SotL - Who they really are?



Ok, Im pretty tired now so please forgive if my sentences dont make any sense at all, will clear out later.

Firstly I want to say that Im not posting this 'cause someone told me to, Im doing this from my own free will and my own knowledge.

When I first heard about SotL, it was in Beta. Friend from D2 played beta heavily and got invited to SotL later on. When release came I was guildless and saw how SotL managed to be one of the highest level people on server at start, alongside with Phoenix Legion. I held SotL in high regard. Later I heard that some of SotL people left Albion, either to another server, realm or completely quit the game. Was a bit sad.

I joined SotL when I was around 40, cant remember exactly. I was in Crusaders, but I got a /tell saying Crusaders was gonna disband, and heard Bethene left the game, so there was a spot for a sorceress in SotL, also another friend from D2 scene, SoulFly asked me if I wanted to come since Crusaders was dissolving. Decided to leave the sinking ship since I wasnt in any high position and didnt see any future in Crusaders. So I joined SotL, after some lowlvl friends joined it too, Coren etc. Leveled happily in there, seeing SoulFly the powerleveler to reach 50 first in Albion, seeing SotL ding 50 after another doing trees. Everything was looking great, except some internal disputes about expin methods (We all know what they were, but its long forgotten).

Basically the reason why SotL ever got so many highlvl Albs within their rank was the system Gideon built the guild up. It was easy to level as there was always people to form a group with, needed classes and so on.
As Revz (aka Gideon) has said in /gu plenty of times to remind us ;) SotL is a raiding guild. Made to raid monsters, zones, relics, keeps, you name it. Gideon built the guild up by the need of the class, found skilled players who knew their class thorough, and knew what their abilities were and how to use 'em in the good of the group. Basically he built the perfect raiding guild. We've had problems with theurgs, now its fixed, we had problems with clerics, fixed too. Everything looks good now, we have nice base of each class (except friar bohoo). We can actually do whatever is needed in the game by ourselves. And that was the whole point in building the guild. That is what SotL is supposed to be, and it is, and always will be.

As everyone must know by now, we've had problems with several individuals, guilds and even alliances. I remember back in the 1.36 days when Mids were all purple and wiping albs just for fun. Did a /who barrows and saw loads of highlvl SotLs expin there, while rest lowlvl alb was trying defend their realm. Smart move from SotL IMO, while everyone was trying to defend their realm when basically there was nothing that couldve been done more, they gained levels, and soon cought up with the Mids. AFAIK other guilds from the alliances basically "whined" at em (not sure how the real story goes, but this is what I can remember) for doing that.

You might think SotL is a bunch of self-centered bitches with HUGE ego. Well actually, today It might be little correct even. The amount of crap around you just makes you think everything is crap. A fish in the depths of the sea, never been out of water must think the world is only water, nothing else. Right?

Some people claim were "elitist", only doing things whats best for us. Well how true that is really? I'd rather count on a guild mate than a unknow player from some other guild, wouldnt you? I like leveling within guild, its much easier to get a group, much easier to organise something special, like looking for new campspots etc. Can you count the times SotL has taken keeps (or even organised relic raids) in the name of Albion? I cant, do damn many. Can you say that some other guild has done more guild-only keepraids and done it? I cant say I can. SotL has done wonderful things to Albion. Im not saying were the rules of Albion, no. There is no such thing. We're all in this together, but we all do what we want to do also.

I remember once, when SoulFly was still powerleveling, he found a nice way to get exp fast and safe. You know the Aqua spot in Lyoness? He leveled there for few weeks. with usually only 5 people. Many asked for group, even in inside guild, but he denied. Some people thought that he was wrong and he shouldve just moved to harder monsters, but he was right, there was no one close to his level so they coudlve done higher level mobs. I must admit, I did the same thing. (Except I took it even further, did Aqua with just 2-3 people ;)). I also remember someone (not saying names(cause I cant remember lol)) asking for group, I said "no" or something similar small and neutral. He said afterwards he will remember this. At the time I was at 49.90 or so, so I didnt really care :) Those are one of the things that started creating bad name for SotL. Everyone was trying to level up, but SotL kept to themselves mostly, 'cause there was no need to group outside guild unless someone wasnt online. Absolutely no need, but still people expected us to level with them just so they could get better exp. Which one is the selfish one, you tell me.

I also remember when SotL people started dinging 50 and loads this kinda posts appeared to Alliance forums like "why aint the L50s powerleveling the lower people in the name of Albion". Was laughing my ass off when I saw that. SotL earned their levels by doing it lots, loads and even more. People were just trying to get 50 easy, without having to do much.

