

Neural Network

I don't play DAoC at the time being because I find it a bit boring. SWG sounds much worse. I don't want to waste time or money on games with out content, so I thank you for your honest reviews


Originally posted by Silver180
Credits. The only way to get credits is to do missions, or sell loot like hid bones to crafters if you can find one. Now missions take on two forms. Delivery and destroy. destroy missions have you traveling for maybe 15-20 minutes to destroy one thing across plain land past the same mobs. For minimal reward.Delivery missions have you going a fair distance to, the ones that have you going off planet dot give you as many credits as it costs you to get the ticket to go to the planet for delivery.

Wrong, i myself have had no problems at all finding credits. Instead of killing creatures, kill npcs. That will give some nice loot, especially if you have taken a destroy mission. I dont think i have ever traveled in 15-20 minutes to complete a mission, more like 5 minutes. And on the way to the mission i can always kill creatures and their nests and harvest bone, hide or meat from them.

Originally posted by Silver180
Content. There is very little to actually do in this game, no long quests or anything, you can go look at a cave if you like but once youve seen it you are not going back. No epic missions or anything.

Wrong, there are lots of things you can do. There are static quests like in daoc, you can usually find them at themeparks or be on the lookout for special npcs. SWG is what you make of it. It's not <Insert Random MMORPG Here> in space. If you think it is you will be disappointed.

I've been in beta now for some time and i love it. And i believe the worst bugs will be gone when its released. The devs are quick on the fixes, just yesterday i had to patch my client twice.

I have only one thing to say about this game and that is :great:

And dont forget to check out Aolns link, Aladoras finest :)


I must say that it looks good. I think the real trouble may be the community, however. I get the unerring feeling it will be full of 1337 kiddies and general wierdos.

Not that I wish to nay say, I hope those of you that play it have a great time :).

Neural Network

The official SWG forums is the scariest place in the galaxy.
VN must be second
[EDIT:] And the phrase "... is what you want it to be/make of it" is starting to be an indicator on a games lack of serious content


Originally posted by Glorebard
Wrong, i myself have had no problems at all finding credits. Instead of killing creatures, kill npcs. That will give some nice loot, especially if you have taken a destroy mission. I dont think i have ever traveled in 15-20 minutes to complete a mission, more like 5 minutes. And on the way to the mission i can always kill creatures and their nests and harvest bone, hide or meat from them.

Perhaps you havent taken any missions recently when they severely reduced the amount of money you got from missions. And lol if you have never had to do a destroy misison that was a million miles away. The game involves a LOT of jsut running and some places can only be got to by running for 20 mins. Not how i would like to spend my days.

Also you claim there is a lots of content but only mention the staics quests liek at jabba palace which are ther same as normal destroy deliver missions with a slightly different twist. These are jsut my opinions no need to get all defensive, i jsut get tyhe feeling that this game will disappoint a lot of people as it stands at the moment and they will play it because it is star wars not because they enjoy it. A lot of the things it has been claimed you can do in the hype for this game you cannot actually do or do to the extent they claijmed.

I truly hope you find this game exilerating i on the other hand was sorely dissapointed :(


methinks it's like EvE - give it a year to develop ;)


SWH is teh bestest mmorpg evah!11!! ur all teh suxx04 4 playing daoc LOL!!1!!



Have to say I agree with everyone that said they were disappointed by SW:G.
I also have been in since beta 3 and I also found it horribly bug ridden, dreadfully lacking in content and, at the end of the day, was ultimately disappointed by it.
However, the game has quite incredible potential for development, it has decent developers like Holocron and Q who do listen to what is being said by the beta testers and it has the backing of a major games corporation like Sony.

The pros:
Character creation is spectacular and incredible in its diversity, hard to find two people looking alike in this world.
The skill tree options, nice to work out which of the many varied paths you want to take from your starting profession (of which I believe there are still gonna be 6).
Lovely graphics.

The cons:
Missions are bugged to hell and back.
Missions are boring and repetative (and believe me if you think Camelot's quests are bad, wait til you do your 10th deliver/destroy mission)
Credits are ridiculously hard to obtain as an entertainer unless you take a secondary profession like marksman or scout or brawler - ie taking away the time you should be spent leveling your entertainer cos you need to go out and do deliver/destroy missions and you need to be able to hit things with your rifle to do that.
The lovely graphics are the same standard layout in each city/planet just with a different skin on them and after a while miles and miles of the same featureless sand/grass/mixture of the two, gets a bit boring.
There is no content other than the missions unless you are lucky enough to group up with a good bunch of people, and unless they are friends from a previous guild (ie a Camelot one) people hardly ever want to group up in my experience.
Take away the specific Star Wars reference points like the Empire Imperials, rebels, Jabba's Palace on Tatooine, and this could actually be any space MMORPG. The ultimate aim according to Holocron of SW:G is to 'live the Star Wars experience', well at the moment that ain't cutting it as far as I'm concerned cos there's just not enough custom content.

