Strong realm spirit



I like ridlles.
We have a Norse female here, as the strength caps at 200 for my Norse warrior also.

It is between rr 3.1 and 4.9.

Indeed no last name. (or a very short one).
Wears a circlet.

The Albion medaillon might suggest the person goes to Hadrians regulary, as i myself go Emain regulary and carry a Hib Medaillon in case i have to scramble to catch the port.

Looks more like a farmbot to me considering the 2.5 bulb versus the low rr and the fact that it actually has a throwing axe equiped.
+ it has df seals in inventory.

I think this person is nothing better then a thief (like they really gonna sell the vest for 20 g) and should be named and shamed.

If found 6 names at duskwave for norseman berserker with rp between 71750 and 475475 and no last name.
(Might actually be any class tough that could equip studded and axe, as the person that made the screenie might have been carefull)


This mistake could have happened to any person or any guild. No need to name and shame anyone. Tbh the idea of taking advantage of a realmmate´s mistake, no matter who it may be, kind of makes me sad. I hope this thing will get solved the way it should be...returning the haub for the money spent imo.

Personally I dont take anyones side in the debate when it comes to raids or some people farming wanted mobs etc. This is not about that imo...this could aswell have happened with a crafted MP armour or MP weapon or anything else.


listen up blejs.....
i dont know the guy who is on the picture.... its a friend of a friend (know a bit farout) he editted the picture, and asked if i wanted to upload to hp, i said sure.... so i DONT know the guy on the picture...
i have no intentions to tell you who the guy is that gave me the screenie, and tbh i cant bother... not my fault that you set price wrong, or whoever did



Taken yesterday 23:54. Had do be some pretty hardcore player if I went from pre rr5 to rr7 and gained a bub in the process during a two day periode.

And yes im silly for having face on qbar. :p


Tbh, with all the overprized items circulating the trade boards im glad that atleast some items go cheap. :eek:


Originally posted by fayle

(Might actually be any class tough that could equip studded and axe, as the person that made the screenie might have been carefull)

Leftaxe styles

Kharok Svark

Well, I can tell you it wasn't me that bought the Hauberk.

Apart from being RR5 and having a Surname, I also have 240 Enc due to lifter 1 so I can carry a full Ram.

Not discounting the fact I have friends in Bad-Omen, as I used to be in the guild.


Assuming that it is a guilded norseman zerker sub rr5, this is what duskwave has to say in the matter. Altough this is both genders and that pic suggests female to me.

Axa Ragnarök 50 401,606 301 Berserker Norseman None
Celikon Protector Sons of Nidhug 50 406,883 1,063 Berserker Norseman armorcraft 509
Deathdealermike Chunkybaps Jormungandr 50 95,470 388 Berserker Norseman armorcraft 1000
Delth Amazons of Midgard 50 34,783 0 Berserker Norseman None
Egill Enhärjarna 50 116,710 181 Berserker Norseman None
Ferengi Wolfbane Warriors of the Mist 50 302,126 965 Berserker Norseman None
Feril Furioso Purple Warriors 50 41,762 3,227 Berserker Norseman None
Halvtysk Streetfighter Bulle af Fetstryk 50 21,598 6,691 Berserker Norseman None
Kienna Das Liebers 50 32,859 346 Berserker Norseman None
Loreley Evilution 50 10,146 628 Berserker Norseman None
Lothia Final Destination 50 47,570 2,265 Berserker Norseman None
Mimer Deathbringer Fedaykin 50 62,537 1,204 Berserker Norseman weaponcraft 542
Olgus I Warriors of the Mist 50 88,978 872 Berserker Norseman None
Pemmis Clan Chaos 50 96,714 4,166 Berserker Norseman armorcraft 800
Rats Nocturne Klan Nidstang 50 88,504 853 Berserker Norseman armorcraft 851
Sarisin Dragonslayer Venom 50 26,117 1 Berserker Norseman None
Sewen Danish Huscarls 50 255,748 290 Berserker Norseman None
Skadad Vekling Spy vs Spy 50 62,397 18 Berserker Norseman weaponcraft 100
Sorgrind Dagreat Jordheim Peoples Front 50 79,593 1,120 Berserker Norseman None
Soulswindow Elivager Shadow's of Ragnarok 50 52,286 0 Berserker Norseman None
Tistel Svea Ulvar 50 237,984 0 Berserker Norseman None
Unorbjord Heartbreaker Norsefejd 50 15,508 690 Berserker Norseman armorcraft 733
Valheru Lore Wrath of Valhalla 50 36,401 245 Berserker Norseman None
Werewolf Bloodlust Reduco ad Honore 50 207,421 322 Berserker Norseman None
Winkie Onslaught 50 61,883 0 Berserker Norseman None
Wolfur Enhärjarna 50 55,243 3,761 Berserker Norseman None
Yuerna Hate Everhate 50 241,383 1,184 Berserker Norseman None


