Straight from The VN Boards


Oct 26, 2004
Gear said:
Why? ML9 pet is retarded, moc is an RA. Do you really need something retarded to be usefull? If you do, you must re-evaluate your gamestyle.

It's not because u have problem with ML9 that everything has to think the same way as u, cuz that's what u are emplying.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
MaCaBr3 said:
It's not because u have problem with ML9 that everything has to think the same way as u, cuz that's what u are emplying.

ML9 pet is retarded weather you like it or not. Read my first post in the thread for a good explanation, but then again maybe some people like it as it's the only way that can get em any rps.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
MaCaBr3 said:
It's not because u have problem with ML9 that everything has to think the same way as u, cuz that's what u are emplying.
the only people that dont have a problem with ml9 pets are cabas, chanters sorcs, sms and bonedancer. its retarded that a pet can hit hard tanks for 3-500 damage and only take 20-30 back, while the tank in question is getting nuked to fuck at the same time.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Raven said:
the only people that dont have a problem with ml9 pets are cabas, chanters sorcs, sms and bonedancer. its retarded that a pet can hit hard tanks for 3-500 damage and only take 20-30 back, while the tank in question is getting nuked to fuck at the same time.

going to get rid off all banelord interpts / tank class interupts so can actually still nuke once a tank inside 1000unit range?

And no i dont use ml9 pets in rvr, i use them in PvE but i play casters in rvr (as well as tanks) and know how easy it is to screw them up at the moment. I especially like hib casters that give me stun immunity so i can spam tendrils on them.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Jess said:
Actually the fact that both casters and tanks are wanted in groups today suggests that things are relatively balanced :)

agree v much.


Oct 26, 2004
Gear said:
ML9 pet is retarded weather you like it or not. Read my first post in the thread for a good explanation, but then again maybe some people like it as it's the only way that can get em any rps.

Ok, if u say so it must be true...I don't like fact that u start attacking people because u just don't like the ML9 pet.

It's not the fact that u don't like the ML9 that bugs me, it's the fact that u just make assumpation and stick to them.

But then again, I don't wanna flame bait.


Oct 26, 2004
Raven said:
the only people that dont have a problem with ml9 pets are cabas, chanters sorcs, sms and bonedancer. its retarded that a pet can hit hard tanks for 3-500 damage and only take 20-30 back, while the tank in question is getting nuked to fuck at the same time.

YES, true they can hit for 3-500 dmg on a tank. BUT, it can also easely be mezzed, stunned or rooted in random fights.

I admit that ML9'ing a stealther, saves ur life, but if they jump me 2 or more, then it can be a godzilla pet or whatever, wouldn't make much of a difference.

You have to be honest and think about how non-effective an ML9 pet is in fights with any random croud control spell.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 23, 2005
kinda agree with raven/gear ... ml9 pets should have a massive defensive capability, not the ability to 3 shot a caster. 4 shot a healer, 5-6 a tank. A minor increase in offensive capability but the amount it has i a little extreme. My chanter isn't ml9 so can't really give any real comparison other than being on the wrong end of an ml9 pet, particularly bd/sorc who can both have pets spammin styles on you

an easier solution is to change where the properties work.
make ml9 pet pve only, solution solved, then you don't have people that get all their rps from shoving a pet doing 3-500 damage onto the enemy while they run around like gimps :p

anyway, that's my 2 cents, i know that a lot of people won't agree but i don't/won't (and can't!!) use ml9 pets in rvr. It's the peak of lameness :p save ur ml9 pet for pve and use more skilled approaches in rvr.

ps ... flame me ^^ love to provoke a reaction


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
RandomDotCom said:
kinda agree with raven/gear ... ml9 pets should have a massive defensive capability, not the ability to 3 shot a caster. 4 shot a healer, 5-6 a tank. A minor increase in offensive capability but the amount it has i a little extreme. My chanter isn't ml9 so can't really give any real comparison other than being on the wrong end of an ml9 pet, particularly bd/sorc who can both have pets spammin styles on you

an easier solution is to change where the properties work.
make ml9 pet pve only, solution solved, then you don't have people that get all their rps from shoving a pet doing 3-500 damage onto the enemy while they run around like gimps :p

anyway, that's my 2 cents, i know that a lot of people won't agree but i don't/won't (and can't!!) use ml9 pets in rvr. It's the peak of lameness :p save ur ml9 pet for pve and use more skilled approaches in rvr.

ps ... flame me ^^ love to provoke a reaction

Thing is... if it in group rvr then the pet shouldnt last long.. i take it as part my role in FG fights as a theurg to get rid of ml9 pets (well any pet but them mainly)

Pet get's ml9'd and stuck on someone.. root it quickly then get back to work on interupts.. the moment i get a chance i turn back onto the pet and will kill it with 2-4nukes.

1vs1 it is overpowered if you cant do anything to cc it.. moment someone can cc it (even just a slam) you can forget about it and take the caster out.


Part of the furniture
Jan 26, 2004
want brittle guards 2 :(

im so tiered of being at the low end of the food chain :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
The ppl that says ml 9 pets is fine should try fight a sm who use ml 9 an just stands an /rude spam you because you cant attack him because of uber bg an while its bodyguarding its hitting you back for 500 an when you attack it it take 50 damage? An then when the sm also moc + lifetap it really gets fun :twak: ... an why does ml 3 warlord almsot not work on pets if they put them on passiv or something? they move like you are on 10% hp an the sm can just stick to it an still get bg..what a great ml abil..