What I ask from each and everyone, within Albion, with Prydwen, within the DAoC community. Actualyl it applies to the whole world really. Treat people as invidiuals, no matter what company, religion, guild, realm they represent. If you really have a problem with someone, tell his superiors. Its their job to punish those people, not the community. If we had police in DAoC (read CSR) we could just "/police This d00d is swearing at me and showing me the /finger". But since we dont, you must discuss with their superiors.

We're all invidiuals, why dont you treat us as one?

P.S. Please dont flood this with some crap... General thoughts and corrections can be made, I dont want to see any specific details or chat.logs about anyone, nor screenshot or anything. Thats not my job, nor the meaning of the thread. Im just trying to give you a insight from my eyes, what Ive see within the /gu.

P.P.S. I know Im a bitch, but thats the way I want to be known, call it roleplay or not, I dont stick to Character, but the more people hate me, the better Í feel really :)

SoulFly Amarok

Well written mate, would have said it like that.


I know alot of people seem to have opinions about SotL, but mine is simple if only from their fame (or infamy, but thats too harsh).

They know how they want to play their game and they play it well.

I dont want to join them as I dont want to play that way but I can certainly respect their achievements. In a game where many people get together, societies will form that may have many attributes you admire and others you may hate but surely no group can serve everybody's needs?

Love them or Loath them SotL are a part of the "world" now and our make belief society has to adopt that fact when it decides what we do.

Do we join them, hate them or convert them. Its OUR guilds we need to think about not theirs.

PS: I may be pissed right now but I think this is important.


nice writing aye.

Not much to comment about in there - what do I know, I'm not SotL? - but one of your comments strikes me as very odd:

P.P.S. I know Im a bitch, but thats the way I want to be known, call it roleplay or not, I dont stick to Character, but the more people hate me, the better Í feel really

You want people to hate you? :rolleyes:

Anyways, only thing I see wrong in Revs/Gideons 'guild/raid/group' guildtactic is that you really don't get to meet many other people than the ones from your guild.

I meet quite a few new people each day in DAOC while having mix-groups and so on. Some nice, others d00ds or total wankers ... but atleast I meet 'em and can choose if I want to keep groping/chatting with 'em or not. I posted a similar comment about this in another thread (nagging ol' Arlone?) but I think it's sad that you never see a SotL member in a 'mixgroup' at trees (maybe I've just been unlucky?).

Anyways, certainly not a flame or anything like it. I liked what I read and this was the only thing I had to comment on - except the 'hate me please'-statement :p

See you out there, or .. uhm .. maybe, someday ... while running ;)

old.Max Payne

kr0n is right, you play the game how you want it and nobody has to judge you or your guild about that.
We ( Eye of Odin ) had the same problem on Midgard, doing guildhunts in Malmohus, lvl 40+ only so we lvl'd quiet fast at lvl 40+ (remember doing lvl 39-40-41-42.3 in 7 hours) by grouping with the lvl 45's and 45+'s.

Anyway.. only thing I had to say was that Gideon is indeed a good skilled DAoC player.



Arlone one of the reason you might have never grouped with SotL.
1. Youre 45 now, there are about 2-3 mains in similar levels, 1-2 alts.
2. You were loads lower level when most of us were still at expin circles.

I dont mean the "hate me" part like that. Came out bit too harsh really. Just that I couldnt give a flying f*ck how someone feels about me. I play my game, they play theirs. And Ive always tried to get the "Most hated by greycon mids"-title but apparently never got it :/

Well, playing ewul character in RPGs has always intrigued(or however its spelled) me. + its too much hassle writing a polite answer everytime ;)


sotl are undoubtedly the most powerful guild in albion/prydwen, and i admire the 'raiding guild' image...


would it not be possible to include more of the realm in these raids? i know lots of albions are dieing to get the relics back, can all the guilds not work together to do whats best for the realm not just the guild image?


I've grouped with a number of SoTL member's in recent weeks - both of the alt variety and the main. It's been a pleasure to spend time with people who know what they're doing and get on and do it. Tell Ronarth to get some new tree jokes though please :)

Don't really know what happened in the early days in Albion - but there are people now in other guilds who like their 3/4 man tangler units, or won't invite others into groups so as to maximise the xp output.

If that's they way some people want to play then fine, but it's not my way of playing. Would much rather enjoy the journey to 50 and get to know people. Sitting for hours at a time at tanglers or trees in groups that don't talk, or with people who are "xp whores" isn't much fun to me.... Different strokes for different folks I guess.


Originally posted by Tenko
Do we join them, hate them or convert them. Its OUR guilds we need to think about not theirs.

Convert us to what? Maybe we like the way we are. :p


Well written kr0n.