Narrowing it down further, charachters between rr3l1 and rr4l9.

Axa Ragnarök 50 401,606 301 Berserker Norseman None
Celikon Protector Sons of Nidhug 50 406,883 1,063 Berserker Norseman armorcraft 509
Deathdealermike Chunkybaps Jormungandr 50 95,470 388 Berserker Norseman armorcraft 1000
Egill Enhärjarna 50 116,710 181 Berserker Norseman None
Ferengi Wolfbane Warriors of the Mist 50 302,126 965 Berserker Norseman None
Olgus I Warriors of the Mist 50 88,978 872 Berserker Norseman None
Pemmis Clan Chaos 50 96,714 4,166 Berserker Norseman armorcraft 800
Rats Nocturne Klan Nidstang 50 88,504 853 Berserker Norseman armorcraft 851
Sewen Danish Huscarls 50 255,748 290 Berserker Norseman None
Sorgrind Dagreat Jordheim Peoples Front 50 79,593 1,120 Berserker Norseman None
Tistel Svea Ulvar 50 237,984 0 Berserker Norseman None
Werewolf Bloodlust Reduco ad Honore 50 207,421 322 Berserker Norseman None
Yuerna Hate Everhate 50 241,383 1,184 Berserker Norseman None


Originally posted by shanks
Narrowing it down further, charachters between rr3l1 and rr4l9.
Tistel Svea Ulvar 50 237,984 0 Berserker Norseman None

this is the only one that fits the description according to your search


Originally posted by Litmus
this is the only one that fits the description according to your search
Server Prydwen
Realm Midgard
Last On 7_Days

seems innactive :p


Guest its the person who buys it, its his/her foult that the price was set so low by misstake?

If it was me who had bought it i would make sure the owner found out, but i sure as heck wouldnt return it.

Not his foult the owner made a misstake.

And someone said its wrong to take advantage of your realm mates. I think that has been done by big guilds before, BO none the less.


Originally posted by GrivneKelmorian its the person who buys it, its his/her foult that the price was set so low by misstake?

If it was me who had bought it i would make sure the owner found out, but i sure as heck wouldnt return it.

Not his foult the owner made a misstake.

And someone said its wrong to take advantage of your realm mates. I think that has been done by big guilds before, BO none the less.
well imo buying something because it's priced wrong is extremelly low.i would just pm the guy who owns the house and let him know the error.second it wasen't the BO guildhouse but the house from a member of BO so not the guild but the person suffered a loss and third would you have reacted in the same way if this wasen't a member of BO but for example from SoN?


I think BO can charge what they like for an item. If you wanna pay it you pay, if you dont you dont. Simple.

On the matter of the hauberk mistakes happen, Im sure a guild as big as BO wont miss the money so I think the person who bought it should keep it.

"BUT" because they where such an asshole and made this childish pic in paintshop kids edition, they should be named and shamed!

my 2 cents worth :)


Originally posted by Aarweenie
hmms... have to say that this monkey\ doesn't have to be the person that bought it...

what we know from the pic is this:

1. it's a Berserker
2. it's assumeably a norseman or Valkyn cause if the Name and guildname beeing high placed, not big ennough to be a troll
3. the person is at least 2L4 cause of IP and Purge on QB
4. and cause of IP and Purge assumably level 50
5. the trade was made on dec 9th

so... searching for any members in Dogma fitting this signalemnt = no matches...

if we ignore the "inactivity time" we can suspect Fetstryk and Dorima... but both of them have been inactive for a few days...

however... people from all guilds, only these are matching ;p

Caderin, Deathdealermike, Feril, Garron, Kharok, Kienna, Mimer, Pemmis, Sarisin, Sewen, Skadad, Sorgrind, Yuerna

not saying it is anyone of these, just that it could be...

