rvn said:best thing would be to remove stick and face, then you wouldnt have to whine about them not working 100% when people strafe, you would be forced to move manually![]()
Belomar said:QQ, it messes up your styles and chains? First of all, do you know what the caster is able to do while he is strafing (except insta debuffing or if he is a BD)? That's right, nothing, zero, zip, nada, niente. Secondly, even if the target is strafing, you will still hit it unstyled, which is better than nothing. Thus, strafing has a bigger impact on us casters, who have a single quickcast on a 30-second timer (as well as a 15-second MoC)--if the enemy runs-through, the spell fails and the qc is expended, resetting the timer. A failed qc due to run-through exploitation is quite easily the difference between life and death if you are trying to root/stun/mezz the intrusive tank. So, in other words, the impact is quite different.Right. So now casters can barely get in range of you, and earlier in the thread it was another story entirely:So, which story will it be? The one that fits you depending on the current discussion, yeah?
I have nothing at all against strafing, there is a difference between strafing and running through sum1 to abuse game dynamicsso they shouldnt really complain about strafing
Raven said:no i just dont see the point of arguing with forum trolls who dont even play the game anymore, but to satisfy your need for an argument: A mage with a pet can win a fight by strafing about and not getting hit, be it chain healing, chain stunning, or just plain melee and sure waiting for QC to come up, they can also kite, which sadly you just cant do as a plain hard tank, except throw weapon or 3 second bow draw time ofc, but w/o end regain thats just silly. frankly mages have enough tools to play with so they shouldnt really complain about strafing, i am sure stealthers get a little upset about having a pet on them after they have stealthed, i know thats not bug abuse but it ranks with the likes of strafing as "daoc's shitty things" and your naive to think that casters dont strafe because they do, all the time.
Raven said:no i just dont see the point of arguing with forum trolls who dont even play the game anymore, but to satisfy your need for an argument: A mage with a pet can win a fight by strafing about and not getting hit, be it chain healing, chain stunning, or just plain melee and sure waiting for QC to come up, they can also kite, which sadly you just cant do as a plain hard tank, except throw weapon or 3 second bow draw time ofc, but w/o end regain thats just silly. frankly mages have enough tools to play with so they shouldnt really complain about strafing, i am sure stealthers get a little upset about having a pet on them after they have stealthed, i know thats not bug abuse but it ranks with the likes of strafing as "daoc's shitty things" and your naive to think that casters dont strafe because they do, all the time.
Heath said:you are having a laugh...aren't you ???....a mage with a pet in melee !!!....why do you think we have a pet...so we dont need melee. Dumbass. If you get into the position of melee with a tank, you are dead. No amount of QC, strafing is gonna save your ass. I have had it both ways...as a caster with a pet..and got wasted. then, the other night..i was in HW, saw a lone caster..she saw me, started casting...i ran to her...purged (thank crap) slammed, switched to pole..killed her. She was trying to leggit too. Even if a pet is on my ass i am still gonna go for the caster as an armsman. Or, if i am the caster, i send the pet...LT or zap...if that doesnt work...run like fook....if all else fails /release.
Oh Yeah....i have never straffed. never did, never will. So, your theory is wrong straight away. And i bet i am the only one who doesn't strafe.
Synthnal said:Are you sure? you're saying strafing, when you move to the side not just in combat but moving to side, that's strafing everyone has strafed, in someone way.
Heath said:Ok then..wanna get picky..i have never straffed in combat to make myself unhittable. that is something i would never do. I cant stand people who cheat, and would never do it myself. After all...i picked an armsman as a main (o:
Synthnal said:Hehe, im like that,
It's not cheating, i'm not being rude but have you read this thread? if strafing is cheating why not call Bonedancer's Insta lifetap cheating, or a healer's insta's or slam cheating? because it was put into the game, & why? to be used.
Heath said:I didnt mean for it to come across that i thought using strafe was cheating.....just that i have not used it in combat. And, that i don't like cheaters. Not saying that people who use it are cheaters, because..like you said, it is in game so can't be classed as a cheat/abuse/exploit. it is just the fact of what it is being used for. The bigger cheats are the ones who use radar, hacks, macros etc. They are the ones whos balls need nailing to the table and twatted with a hammer imo. (o:
[e] said:imo
/face /stick /assist /lastattacker etc should only work i PvE. However I can understand /face - since it's possible to run through ppl. Still I would like to see more "skill" in terms of manual control. Everything is oversimplyfied imo. They might as well let you make different combat scripts, just push one button and watch the show. But why stop here, make assist-combat-scripts...that way you stick on grp leader, and when he attacks a target, your char does the same, using skills and entire package. Driver can even make a random-zerg-around-auto-attack script and everybody can go afk
Or another idea, once you log in you get a popup saying something like: "while you were away your character has been engaging in RVR combat, you get xxxxx rps" We don't even have to play RvR and can devote entire time to the superfun pve![]()
Chronictank said:you can whine about classes being "unbalanced" all you like, fact of the matter is running through someone is bug abuse resulting on the caster unable to cast on u.
Personally if they are in melee range on my sm i assume they will run through and pb mez rather than targeted.
Strafing however isnt bug abuse imo since you can still be targetted (unless you lag ofc) with /face.
Blitzing said:its wierd if its a bug, and its been in the game from the start, and mythic doesnt seem to do anything about this "bug" ofc if you look at it realistic yes, you can run through a person, but then again, i think its something they have put in the game to make it all abit easier, cause damn i would be crouded when on raids, and it would take for ever to get into a keep, if you coulden stand in eachother
rivan said:From my pov as a Runemaster.
Vs a melee opponent in melee range, there's only one thing I can do to give me a chance in hell, and that is QC root, since if I try to run chances are I will be cut down from behind, be back-styled, PF'd, Zephyred, etc, etc.
If my opponent runs through me, which ok is something that you can do in this game engine, my QC will fizzle and that's it.. I'm dead. The ability that was given to mages as a lifeline becomes utterly usless. That's not a game design, that's a badly designed game.
Non pet casters are helpless to such manuvers, since we need to stay still to cast, we can't strafe around to prevent it, plus we're not durable enough to strafe and hope a tank misses their style. I suppose I can insta debuff you to death...
Raven, not to pick on him, assumes that all casters are ToA'd to the tits with armies of Brittle Guards (sorry but no, and not all casters are convoker), and can kite. Tanks, as far as I know, can sprint too, and in my experience if I try to run from a tank, then I'm dead.
Not all casters are sorcs.