I could go on, but I don't want people to think I didn't like this game. I did like beta testing it, but I've cancelled the pre-order I've had for this game since March and I won't be buying it for at least 3 or 4 months when they've had a chance to put more content in and fix the missions. It really disappointed me in that it didn't live up to the pre-beta hype in lots of ways.

As has been said before, if you want to give it a go, give it a go, just don't go in with any preconceived ideas of how amazing it will be and you'll probably enjoy it.

PS: Oh yeah, for those comparing DAoC to Star Wars, don't. They are two completely different games with totally different playing ethos from what I've seen playing Cam since the end of closed beta and SW:G since beta 3.


Originally posted by Neural Network
The official SWG forums is the scariest place in the galaxy.
VN must be second
[EDIT:] And the phrase "... is what you want it to be/make of it" is starting to be an indicator on a games lack of serious content


and i really dislike the look/feel of the world geometry(sp?), "handmade" areas/zones/levels look so much better.



Silly I wasnt elected to beta test this, the game seems to suffer from the Anarchy Online sickness, bet its gonna be lovelly, im gonna buy it but not at the start :) probablly after the summer should be good enough by them.

MMORPGS are like fine wine only gets better with time.


I think it's gonna suck in the start but within 3-6 months it will evolve to a good/ok MMORPG. I mean if you look DAoC for example. It had so many things wrong at launch and so many things were not there (10th level crafted stuff, high lvl drops, dungeons, epics, etc). DAoC has gone a long way since it's release and I bet same thing will happen with SWG. Just wait untill they get some patches out and follow what kind of probs there are and how quickly they solve them etc and then make the decission if you want the game or not.


Originally posted by Sarnat
I think it's gonna suck in the start but within 3-6 months it will evolve to a good/ok MMORPG. I mean if you look DAoC for example. It had so many things wrong at launch and so many things were not there (10th level crafted stuff, high lvl drops, dungeons, epics, etc). DAoC has gone a long way since it's release and I bet same thing will happen with SWG. Just wait untill they get some patches out and follow what kind of probs there are and how quickly they solve them etc and then make the decission if you want the game or not.

I totally agree.. Some ppl are quick to say it suck or not. Not even try it out for a while. The worst part is when u compare daoc and swg. As u said daoc has come a long way which swg havent since its new. Stop being such a judge, imo try it out as u said for a while and perhaps it becomes different.


Originally posted by Derric
SWH is teh bestest mmorpg evah!11!! ur all teh suxx04 4 playing daoc LOL!!1!!


slap's Derric with a large Shroom.. "" Maybe that will teach you not to mess around with other peopel's shroom's ""

Roo Stercogburn

I'll be in SWG from day 1 or however close to launch I can get my hands on a US copy of it.

I am in the beta and though haven't had the amount of time I would have liked to spend on it, I can still say I have no qualms about it.

The game is not finished though, there is no doubt of that. The profession I want, Squad Leader, has some serious issues with it but then, I played a Spirit Master from the start of DAoC and that class had serious issues too :D

I think its a bit unfair to judge a game on a beta since the only thing you can guarantee in a beta test is that it is not properly working. I don't think there's any point in getting all het up and excited/disappointed about what you see in a beta product.

Judge it on the finished product and then decide. Even on day 1 of release you will be downloading a patch before playing, thats the nature of these games: they evolve, and just because the game has gone gold, doesn't mean it stops there.


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
I think its a bit unfair to judge a game on a beta since the only thing you can guarantee in a beta test is that it is not properly working.

there is less than a week to launch.

what you are playing now is the game you will play at launch.

Roo Stercogburn

Originally posted by katt!
what you are playing now is the game you will play at launch.

You're almost right. The chances of there not being a patch to download on launch day are probably close to zero ;)

The overall gameplay and game world is there, but individual issues will still be getting sorted on an on-going basis.


Originally posted by katt!
there is less than a week to launch.

what you are playing now is the game you will play at launch.

this is SoE....

you could have said the same about PlanetSide a week before launch

but that turned out to be incredibly wrong


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
You're almost right. The chances of there not being a patch to download on launch day are probably close to zero ;)

i was hoping you would get the point :x

they are probably gonna smash alot of bugs the last days - but 99% of what you see now will be the game at release.

if you are hoping for improvements wait a few weeks/months, thats what i plan to do. if they add alot of content and improve the boredom of combat i might join in.


Originally posted by SilverHood
this is SoE....

you could have said the same about PlanetSide a week before launch

but that turned out to be incredibly wrong

last minute exp nerfs are nothing new :p


gonna take a few weeks to see all the content in the game currently I think...

not been able to find much on combat though

is pistol for close range, carbine for medium, and rifle for long range?

or will using a pistol at long range suck, and a rifle at close range suck?

whats the difference between them? and wtf is a carbine anyway? some form of blaster?