A lot of people envy you and talk shit about you for being highlevel and powerful.
But until they can do better I think they should stop the flaming and do something about it ;)


Well i was lv43 or 42 and layl was around 45 or 46 i think then boom layl was 50 and i was 44 or so lol:eek6: i wish i never went to those dam trees:eek:


Well, if nothing else, I do certainly respect what you have done for Albion RvR-wise, and your commitment to the Frontier. I remember that on a couple of occassions, us Templars have asked for your help with a keep and you've been there. You know what you're doing and you do it well.

And as for the people within SotL, I really don't know many of you well enough to comment. Although a few do seem very nice.. nothing like bonding on a keep raid by getting naked, eh, Coren?

Oh, one more thing, Turamber, did you say Ronarth needed some new jokes? Well so does Gombur. Spent quite a few hours of trees and we had some.. erm.. 'wonderful' jokes involving not looking at your food and eating it as well as my brain and the contents of my helm.. <grins a little>


I do not know the intent of this thread, but if it was to improve your reputation I can say that a good way to do this is with mixed groups. It is much easier to create a scapegoat if you do not know it.

I am pretty sure, however, that you will tell me that the intent of the thread certainly was not to improve your reputation cos you could not care a flying f*** what other people might think. In that case I would probably disagree and tell you that if you really were indifferent towards other peoples oppinions, a thread like this would not have been created by you.

So, as to end my ramblings (its 6:00 in the morning so please look lightly upon this ;) ) I just want to say that it is a shame for any guid to have a bad reputation but I fear that scapegoats are nessesary in any sociaty.


Egotistical ramblings of someone with an amazing superiority complex. If SotL were so super-duper, surely the Chronicles would paint a different picture for Prydwen, no ?



You missed out the part that all SoTL are obviously children of satan...

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Level 50 Infiltrator
Order of The Knights Templar


OK that was the joke bit, now for serious..

Aevar: SoTL have taken part in all relic raids to the best of my knowledge. They do sometimes invite others and even other guilds on their forays into the frontier, the point I think they try to make though is that they wish to be a self sufficient force. As you saw in my previous post, joining up with people you don't trust and don't know how they work will never be as good or successful or fun as grouping with people you have a laugh with every day.

As far as raiding epics are concerned, well I imagine they don't invite others along because they don't want to share the loot. Why should they? They can kill the epics themselves, where is the need to bring others along?

I get a bit sick of all the anti-SoTL stuff basically. My one gripe is the number of people who have been in a guild who level to mid 40s or so, then leave to join SoTL. This however is -not- SoTL's fault, nomatter how much I yell at derric or artemis, it simply isn't their fault - those guys know i'm just venting frustration at losing YET another healer.

Whenever I've asked for SoTL help, I've gotten it. Artemis has helped me out with a little equipment, then there was the time that we were defending sursbrooke and SoTL ran all the way from Llyn Barfog -without minstrel speed- to relieve our force and successfully repel a large attack. Then there was the time more recently that we took sursbrooke and benowyc with SoTL, Templars and Griffons, again they ran from Barfog to join in on sursbrooke and we all joined up to go and do one of the smoothest keep retakes in history on Benowyc !

I don't know gideon that well, although we've spoken on occassion and he comes across as a decent guy. From what I understand he has worked hard to build up a guild of non-muppets and on the whole has succeeded. Frankly, given the standard of a lot of Albs I don't blame him at all for being very careful about who joins. Strikes me that people want to get upset about a guild, mainly out of jealousy, simply because it is actually successful most of the time. Wierd.

The other SoTL friends I have are all really nice fun decent guys (welcome back Cami!) and I often group with one or two in the frontier in the mornings, and it's normally far more successful than must larger groups later.

Level 50 Infiltrator
Order of The Knights Templar


Aww, you're too sweet Jadow. :)

Originally posted by Murcalumis
Although a few do seem very nice.. nothing like bonding on a keep raid by getting naked, eh, Coren?

I don't know what you're talking about and you got no way to prove it! Ha! /pray


A good post Layl :)

I think the reason for people disliking SotL is that you mostly keep to yourselfs, and thats becouse you can do your own hunts/raids without help from anyone else.
Therefore your not as "part of the realm" as some people would want.

