"State of the Game" - Mark Jacobs, instanced RvR and more


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
i am no experts but i know the game from many yers
problem i thinks warriors need a class so they can play
now only long away dudees can have fun
and no gank groups plays

i was away and dont like it now
worldcrafts will win over this games

my thougts


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
All looked quite positive. We'll have to see the details, of course, before flaming everything to bits etc (which some people probably done, cba reading all of it in this state of intoxication).

The instanced RvR (PvP?) sounds interesting, definetly... I hope it doesn't take the meaning away from RvR.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Sarnat said:
The instanced RvR (PvP?) sounds interesting, definetly... I hope it doesn't take the meaning away from RvR.

sounds same as usuals rvr
just from more servers
who cares
it is just fix for few player
what will heppen to market if players cluster?
bad solutions=mythic

ok take care


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Say bye to Prydwen & Camlann,

if u ask why prydwen i guess because prydwen prefer their server to be less Zergy as Excalibur... so therefor Prydwen wont be happy will they? and what will camlann get? atleast let them be able to go RvR? like... Hib classes must go to DL and it could be No-PVP Zone their, so u can exit and be in RvR?... and Mid / Alb classes go to Svasud... Ft.Sauvage etc?... if not camlann is booring mite as well quit my ns and leave :< one thing i looked for in NF was fights actualy in RvR for camlann, they could atleast give it a try :> if, they plan to do this for Camlann i will be happy and probably never leave DAOC, as i dont want more time with other games, as 2 yrs of my life wasted in DAOC :) well thats my opinion... sugest if u want :) its only the way to keep Camlann players, also i'm shure Excalibur / Prydwen or even other "Servers" would love to bash some of them 50's from Camlann for killing their starting greys for nothing :>


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Light said:
planetside type action is not what most of the players asked for :<

uhm just fyi almost 90% of all fights are centerd around the bases. altho nowadays we do get some fights a little bit of everywhere nowadays ;)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
to all u ppl that keep saying that Mythic dont listen to their player base.. ur wrong, they DO listen. but do they care? no but they DO listen... :)

id give anything to get to listen to one of their meetings when they decide what to do next.. :)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Morchaoron said:
They will design it so that buffbots can be used, you honestly believe they would throw away 25% of their subscriptions (bot accounts)?

Especially after they've been through all the trouble to make it possible to easily dual-log characthers..

yes, acually they will. atleast thats what they have said (yes i know they said alot of shit) but i acually believe them when they say that they will slowly make BB's unusable in rvr as they are used today... because believe it or not. but Mythic will probably loose more revenue on ppl leaving BECAUSE of buffbots then those leaving coz they cant use one anymore... and thats all they have said really.. they never said anything about removing them from the pve side of the game... so id imagine they only nerf (and nerf them HARD) in rvr.. coz thats totally justified imo..

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