

Can't get enough of FH
Mar 9, 2004
my only chance of victory vs a melee class on me is to qc a root, if they run through me they go out of view and i cant cast my spell and then i die ;< and dont suggest that i strafe also that would simply be too clueless xD

Seems more fair in melee where both sides can use strafe positively unlike in mage vs melee fights, only one part can 'abuse the bug' to gain a better stance vs the other.


One of Freddy's beloved
Mar 13, 2004
I'm only speaking about the pvp server that i may sometimes strafe.
for obvious reasons, Leechers/adders.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
maybe lame but the strafe buttons were intentially added to the game by mythic so not a bug


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 15, 2004
there r strafe buttons in all games, but they aint designed for the purpose of missing styles/spells, strafing is movement, not combat oreintated afaik so yes u can strafe to hide behind a tree/rampart but u shouldn't be able to strafe in close range to avoid taking dmg/cc ie hiding behind the person who's attacking u!


One of Freddy's beloved
Mar 13, 2004
Strafing is designed to strafe away from something, i.e Atacks "So & so strafed away to keep him self safe from the conflict".


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Tholaawg said:
is mythic gonna fix it, so u can't strafe to ruin styles? i hope they do
Somebody got pwned :eek:

Synthnal said:
Strafing was put in the game :eek7:
Strafing was meant to be used :eek7:.
Agree. If it's in the game, it aint lame. Let's have the 'Paladin's shouldn't be 2hd' discussion while we're at it shall we? *zzzZZZzzz*


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Strafing is fine (although I don't know where my strafe buttons are :eek: )! 2-h paladins are fine! 1h crush paladins on teh other hand ... 'tis unnatural! Work of teh devil! :p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Sissyfoo said:
Strafing is fine

Totally agree. Strafing is fine. If you have the sense to avoid attacks, then more power to you. If you strafe, your enemy may miss you while at the same time you have a reduced chance to hit your foe. Seems fair to me.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Sendraks said:
Totally agree. Strafing is fine. If you have the sense to avoid attacks, then more power to you. If you strafe, your enemy may miss you while at the same time you have a reduced chance to hit your foe. Seems fair to me.

i tend to agree


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Sissyfoo said:
Strafing is fine (although I don't know where my strafe buttons are :eek: )! 2-h paladins are fine! 1h crush paladins on teh other hand ... 'tis unnatural! Work of teh devil! :p

FOF bish!! :mad:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 15, 2004
Sendraks said:
Totally agree. Strafing is fine. If you have the sense to avoid attacks, then more power to you. If you strafe, your enemy may miss you while at the same time you have a reduced chance to hit your foe. Seems fair to me.

reduced chance by like 1%


One of Freddy's beloved
Mar 13, 2004
Finally, people see what i'm saying.
& a 2hand paladin is great, wearing plated armour with a massive weapon whilst not running out of's a dream ;).


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Ala said:
Somebody got pwned :eek:

Agree. If it's in the game, it aint lame. *zzzZZZzzz*

well in that case why did they remove the Necro LoS bug .... well they could because peeps where using it unfairly.

starfing is alot harder to remove as it's coded into the core of the game, but IS being abused.

I'd go with belo's suggestion though


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
jesus.. such stupid responses here.. admit there is a problem.. gonna repeat myself here ok..

i /face a target..
i INSTA dd target.. target is not in view..

i keep hitting INSTA dd button.. target still aint in view..

game mechanics working properly there? /face means u keeping target in view.. insta dd should hit surely.. but it dont..

needs a fix

btw if u strafing.. why?.. last chance saloon coz u know u gonna be beat in a fair fight?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
If I can spec it, it's right. You know it makes sense! :D


One of Freddy's beloved
Mar 13, 2004
ilaya said:
jesus.. such stupid responses here.. admit there is a problem.. gonna repeat myself here ok..

i /face a target..
i INSTA dd target.. target is not in view..

i keep hitting INSTA dd button.. target still aint in view..

game mechanics working properly there? /face means u keeping target in view.. insta dd should hit surely.. but it dont..

needs a fix

btw if u strafing.. why?.. last chance saloon coz u know u gonna be beat in a fair fight?

So what exactly is a fair fight? explain to me? Someone body WINNING is a fair fight, no matter how you do it, you think when someone has a fight IRL they say, no no, you can't get me in a headlock because it isnt FAIR.
No they fight, just like we do in game, & if you're out of site...move backwards...i tell you the guy opposing you will too.
Like i said before, use what ever means to survive, if you dont & you die, that guy won't think "Wow he didnt strafe what a fair person." no he will probally think "Easy kill."...