And for that you shall burn in hell muhahaha!!

oh, forget that last part :p

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by Murcalumis
Oh, one more thing, Turamber, did you say Ronarth needed some new jokes? Well so does Gombur. Spent quite a few hours of trees and we had some.. erm.. 'wonderful' jokes involving not looking at your food and eating it as well as my brain and the contents of my helm.. <grins a little>

I'll try to come up with some new material :D

Nice post Kr0n


lol i have nothin against the lakers the members are fab

well from the guys i grouped with really are the thing about judgeing people till you get to know them is esencial <-- did i spell that good enouth :p

and i like you guys i just dont like some but they know who they are i like to tell them ayeeee

personaly i think a guild should not be judged by the name - i do that alot wen i really shouldent (just makes things worse i guess)

i have layed my cards on the table and admitt i may have been wrong in the past

i apoliges to all sotl members appart from ya GM he should know better than to play around with things that DO NOT involve him

Its not one man that should change the way people think about a guild but when i have had so many bad incounters with ya just dont help (im a bomb ready to go off) prob ya best keep clear ok :p

Good luck friends and i hope i get to anoye ya when i get 50 cuse i just love to agro ya guild ta ta for now

fly :cool:


i need to clear a few things here.
first when u guys say u never see sotl members in mixed groups .. u did or still do , but not our sorcs/ infs/ scouts as they had hard times getting groups, our clerics/ tanks u wud have seen , many a times i was in mixed groups as were our other tanks, the main reason feor guild groups was 2 things , making sure rogue classes also go exp as they do have a harder time doing it, the next is drops, have be in mixed groups , and they split up coz there was a drop that all wanted , in guild groups , it was left to the leader of the group of an officer.
mckfly in all ur post u say about gideon , is it gideon u are realy talking about? he has know idea who u are till the last few days.
are u sure its not me , coz i know who u are, and had many a flames with u in lyon.


I only know SOTL from fighting against them - I remember the relic raid they did on Yggdra one Sunday morning ages ago - they coped well with the guardspawn and brought plenty of rams - they got as far as the Inner Keep door before Middie Reinforcements slaughtered them.

They seemed pretty effecient - maybe if they had brought in other guilds they could have gotten the relic or maybe they wouldnt have gotten so far - who knows.

Certainly when us Mids raid we tend to take anyone 35 plus - the lag can get bad but the numbers are pretty usefull :)

I must say that levelling in dedicated groups is by a huge amount the most effecient way to level - pick up groups are ok but a group whos members all know what to do are far superior.

It doesnt have to be a guild group tho - me and three friends designed a middie group when we started on prydwen and we shot thru the levels even tho we only played those chars a couple of nights a week - you just have too keep them all at the same level or as close as poss.


Originally posted by old.Ziera
I do not know the intent of this thread, but if it was to improve your reputation I can say that a good way to do this is with mixed groups. It is much easier to create a scapegoat if you do not know it.

I am pretty sure, however, that you will tell me that the intent of the thread certainly was not to improve your reputation cos you could not care a flying f*** what other people might think. In that case I would probably disagree and tell you that if you really were indifferent towards other peoples oppinions, a thread like this would not have been created by you.

So, as to end my ramblings (its 6:00 in the morning so please look lightly upon this ;) ) I just want to say that it is a shame for any guid to have a bad reputation but I fear that scapegoats are nessesary in any sociaty.

I dont care what they think about me personally, but I dont like em dissing anyone of my friends or me 'cause Im in SotL. As a invidiual, you should judged me by my personality, not for my beliefs.

Was trying to give another point of view of SotL overall. Rising the reputation within some ranks might need more work really, but I think Ive gotten the attention I wanted by now.


I've never understod why anyone hates SotL, since I know quite a few of you, I know your all quite a nice bunch.
So when people saids SotL is arrogant, I can only argue against it.

To me, SotL is the most succesfull alb guild on Prydwen, with excellent planning, dedicated members, and a great spirit for RvR, and I don't understand why anyone would not admire, or respect them for their work.

Specialy dedicated and loyal members, is something that albion need.


Personally I think it is a bit selfish keeping group numbers down when at tanglers, fair enough not to go actively seeking members to get eight but when people ask to join and you refuse you are being selfish by not sharing xp.

When I get a couple of levels Ill be asking a minstrel and one other to join me to do aqua. Ill probably only do this in the early hours when there aren't many around, so I wont be refusing people and hogging a camp spot where a group of lower lvls could be happy. ie 8 people leveling in alb rather than me and a couple of mates.

Gwen Sorc


Well, only good spots to exp with 8 45+ people are Treecamps, 3-4 of them, cant remember. Another spot would be Cursed Forest or near Dragon Lair. Aqua is just plain stupid to exp with 8 45+ people. With 4 people we got around ~140mill per pull. ~120mill with 8 people at trees. So its about the same. Cant see why anyone should do that just to spend another 48h sitting there exping when they cant do that in 12h.


Maybe i can beat u layl to my second lv50:p


Ta for info, and I did say I would try aqua with just you put in your original post.

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