But why should we care? Not our fucking problem.
Raven, I get your point and I would love to see the slaughter stop. You have to weigh up the consequences though, a massive civil war and another goverment otherthrown in the name of 'democracy'. If we keep interfering then where does it stop? Here is an idea, let the muslim world sort it out and send troops, that way they can't blame us for yet another crusade and we don't have to piss away tens of billions more that we just cannot afford. Lots of people die every day in the U.K. because treatments are a postcode lottery, let us spend out money sorting that mess out and leave the middle east to it.
actually it is our problem as Turkey are a member of NATO meaning we have defence pacts etc with them (well i say we, i live in Finland who are not in NATO, so i guess it is your problem)
From a non emotional stand point...
Well you can also look at it like this. War is the very best training a soldier can have, we have and have had the best trained (though badly supplied!) army in the world for decades because of conflict and "peace keeping"
Design in prosthetics and methods of treatments are coming on in leaps an bounds due to injured soldiers which helps the thousands of people maimed in civilian life, as are various other fields of technology
Syria did nothing wrong in shooting that plan down, they were well within thier rights under international law. We can't change the rules because decide we don't like someone, otherwise we might as well scrap the U.N. and go back to an era of world wars because we allow nations to pursue agenda's without any checks or balances.