I guess if someone of these try to sell a healer TG hauberk or is suddenly wearing one on one of their healer alts it's reason to be suspicious ;p

the last words of my post will be an appoligie to everyone of the names I've mentioned, I am sorry for posting your name and pointing you out as a suspect. I don't do it because of any "dislike" to any of you, just becuase it was a result of a search I did on Duskwave with the info I could gather on the screenshot.

Well, if you remove all inactives, all with to long first name and to long last name, list gets down to:

Axa, Kienna, Pemmis and Sewen.

Adn like you, not saying it was anyone of these, but out from the gathered info, they seem like the ones you should suspect the most, unfortunatly.

[EDIT] I must add I only look on Norse chars, as the Valkyns have that small bend that makes them wide on the Avatar in inv, so seems like it has to be a norse, probarly norse-female as well....

- Pathfinder -

You r sexy Shanks, wannel c6 with ma inf? :D






Originally posted by mill
i knew it!get him boys!


The person made a great deal - Why would anyone return it. :>


standing at the "Evilution" guildhouse

*old news*

Besides, I am gonna renew my acc. sometime this weekend if you wanna bid on my tg healer haub ;p


Originally posted by Mid_Blejsarus
And you cant organise a second FFA raid as shanks/Tezla did together? And i am pretty sure that cause its more sms that farm the prices drop, or are on a duable level atleast imho.
Isnt hard to farm money in df and then pay for a item at all.
Ofc its pure gain? yeyeye just fun to see that u always whine on BO every "BO" thread it is :> So much lub :>>

Sure I could organize another FFA raid but we do enough PvE for my likeing in KN.

No, I dont always whine on BO. I just think their guildmaster is a selfcentered egomaniac and since they stick to him they have to live with my contempt.
I'm not saying all BO people are idiots or something. Infact I'm pretty sure there are nice guys with you. But I formyself wouldnt "serve" under a guildmaster with a reputation like yours amongst most of his realmmates.

As for the gal/lad who bought this hauberk. Leave him alone. Noone but he/she alone has the right to reveal his identity. Its not him that made the mistake. Actually he was checking prices. You can see that on the pic. He was probably carrying less than a platin and tried to buy the items to see the otherwise unreadable prices. Maybe you should offer to buy the hauberk back? I mean its like "he found what you acciedently lost". Usaly the finder gets 10% of the value, no? For 2p I'd hand it back in even thou I really want that thing.


Originally posted by iceforge
Well, if you remove all inactives, all with to long first name and to long last name, list gets down to:

Axa, Kienna, Pemmis and Sewen.

Adn like you, not saying it was anyone of these, but out from the gathered info, they seem like the ones you should suspect the most, unfortunatly.

[EDIT] I must add I only look on Norse chars, as the Valkyns have that small bend that makes them wide on the Avatar in inv, so seems like it has to be a norse, probarly norse-female as well....

Axa, Pemmis and Sewen on list, can remove Kienna due to having IP and Purge, did a check on it and you need RR2L9 for those two RA's (3 + 6 for FA2 + 8 IP + 4 Purge), list is getting smaller and smaller....

I am tho, taking that it ain't a Valkyn Zerker, due to that bend, might have to add more to a list of suspects if a female Valkyn can squese into the little room there


Originally posted by reebs
Besides, I am gonna renew my acc. sometime this weekend

About f**king time, n00b !!!1

btw Weejaz says "Hi m8!!!1"


This realy is a funny thread to read.

Maybe the guy who "bought"the hauberk can give it to the guy who posted the picture and he can give it back to the rightfull

Normally a sale is only legal when the buyer pays an amount of money that is in proportion to the item purchased(in some countrys it can be up too 1/7 i believe) but here it is clear that the price payed really doesnt stand up to the item and...

what the heck , sounds fair if the culpable just gives the thing back.


Anyone know what the opposite of 'Caveat Emptor' is?

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