Kami said:
Feel free to give me some ML that's similar to MOC if you want to remove ML9 pet from that master level line.

Bet you are one of those ppl where you could give warlocks free ml 9 sm pets an you would think its fair

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
I think you missed the point. He was basicly asking what's the point of stealth zerging a solo Thane is.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Andrilyn said:
Though I do agree that Assasins have lost some strenght when ToA/NF was released but by no means shouldn't they still be able to still kill any caster 1v1 aslong as they use their brain for a moment.

Haha... ok!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
only thing i dont find ok with casters is the dps of lifetap spells + moc on LT is just way better than a PB/CONE/DD nuker... if delves are not, the hit point leech should be removed while mocing couse its just too op. The "why doesnt casters do lower dmg with higher dex" debate is silly, mainly couse an offensive tank cant be CC-ed, debuffs on tanks dont destroy their dmg much like dex+d/q debuff on a caster :F, they cant get interrupted, zone of unmana + demo in banelord line... loads of ways to make caster suffer, dont need more ty.

anyhow, the vnposter was right about many things bout assassins nowdays...

about CCing ml9 pets, yeah works for everything xpect a rank5-ed cabalist pet :)


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Jox said:
I feel an echo... -5000 in IQ?^^

So assassins shouldnt be able to kill tanks. Not even if they play better?

How about casters?

Whatever, I dont argue with idiots. Bai asshole, hope I dont have to see you again.
your stupid comment deserved a stupid answer
visible tanks are handicapped solo in the sence they CANT hide, therefore people that can with resonable skill level and roughly the same templates should not lose no? After all by game design they should be stronger in melee toe to toe.
Point out whats wrong with that statement, since you have done nothing except type drivvel so far
Or maybe pre-nerf shadowblades were balanced in your eyes


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
heavy tanks shread stealthers 1v1, as it should be, on the other hand stealthers should shread casters 1v1 with all the toa bullshit the old rock scissors stone triangle is not around anymore. Tank > stealther > caster > tank etc etc


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 19, 2004
Assassins should shred anyone in 1on1 since they are opted for that as a class, or should be. This ain't a solo-game, visible tanks/casters running around should be food for the classes designed to act alone.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
Assassins are quite ok the way they are now, but i really would like to see some kind of stealth penality

Tbh i don't like the whole idea behind the stealth skill, as long as it involves beeing able to stand jump run emote etc in less than double melee range of a target as whole grp without chance of detection...

I do understand that stealth makes up for the low ws and hp assassin classes have but i don't understand why there is no way apart from /using an item to hunt down a stealther you know of...

I'd like to see at least some risk for the stealthers if they stay in 1000 range of an enemy for too long, especially when they are more than one...


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
Dorin said:
only thing i dont find ok with casters is the dps of lifetap spells + moc on LT is just way better than a PB/CONE/DD nuker... if delves are not, the hit point leech should be removed while mocing couse its just too op. The "why doesnt casters do lower dmg with higher dex" debate is silly, mainly couse an offensive tank cant be CC-ed, debuffs on tanks dont destroy their dmg much like dex+d/q debuff on a caster :F, they cant get interrupted, zone of unmana + demo in banelord line... loads of ways to make caster suffer, dont need more ty.

anyhow, the vnposter was right about many things bout assassins nowdays...

about CCing ml9 pets, yeah works for everything xpect a rank5-ed cabalist pet :)
Someone remind me - warlord petscare shout still works on cabalist pets regardless of the rr5 right? Or has that been changed? (dont exactly play cabby or a ML'ed char in another realm often)...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2004
Celestino said:
Assassins are quite ok the way they are now, but i really would like to see some kind of stealth penality

Tbh i don't like the whole idea behind the stealth skill, as long as it involves beeing able to stand jump run emote etc in less than double melee range of a target as whole grp without chance of detection...

I do understand that stealth makes up for the low ws and hp assassin classes have but i don't understand why there is no way apart from /using an item to hunt down a stealther you know of...

I'd like to see at least some risk for the stealthers if they stay in 1000 range of an enemy for too long, especially when they are more than one...

The risk as far as assassins are concerned is that they have a positional first strike damage dealing style that can only be executed from stealth (which also reduces speed making it harder to get into position). Thats it, fullstop. If they miss that then they are unstealthed and not likely to kill the solo enemy. They have one chance to make the kill, and that one chance has been reduced in effectiveness over time. Your not wanting to use an item to even further reduce the effectiveness of the assassins stealth is your choice, not commonly shared I would say. From an assassins point of view, stealth already has penalties - pa,bs2 requirement, prescience node, keep assassin npcs, reduced speed.

Really the fundamental point of assassins is to have the kill from stealth (and possibly survive) and thats it, what you're asking is to even take that away so that assassins can only kill each other (which as it stands is the way it pretty much is) and everyone else kill assassins all the time without risk to them. What would be your(read anyclass) risk if stealth effectiveness were to be nerfed even further?


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 13, 2005
From the VN boards:
"Get over your hard-on for Minstrels and Scouts. Hib is still easy mode in RvR. "

- Why don't we get posts like that :(

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