

Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Raven said:
the work shy and the lazy should be stuck in a mine or forced to work the land, if they don't do that they should be deported (don't care where, middle of the north sea will do) if thats a bit harsh they should be left to starve, if they steal they should have their hands cut off.

(not a BNP voter just someone fed up with the ultra left wing shit we have to put up with these days)

anyway back on topic, wasn't there so meh etc

reminder : we fought a world war to avoid the ultra right wing shit m8zor, and those old enough to remember life under the tories..................well


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
Zede said:
you do sound like a bnp advert though

tbh, the bnp do have a good reason to be like that

it comes to something when there are more foreigners combined in the uk, than people born with british roots... we are no longer England... rather 'the rest of the world' :p

i have no problem with foreigners, just to make that clear, just think that when 2/3rds of the people in your street are foriegn they need to stop people coming into the country and committing various crimes, filling up our(all ready full) prisons


a bit off topic, but!

They're trying to build a prison,
They're trying to build a prison,
They're trying to build a prison, for you and me to live in
Another prison system,
Another prison system,
Another prison system. for you and me

Nearly 2 million Americans are incarcerated
In the prison system, prison system of the U.S

The percentage of Americans in the prison system
prison system, has doubled since 1985

System of a down(Toxicity) - Prison song

PS. though England aren't building more prisons:p



Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
Aiteal said:
Give me a single example of this happening in the UK police force (excluding NI after the good fri agr) as the UK has laws against positive descrimination/affirmative action.

if you keep up with the news recently, you would have known there are now no longer aloud to advertise for young or old people to employ... this however is not related... but similar, like some schools, company's and yes even the police force have to employ a set amount of foreign people into the force... and this is ACTUALLY happening, this in its self a racist law... as they are acknowledging a difference in skin colour/race... they employ people based on colour/race NOT for the ability, but cause their foreign... smell the irony? i can


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Raven said:
they don't say you cant join because we need more black/asian/pink officers but they do have targets to fill for minorities, which is wrong (imo)

Voluntary targets for recruitment and turning down an applicant for admision into the police force because he is white are two different things

Kagatos statement is wrong.
Seriously though, I'm amazed that anyone thinks this government is left wing.

psyco said:
tbh, the bnp do have a good reason to be like that

it comes to something when there are more foreigners combined in the uk, than people born with british roots... we are no longer England... rather 'the rest of the world' :p

Pure rightwing scaremongering to say that there are more foreigners in the UK that natural born UK citizens.
Even with your interchangeable uk/english/british terms it's just untrue

psyco said:
and yes even the police force have to employ a set amount of foreign people into the force... and this is ACTUALLY happening, this in its self a racist law...

They don't have to, its voluntary scheme that the police force have signed up to to redress institutional racism that the police themselves have admitted to in light of the steven lawrence case.
it's not a LAW, if it was a LAW show me the piece of legislation passed by parliment to make it a law.
You can't, because it isn't one


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Zede said:
reminder : we fought a world war to avoid the ultra right wing shit m8zor, and those old enough to remember life under the tories..................well
if you told my granddads that they would be fighting a war so that people would be free to watch trisha all day or hang around intimidating people then they wouldn't have bothered. and no, we didn't fight the war because of the left or right, we fought it to stay free, even if the Germans were flower eating hippies we would have repelled them.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Raven said:
even if the Germans were flower eating hippies we would have repelled them.

Hibs are flower eating hippies and im reppellent!!!!


Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Kinag said:
Since when did it become racism when you hint that there is alot of other skin-colors in a society/country?

He never claimed that non-white people doesn't work and rely on the government to live.

From what I have reading from you in this thread I don't count on your opinion on this matter. Sorry.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Sorry Kagato, good that you cleared it up, but "Your correct, im english, white and work hard for a living to support myself, I have no place at all in modern england." leaves a lot of space for interpretations. If you don't see it, then I can't help you.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Raven said:
if you told my granddads that they would be fighting a war so that people would be free to watch trisha all day or hang around intimidating people then they wouldn't have bothered. and no, we didn't fight the war because of the left or right, we fought it to stay free, even if the Germans were flower eating hippies we would have repelled them.

dont read the Daily Mail do you ?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
no i fucking don't, i am a times man.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Manisch Depressiv said:
From what I have reading from you in this thread I don't count on your opinion on this matter. Sorry.


