proc enough on LW / CS Heros to make it worth their while (low RR this is, think most tanks opt for it at higher RR's when they ave spare points to spend).


Well snare styles break on next hit so PF is still needed o_O

Don't forget costing 14 points it should be like it is.


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
Well snare styles break on next hit so PF is still needed o_O

Don't forget costing 14 points it should be like it is.

Yip 14 points for a RA it should be worth getting, wanna give support a anti PF for 14 points go ahead :p


I support PF very much and for the points you spend on it is fine how it is, however i think there should be counter to it (infact think there should be a counter ra for most things). You cant even purge PF as there is no immunity, that is the only thing overpowered about it really.
The amount of people that purge it to escape and get it reapplied instantly is quite high so it isnt well known that it is an effect you cant be safe from that way.

zedorf luribomb

get a stupid drood that roots the targets and you got yourself a pf immune target :p


Originally posted by corranhorn1
I support PF very much and for the points you spend on it is fine how it is, however i think there should be counter to it (infact think there should be a counter ra for most things). You cant even purge PF as there is no immunity, that is the only thing overpowered about it really.
The amount of people that purge it to escape and get it reapplied instantly is quite high so it isnt well known that it is an effect you cant be safe from that way.

You describe perfectly why I think Prevent Flight is overpowered. It is a passive-RA for a class who already gets its RA's cheaper. It has no cure/remedy/counter and the rate it procs on dualwielders is insane meaning there's no viable way for support to escape lately (except perhaps shamans with insta-disease)

Im perhaps abit biased playing a support-class, but at the moment its fucked up, my ST-root lasts 5 seconds or so on the average resist-buffed-DeterminationIV-tank, he has cheap purge, snare-styles, PRevent Flight ensuring there's no way I can escape an assist-train as support-class.

Everyone saying Prevent Flight is fine I challenge to play a support-class and SEE it. You're looking too much at it from a tank-perspective.

I know the reason why tanks got it, but at the moment tanks are way overpowered and they should drop some stuff off tanks.


Originally posted by zedorf luribomb
get a stupid drood that roots the targets and you got yourself a pf immune target :p

if u make remarks, do them right :p
root gives melee style snare immunity, PF doesnt have any immunity

and to corran : so you want RAs that can counter any other Ra aswell? ok, lets give RAs to counter Bof/GP/etc
then its all a matter of whos got the most RAs up that wins


oh and btw, hib and alb shouldnt be the ones whining over this since savage cant get PF, and since u whined zerkers to nerfblivion the only chance of PF in a mid group is a warrior or 1 zerker if they want to invite one at all

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