Subs, lay offs and spin


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Mr_Grumpy I have a LOTRO subs too and have no idea where you're coming from, Warhammer is PACKED on my server where as both LOTRO servers I go onto have only a few hundred players each, if even that.

Bring on DAoC2 ? :>

I'd like too see Camelot rendered in glorius medium of modern graphics...mmm

Completely agree, 3 realms would be nice again too.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Mr_Grumpy I have a LOTRO subs too and have no idea where you're coming from, Warhammer is PACKED on my server where as both LOTRO servers I go onto have only a few hundred players each, if even that.

i was just about gonna say the same. LOTRO on my server is pretty much dead unless you can go to the pvp zone/roll a monster player.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 7, 2008
Dunno what servers you guys are on of course but just proves a point that everything is subjective :)

I play on Karak Azgal and in LoTRO im on Lauerlin. Azgal is busy(ier) than where i moved from (izor) and not as busy as K8pks *was*. Granted i was having great fun last night in warband rvring etc but i still dont feel im tripping over folk as such. Maybe (atm) theres too much spreading of folk around the zones and tiers.

It does feel better than early launch tho i will admit and i hope it gets better :0)

LoTRO wise on Laurelin its mobbed in places in the new Moria expack.

IMHO if i could cross LoTROs attention to detail with Warhammers gamestyle , id be very happy. They way Mark talks at times reminds me of a certain chap in charge of Hellgate:London..and we know what happened there lol.

I wish i knew what was coming, i miss beta in a strange way after being in it for so long (mythic side) and the correspondance between testers and devs then was great.

"For now we see through a glass, darkly."

"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish hell with that! WAAAGGH!!!!!!!!

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