Have I said anything to make anyone not trust me?

I've stated the truth, nothing else.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Kinag said:
A friend of mine who's been working aside from his studies for 4 years now had his wife leave him for some other jerk, she took most of his money and his car etc.

I didn't know she was married :(

Love the car tho ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Aiteal said:
Give me a single example of this happening in the UK police force (excluding NI after the good fri agr) as the UK has laws against positive descrimination/affirmative action.

I have read about it twice so far in the papers in UK police forces as the white applicant asked why he was turned down and told that they could not even consider his application as they needed to fill their ethnic quota, he did not even have his application read it was immediatly filtered out due to being white and he tried to take them court over it due to discrimination.

The scary part is, it was perfectly legal due to some stupid loophole that allows companies to turn down white applicants in order to increase minority employees.

Aiteal said:
Kagatos statement is wrong.
Seriously though, I'm amazed that anyone thinks this government is left wing.

No im not, read the papers it was only a few weeks ago.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Kagato said:
I have read about it twice so far in the papers in UK police forces as the white applicant asked why he was turned down and told that they could not even consider his application as they needed to fill their ethnic quota, he did not even have his application read it was immediatly filtered out due to being white and he tried to take them court over it due to discrimination.

The scary part is, it was perfectly legal due to some stupid loophole that allows companies to turn down white applicants in order to increase minority employees.

No im not, read the papers it was only a few weeks ago.

I'm betting you won't be able to find a link for this on the web


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Aiteal said:
I'm betting you won't be able to find a link for this on the web

Influenza saved me the trouble :p

Though I read it in a different paper and at the time that was printed the claim had been turned down, this looks like a more recent update on the same story.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Kagato said:
The scary part is, it was perfectly legal due to some stupid loophole that allows companies to turn down white applicants in order to increase minority employees.

Kagato said:
Influenza saved me the trouble :p

Though I read it in a different paper and at the time that was printed the claim had been turned down, this looks like a more recent update on the same story.

Show me the perfectly legal way of discriminating against potential police recruits because they are white
Not a police force being caught descriminating and getting successfully sued in court in the same way that thousands of people have sucessfully sued employers for discrimination based on age/sex/religion/race

Thats old news, we all know discrimination exists, and we all know there are laws against it

I'd like to hear about this loophole that allows employers to legally discriminate against white candidates you seem want us all to believe exists.

I'll bet you can't produce it.
Dec 31, 2003
Kagato said:
Is it equality when the police start refusing white applications because they havent met their 'ethnic quota' yet? no its favourtism. People should be judged on their own merits, race should never even enter the equation, that is equality.

Is it hard for you to understand that that might have nothing to do with beeing fair?

In a society like England, or Sweden for that matter where loads of immigrants have pured into our contries the last decayeds due to war, and political / economical instability, wich many of our western countries have a large blame to, the society have to adapt. You can't have a system of law who doesn't represent the people, you can't have a politcal scene that doesn't represent the ppl, and the "new" ppl, i.e the immigrants. So here quotation is a accurate tool, it is not fair, but the alternative is worse, if ppl loose faith in the law and the political scene.

And, don't try to counter this argument with some nationalistic speech about the immigrants right or possibility to go back to their origin country, wich have been drained from decades of war or political instability. We all know that we in the WEST got rich on their behalf, we have exploited their countries and resources for more then 300 years ( more and less ). We have a moral responsibility still, and to be frank we have not much of a right to moan about it.

The situation is not good as it is, but its the one we got at hand, so you might have to live with the unfair quotation for abit longer, until the 2nd and 3rd generations of immigrants have equal education and speak the native languages and can compete about the jobs on equal grounds, then it will be fair.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Aiteal said:
Show me the perfectly legal way of discriminating against potential police recruits because they are white
Not a police force being caught descriminating and getting successfully sued in court in the same way that thousands of people have sucessfully sued employers for discrimination based on age/sex/religion/race

Thats old news, we all know discrimination exists, and we all know there are laws against it

I'd like to hear about this loophole that allows employers to legally discriminate against white candidates you seem want us all to believe exists.

I'll bet you can't produce it.

Why should I waste hours of my life searching through newspaper archives on-line (assuming the paper actually has them) for a story I have already read in a normal paper newspaper just because your arrogant enough to believe I actually CARE wether you believe me or not?

