


Just wait till the fucking european release is on our hands. I for one could not be arsed to bother and battle for a US copy.


Bah, all the mobs are gone in my world. Everyone else can see the mobs....
Same thing on all my chars. Deleted and recreated them all and I still can't see mobs.

One week till it goes live? It will have more bugs then Windows... :D


I have been in beta along with others I know IRL,we all say the game looks lovely but after playing for a while you wonder what to do next.The game is not ready to go live not by a long shot but I suppose the money men said ship it so they had too.

I will buy the game but not now,anyone who buys it now will suffer a very buggy game and that just might stop allot of people from playing.

I will hold off buying it for 3 or 4 months,maybe wait till the space add on or at least until they get vehicles in there.

The game has potential to best one of the best games out there but I feel its going to be very hard core ( ie not for the casual player).

Roo Stercogburn

Mine is ordered. Damn I'm looking forward to this.

Look for me in Ancient Shadows, and our webby is getting set up at guildportal.com.


I've preordered SWG too, I'm still sort of on the fence on it's 'readyness' though. There are bugs, yes, thats true, especially within the elite professions which haven't been fully tested, but that doesn't make the game unplayable, imo. Peronally I haven't had any problems with missions and such, so I can't comment on those, being a very casual gamer I never made it out of novice, but I still had fun.

As has been mentioned, the largest problem has been the hype, there were so many ideas that were going to be revolutionary to the MMO world, but alot of them have simply been too difficult to achieve,

Best thing to do if you're not sure is find a friend who intends to get the game and watch or play a little, and make up your own mind. Noone else can decide that for you.

Oh, the unofficial Euro server is Eclipse, Roo what server you intending to go to?

Roo Stercogburn

Need to confirm with a couple of peeps but I think it will be Eclipse.


as predicted, they did the classic "last day exp nerf" :d


Originally posted by katt!
as predicted, they did the classic "last day exp nerf" :d

You will find its more of a re-institution of the xp curve.

It makes sense for a faster XP curve during beta testing so testers can explore the elite professions and then once testing comes to a close to normalise that curve for the live game.


The next 6 months will just be like beta 4, patches feedback from the playing masses etc.

This title will take time evolve and grow into something better ;) Lets not forget Daoc's humble beginnings :D

I like the idea of waiting for the UK/EU release, with any luck by then things should have settled down quite nicely, and I will have had plenty of time to read plenty of game reviews. I for one am not just going to buy a game because its got star wars written on the box.


I hear GOA have got the rights to run the euro SWG servers ! :eek:
Just a little sad my wookie creature handler is now dead :(


Most PC games these days tend to be released unfinished then patched to completion at a later date but mmorpg's just take the piss usually coming out a year or so before there "finished" and this sounds like the case with SWG. What really happens is "beta" is really alpha then they launch the game and get the public to pay for the privilge of beta testing it (which by the sounds of it will work especially well with SWG) then a year later it's "finished" and sony get a nice wad of cash a year early. Personally I'll play it in a year when it's more than a half-hashed beta. ;)


Aye, let beta 4 begin!

Its not a bad idea doing this, but to be honest they really should offer a discount for the 1st 6 months or something. I have been trying to read as much player feedback as possible, there is currently very few positive reviews online that I can find :( A lot of criticsm is with the game content and player balancing issues.

We had about 6 people within our guild switch to SWG and out of them 6 only 2 have carried on playing. I really really want to play this but at the moment I'm to scared to fork out the cash in case its cack, hopefully by the time of the EU release they will have got their act together.

Any of you guys playing this think its worth it? Or wait a while for more patches?

Urgat Rip-Eye


I really would like to get a copy of SWG. But since i am here in england and without a credit card, it's proving dificult.

Is there anyone i could work somthing out with?


Bah, bunch of fucking lightsaber waving, wookie loving, "I want me a princess leia blowupdoll!" screaming, 12 year old nerds!

Nothing personal.

Really. :p


Originally posted by Wend
UO never really had a lot of content when I played either. But maybe I was just too busy playing to notice. *shrugs* Same thing for SWG- the game's kept me way too busy to really get in to exploring much.
UO had more content than any other game I've ever played, the amount of skills, places to go, things to see, things to do was amazing. The fact you could walk into an inn and really play a game of chess with someone, the puzzle chests on dungeons like Khaldun. Compare the amount of content and detail to other MMOGs including DAoC and it's safe to say that UO is perhaps the most content filled game around (Although I admittedly never did get to play EQ which might compare). However, to be fair UO HAS been around like 6yrs now - the question is will games like DAoC have as much content as UO did after 2/3yrs when DAoC hits the same 2/3yr anniversary?

Would like some feedback on what SWG was like, played the beta for a few hours and thought I'd been warped back into some 1996 3D engine (You could count the number of landscape textures smother repetitevely across the landsape with 1 finger) with as much content as space invaders but I was told this was dealt with in later patches to an extent and I didn't deem the game worthy of my bandwidth to patch up and follow the beta through to the end but it definetely wasn't worthy of released 6 weeks before it was released. How well did they do in the last 6 weeks, bring it upto par?


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Bah, bunch of fucking lightsaber waving, wookie loving, "I want me a princess leia blowupdoll!" screaming, 12 year old nerds!

Nothing personal.

Really. :p

i think most of them fucked off after the first 'free' month. i read somewhere that about 50% didnt renew after the first month (though it sounds a bit low ;X)


They all came back to DAoC cos they can pwn more and there's more people here their age group :)


Originally posted by Omniscieous
They all came back to DAoC cos they can pwn more and there's more people here their age group :)

tbh i think they went back to owning their dvd of THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK SPECIAL EDITION.
for the 27th time.

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