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
slap's Derric with a large Shroom.. "" Maybe that will teach you not to mess around with other peopel's shroom's ""

I only took a few :|


Lots of people do complain about content. I think that's actually probably true compared to major mmorpg's at the moment- there's not a whole lot in. On the other hand, it's not like it's devoid of content either- I have 15 waypoints in my datapad for fantastic spots for Yavin alone.

UO never really had a lot of content when I played either. But maybe I was just too busy playing to notice. *shrugs* Same thing for SWG- the game's kept me way too busy to really get in to exploring much.

I like to smell the flowers though.

I think the UO crowd will really enjoy SWQ tbh. Those that need to be hand-held on their way to "content" will at least at the start have a hard time getting to grips with the game. /sarcasm

Combat hasn't been that good, though I'm enjoying it more now that I picked up rifle and carbine- there actually is variety if you use diverse skills. Heh. I'm not entirely happy with that personally, however I haven't gotten to the top of gunfighter so I can't really comment.


Playing a ranger/pisotoleer atm.

I must admit i am not a convert as yet and wont be buying the game for a few months.

Some things really are a bit whack, 100% player economy is something that needs adjusting to but i think it will work in the long run.

The crafting system is great, you not only learn new items to make, but unlike daoc where you only diff in quality, in swg you experiment on your blueprints and can tweak ur items thru trial and error.

your damage ranges on guns can change, your weapon speeds, woulnd chances, its highly rewarding and the best crafters will be the ones that have experimented the most and have teamed up with an architect to build a factory and some resource harvestors, set in some blueprints and churned out some top quality items mass scale.

rpg depth wise its got a whole lot more than daoc.

i have not had a chance to sample pvp yet so cant say if its gonna be as good as daoc.

botom line is for me, the jury is still out and i will wait a few months before deciding one way or the other.

sad thing is most professions require you to kill things to progress, which is one thing that hasnt changed much compared to daoc.

on paper professions liek bioengineer and such still require hunting and killing to progress so its still an xp fest of sorts.


Originally posted by Solid
sad thing is most professions require you to kill things to progress, which is one thing that hasnt changed much compared to daoc.

Aye this is very true Solid, even my profession of entertainer meant if I wanted credits I had to go train a secondary class like marksman or scout etc to get out and earn money cos people just don't seem to have got it into their heads that you need to 'pay' the entertainment ;)

Also the experience tree for entertainers was bloody hard work for not much reward unless you are a mad role play fan (which I am).

As I said in another post, the potential for this game is amazing if you have a good guild/group of friends that you can join up with and train in the various professions enough to be able to create a Player Association and build your own towns etc.

I'll wait a few months down the line for it to stable out a bit before buying it but I don't see it taking me away from DAoC unless Wolverines moves 'en masse'


For most of beta 3 delivery missions were the quickest way to get quick credits, and they require no combat skills at all.

Selling stuph (resources) was also a good money maker, however usually it is handy to have some combat skills when checking harvesters.


Originally posted by Wend
For most of beta 3 delivery missions were the quickest way to get quick credits, and they require no combat skills at all.

These would be the delivery missions that sent you on the vast majority of occasions out into the desert/grassland etc where there were whole hosts of nasties waiting to try to kill you - ie therefore requiring some level of combat skill to be able to avoid them and or fight them? ;)

And yes, delivery missions were my first choice of mission type being an entertainer however after getting the 10th one which wanted me to travel a min of 11,000 distance away and being an entertainer and therefore having hardly any credits and not being able to take a shuttle to the nearest city, I got a bit fed up of it. The delivery missions which required you to deliver something from one bit of the city to another for say 200 credits disappeared after the big patch when they screwed up on the patcher ;)

EDIT: As I said, SWG will appeal to a lot of people, it will appeal to me in about three months time when it's had time to settle down, get the bugs fixed, the content fleshed out and the other little things that are still not quite right.
What I'm doing is simply saying how I saw it, I don't expect people to take my word as the gospel and not buy the game, merely to put forward another view on how beta 3 panned out.


So, you save up a little cash for a shuttle ride? :) I've done this many times being primarily a medic/entertainer thus being pretty much broke all the time. Get a good one for 1700 cr, or travel to a city that has those (take a delivery mission there :) ).

Daoba Guerfel - Vreni Island used to be 1900 cr. for example.

They changed everything around now though. I'm not sure how it's going to work out for those with no combat skills. However, during most of beta 3 it was entirely possible to play without any combat skills.


Aye you're quite right Wend, I'm not knocking you at all ;)

Was just having another thrash around in it at the mo with me newly created scout and that's another profession that you need to have some combat related skills in as you have to kill the animals to be able to loot them for hide, bone, etc.

There are plenty more potential opportunities for skilling up a non-combat character than in DAoC but as I've said before, you can't really compare the two games.

SWG is still very much open ended and while Holo's desire is that people will play it because they want to 'live' in the Star Wars environment, I do fear that won't be enough for the majority of casual gamers.

I will quite likely play SWG but it will be a few months down the line when it's settled into itself a bit more.

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