Sorry to burst your bubble but I honestly don't give a toss wether you believe me or not, I have better things to do with my time then lie about what I have or havent read in a newspaper believe it or not.

If you want to search for yourself head over to the Sun website and check for yourself.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Kagato said:
Why should I waste hours of my life searching through newspaper archives on-line (assuming the paper actually has them) for a story I have already read in a normal paper newspaper just because your arrogant enough to believe I actually CARE wether you believe me or not?

Sorry to burst your bubble but I honestly don't give a toss wether you believe me or not, I have better things to do with my time then lie about what I have or havent read in a newspaper believe it or not.

If you want to search for yourself head over to the Sun website and check for yourself.

In other words, there are no legal ways to to discriminate against white employees, they are protected by the same laws that people who are discriminated against because they are non-white, female, muslim, catholic, disabled etc are protected by.
If a white person is discriminated against they can expect the same protection from the law that anyone else can.
The difference is that white people having to sue for race discrimination is so rare compared to people who are female, coloured, disabled, gay etc having to sue for discrimination is a blip.

And your posts are just typical far-right lies and scaremongering that the government is out to get hardworking white hetrosexual men to pay for disabled black immmigrant lesbians.

And the day that I goto the sun newspaper to research anything other than nipple versus breast size is the same day I stop using my brain and rely on Murdoch to tell me who's bad and why I should hate them.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Aiteal said:
In other words, there are no legal ways to to discriminate against white employees, they are protected by the same laws that people who are discriminated against because they are non-white, female, muslim, catholic, disabled etc are protected by.
If a white person is discriminated against they can expect the same protection from the law that anyone else can.
The difference is that white people having to sue for race discrimination is so rare compared to people who are female, coloured, disabled, gay etc having to sue for discrimination is a blip.

And your posts are just typical far-right lies and scaremongering that the government is out to get hardworking white hetrosexual men to pay for disabled black immmigrant lesbians.

And the day that I goto the sun newspaper to research anything other than nipple versus breast size is the same day I stop using my brain and rely on Murdoch to tell me who's bad and why I should hate them.

the bridge enforcer is wtfpwnd in just a few paragraphs


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Aiteal said:
In other words, there are no legal ways to to discriminate against white employees, they are protected by the same laws that people who are discriminated against because they are non-white, female, muslim, catholic, disabled etc are protected by.
If a white person is discriminated against they can expect the same protection from the law that anyone else can.
The difference is that white people having to sue for race discrimination is so rare compared to people who are female, coloured, disabled, gay etc having to sue for discrimination is a blip.

And your posts are just typical far-right lies and scaremongering that the government is out to get hardworking white hetrosexual men to pay for disabled black immmigrant lesbians.

And the day that I goto the sun newspaper to research anything other than nipple versus breast size is the same day I stop using my brain and rely on Murdoch to tell me who's bad and why I should hate them.

lol you can no more disprove then I can prove your calling down from your high horse because people don't remember every single story, snippet, picture and hyperlink from every single 50 page newspaper they read every single day at work 3 months ago lol.

You have seen the story yourself, theres no so called 'far right' lies or scaremongering. The discrimination is there against white just as it is against everything else, except its seen as being politically correct when its against us.

This is not about this or any other story, you just seem to have a chip on your shoulder against anything to do with minorities it seems.

as for 'the sun' it was a random example of a popular newspaper. I read whatevers on the table at work from jehova's witness leaflets to golf magazines, the times, the sport or even an argos catalogue if really desperate.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Kagato said:
lol you can no more disprove then I can prove your calling down from your high horse because people don't remember every single story, snippet, picture and hyperlink from every single 50 page newspaper they read every single day at work 3 months ago lol.

I think the fact that the white applicants successully sued and won shows there is no loophole in the law that can be exploited as you claim.
You are flat out lying in order to scaremonger.
Thats my way of disproving it.

You made the claim that the laws of the land are being deliberately ignored by courts and havent offered a shred of proof to back it up.
This isn't communist era russia, its not up to me to disprove what you claim no more than its up to you to disprove someone elses claim that martians have landed cause they saw it in a newspaper once, but cant remeber where.

You wanna lay something out as a fact that goes against every single piece of legislation and law that is in place, back it up.

Kagato said:
The discrimination is there against white just as it is against everything else, except its seen as being politically correct when its against us.

And only a moron would claim that white people have suffered discrimination from employers or the government anywhere near the same extent that minorities have.