& YES there is a problem.
But i just dont blame someone if they do or don't strafe, because at the end of the day you can't call something a bug that was put into the game, why not cry about dual-wielding? No because it was put into the game, same thing.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
ilaya said:
jesus.. such stupid responses here.. admit there is a problem.. gonna repeat myself here ok..

i /face a target..
i INSTA dd target.. target is not in view..

i keep hitting INSTA dd button.. target still aint in view..

game mechanics working properly there? /face means u keeping target in view.. insta dd should hit surely.. but it dont..

needs a fix

Agreed. A simple fix would be to check if you are in face 'mode' and your spell target is the same as your face target, in which case it works. If not in face mode then do a standard los check.

ilaya said:
btw if u strafing.. why?.. last chance saloon coz u know u gonna be beat in a fair fight?

Err, no? Do you really think a 'fair fight' is two chars face to face just choosing what spells/styles to use? Where's the skill in that? Best kit/spec wins. You can gain an awful amount by moving about in combat, else where is the skill?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
theres queensbury rules in real life fights. IE no kicking or punching to the nutz.

but QQ'ing about that IRL probably wont stop your assailant.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
ofc i can solo mages, except maybe one or 2 sorcs that use all their skill and press MoC then life tap at a 1 second cast time, other than that they arent any problem.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Raven said:
mages can suck my dick
Eh, retarded comment. But then again, that's what seem to issue from your mouth constantly, so I guess I am not surprised.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
well i dont really care what you think so np. mages have got everything they need now with moc, qc, brittle guards yet some still whine about how hard they are to play, if they knew how to use /face then strafing/walk through wouldnt be a problem for them. sorry it doesnt wash.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Raven said:
if they knew how to use /face then strafing/walk through wouldnt be a problem for them. sorry it doesnt wash.
Hmm, hmm, where to start, where to start? It is obvious you haven't played a caster in RvR. Do that and then come back. While you do, please let me highlight something for you, since you obviously are too fucking thick to understand it--the essence of the run-through exploit (yes, it is an exploit)is that the mage will fail his spell because of the fact that /face is client-side while LOS checks are done server-side.

With a basic understanding of the Internet and merely a moderate amount of brain cells which even you, my dear Hero, should be able to muster, it is an elementary deductive process to understand that what you, the player, see on your screen and what the server, the "true" representation of the game world, sees, is often different. So, if player A is running through player B, who is casting a spell, then player B will know of this only after A has told the server and the server has told B. In the meantime, B's game client is valiantly trying to face an enemy that in reality is somewhere else, and so when B's spell finishes, the server calmly tells B that he is facing the wrong way, and that, incidentally, A is now in this direction.

So, get some arguments and not just vulgarities before you try to wag it with the big boys. Such as, give me a reason why LOS checks should not be removed at melee range distances.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
ahh you mean the same los checks that check if i get the target is out of range/you cant see your target, when i am trying to hit a strafing caster? messing up styles and chains. I know what happens with the los checks, but i just dont care, you see? besides as i said earlier on in the thread, i dont strafe or use run through, i just find it funny when mages cry over such a small thing when with toa cast speed they are unlucky to even get a tank within range of being able to use the strafe/run through exploit.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Raven said:
ahh you mean the same los checks that check if i get the target is out of range/you cant see your target, when i am trying to hit a strafing caster? messing up styles and chains.
QQ, it messes up your styles and chains? First of all, do you know what the caster is able to do while he is strafing (except insta debuffing or if he is a BD)? That's right, nothing, zero, zip, nada, niente. Secondly, even if the target is strafing, you will still hit it unstyled, which is better than nothing. Thus, strafing has a bigger impact on us casters, who have a single quickcast on a 30-second timer (as well as a 15-second MoC)--if the enemy runs-through, the spell fails and the qc is expended, resetting the timer. A failed qc due to run-through exploitation is quite easily the difference between life and death if you are trying to root/stun/mezz the intrusive tank. So, in other words, the impact is quite different.
Raven said:
i just find it funny when mages cry over such a small thing when with toa cast speed they are unlucky to even get a tank within range of being able to use the strafe/run through exploit.
Right. So now casters can barely get in range of you, and earlier in the thread it was another story entirely:
Raven said:
ofc i can solo mages, except maybe one or 2 sorcs that use all their skill and press MoC then life tap at a 1 second cast time, other than that they arent any problem.
So, which story will it be? The one that fits you depending on the current discussion, yeah?

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