Strong realm spirit



except the people in this thread that "proves" who it is, forgets to consider that the purp can have "/webdisplay nopoints" set, so it could be someone not in that list



Originally posted by Blood
except the people in this thread that "proves" who it is, forgets to consider that the purp can have "/webdisplay nopoints" set, so it could be someone not in that list

Didn't know that, but guessed something like that could be here, so I and the other who did a "search" also wrote beneath the list of "suspects" that they were only the ones we saw as possible suspects.

And if I had come down to only having 1 on my list, I would have PM'ed Blejs and not posted here, no reason for name and shame, now is there? :D

Public shame is not deserved to anyone tbh.

If someone fell their reputation have been damaged by me writing there name on the list of suspects, they can write here or PM me, I'll give my reasons and apology for it then.


The consignment merchant bug at work. It is hard feeling sorry for the one that inputted the wrong price, better move on and learn form the example.

The morally right behaviour in this situation isnt as one-sided as posters make it in this thread. Lets turn the tables and exploit the bug a bit more like this:

-If the price had been significantly above the current market value, would the seller been morally obliged to return the gold in excess of the fair market price?

If you are not consistent here...

And there are much better training excercises in the 101 Paint course that one...but the kiddie factor is very high in this game so it is hard to act surprised whenever the next sillyness spawns here...

Loh Katta


Can I have the hauberk ? :D At least you know where it is then, besides if I had seen it, I would have bought it. Can't see what is wrong with buying something for the price needed. But I wouldn't have posted here I bought it for 20 gold.


Guys, can some of you come play Hib/Pryd and add some juicy mysteries to our realm?

I loved the story, keep em coming!

On a serious note: Do you actually sell those hauberks to Seer classes??? It has quite useless stats overall and a heal-proc on a Seer-class is not exactlya fight-changer as a heal-proc on an assassin for instance.

I would never buy it for 20 plat for my druid :/


Originally posted by Puppetmistress
On a serious note: Do you actually sell those hauberks to Seer classes??? It has quite useless stats overall and a heal-proc on a Seer-class is not exactlya fight-changer as a heal-proc on an assassin for instance.

Don't see why an assassin would by that hauberk though, since it's "Usable by: Healer", unless he/she has a healer alt to give it to. That said, I see your point though... ;)


Dunno, but I only had to look for a minute at the screenie in combination with the potential "suspects" to figure out who it was. It's indeed a female zerker, also known as a fanatic guild-hopper & general asshole.


Originally posted by Puppetmistress
Guys, can some of you come play Hib/Pryd and add some juicy mysteries to our realm?

I loved the story, keep em coming!

On a serious note: Do you actually sell those hauberks to Seer classes??? It has quite useless stats overall and a heal-proc on a Seer-class is not exactlya fight-changer as a heal-proc on an assassin for instance.

I would never buy it for 20 plat for my druid :/

Both Zapsi and I have that hauberk......beeing hit by an assist train (with dual wielders) we have experienced the hauberk to proc 6 times during one fight. Healing its owner for ~300hp/proc (with 1 pow relic).

Think Zap has ~2100hp fully buffed and with 6x300hp heal procs gives him 2100+1800hp.....It sure can be a "fight-changer".

Personally I bought the hauberk for 12P and a well worth investment, if u ask me.


Re: Well...

Well, since Blejs allready know who they buyer is, why not just leave it?

Mission complete etc :)


What can i say enjoy "my" hauberk, at least someone made a good deal, hehe

I guess i survive without those cash, and i bet i can pay the rent of my "house" for another 1000 weeks without them even tho i cant since my account closes today :)

So it doesnt really matter and i read this thread because blejs just told me about it, i have no clue of what has happend the last 2-3 weeks in game :)

Anyway, enjoy the hauberk or have some fun for the money you earn from selling it, whoever it was...tho if you get your conscience back you could always give it back to blejs or andropina, but no hard feelings if you dont.


PS. That hammer someone talked about was prolly mine aswell, but again i dont care :) DS.

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