Kagato said:
This is not about this or any other story, you just seem to have a chip on your shoulder against anything to do with minorities it seems.

Not at all, but if I see people posting bullshit that white people are systematically discriminated against anywhere near the same extent that minorities have suffered or that the government is out to get white males in employment in order to subsidise illegal imigrants and coloured UK citizens then I'll call them on it.

You don't like it?
Then don't post such nonsense on a public forum where people can offer a counter opinion.

Kagato said:
as for 'the sun' it was a random example of a popular newspaper

Its a vile fucking rag with a right wing agenda that I wouldn't wipe my arse with if I ran out of loo roll let alone quote it as a source in a debate.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Aiteal said:
I think the fact that the white applicants successully sued and won shows there is no loophole in the law that can be exploited as you claim.
You are flat out lying in order to scaremonger.
Thats my way of disproving it.

You made the claim that the laws of the land are being deliberately ignored by courts and havent offered a shred of proof to back it up.
This isn't communist era russia, its not up to me to disprove what you claim no more than its up to you to disprove someone elses claim that martians have landed cause they saw it in a newspaper once, but cant remeber where.

You wanna lay something out as a fact that goes against every single piece of legislation and law that is in place, back it up.

And only a moron would claim that white people have suffered discrimination from employers or the government anywhere near the same extent that minorities have.

Not at all, but if I see people posting bullshit that white people are systematically discriminated against anywhere near the same extent that minorities have suffered or that the government is out to get white males in employment in order to subsidise illegal imigrants and coloured UK citizens then I'll call them on it.

You don't like it?
Then don't post such nonsense on a public forum where people can offer a counter opinion.

Its a vile fucking rag with a right wing agenda that I wouldn't wipe my arse with if I ran out of loo roll let alone quote it as a source in a debate.

Well gee now, nice example of selective quoating as usual.

And kindly point out where I said we suffered the same degree of descrimination as the minorities did? We don't, but we ARE now getting descriminated against as PROVEN in that news article.

There are no lies here, just news articles, it was 3 months ago but im sure I read that one of the white men tried to sue but was turned down due to a loop hole about filling minorities. If this wasn't the case then its due to hazey memory about a 3 month old story, nothing sinister, no scaremongering and no lieing, but the story is there and proves that its not just 'minorities' getting discriminated, white people are too because employers are so scared of this politically correct madness they end up going to extremes and turning it into favourtism, like the police force.

The differance is if we challenge it, we get called racists, if they challenge it, they are fighting for 'equality' (i.e favourtism).


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Kagato said:
And kindly point out where I said we suffered the same degree of descrimination as the minorities did? We don't, but we ARE now getting descriminated against as PROVEN in that news article.

if you work for a living or are english, the government target you, if your a minority or simply want to sponge, the government loves you.

Nahh you just claim you are much worse off than the minorities
The government love them
But they are out to get you.

There's nothing more pathetic than a white hetrosexual male complaining that that he has a harder time than someone from a minority group. :wanker:

Kagato said:
There are no lies here, just news articles, it was 3 months ago but im sure I read that one of the white men tried to sue but was turned down due to a loop hole about filling minorities.

Still persisting with the loophole thing?
You are presenting "facts" without even attempting to substantiate them and expecting people to believe that if they are white they will be discriminated against and there isnt a damn thing they can do about it.
Which is total bollocks.
If a white male is discriminated against he has the same rights and protections as everyone else.
That's scaremongering in my book.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2006
Someone from South Africa might be able to tell you about the interesting laws there:

I'm sure I heard that 70% of all positions must be filled by non-white employees reglardless of experience or ability.

When I worked for a large insurance company in the UK we had ethnic quotas aswell yet we couldn't find anyone to take the jobs :) was 99% white workforce in the centre of Birmingham, yet go out for lunch and 50-60% of the people you met ouside were non-whites how weird is that.

(currently kicking back watching the ashes live at work, in Adelaide)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I do find it odd that there is a black policeman's association isn't this racist in itself? wonder what would happen if a white person tried to join. Not that i really give a shit. people need to stop jumping up and down about "the race card" if they want to help put a stop to racism. Ali G put it quite well "is it cuz i is black???"


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
odd that a thread about keep take or something can turn into a debate about racism :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
seem to recal there was some dude in daoc with the name "turboniggah"

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