Solo areas?


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 27, 2004
Corran said:
Had an ok night to be honest, both duo and solo. Got zerged and added on alot (Ixnay and Fayte are really good at being skill-less adders), got attacked at agramon bridge by fg's when watching their fights, forcing me to attack back.

Pwned you got killed for being a cococock tbh and soloing and never adding on us... I dont need to say anything else but feel the love


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Mastade said:
ye please tell the biggest zerging and adding retard of them all where the solo action is.. great job idiots..

like you never zerg on your ns :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Ixnay said:
Lal, Theurg (yourself), Heretic, Friar, Mincer - skill-less adders?. Might wanna take your head out of your arse for a while and come up for some air.

Well all your duo done to me all night was, see me fight, spam mezz and spam and insta snare wihlst you attacked....

Talk to Jamiesmallicous, Bradlex, Ciuci, Belxiaver etc and ask them if i added on their fights. I allowed them to finish the fights everytime, infact i dont even bother to kill jamies and brad anymore.

If you want a decent fight attack me when im not in a fight, or is the fact you outnumber me not enough? I know you are shit solo Ixnay but surely with a healer spamming everything and giving you DI/Heals you can kill something without adding... but you 2 quickly became KoS :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
Corran said:
Well all your duo done to me all night was, see me fight, spam mezz and spam and insta snare wihlst you attacked....

Talk to Jamiesmallicous, Bradlex, Ciuci, Belxiaver etc and ask them if i added on their fights. I allowed them to finish the fights everytime, infact i dont even bother to kill jamies and brad anymore.

If you want a decent fight attack me when im not in a fight, or is the fact you outnumber me not enough? I know you are shit solo Ixnay but surely with a healer spamming everything and giving you DI/Heals you can kill something without adding... but you 2 quickly became KoS :p

Corran, that post has hypocrisy reaming out of every fuckin pore.
Countless occasions I've met you solo and dealt with you accordingly (not that im bragging about killing a 2 bit Theurg, so dont take me wrong),also many a time caught you duoing/adding on fights en route to Agramon, so don't give me any of that shit above. :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Claudio said:
Hehe..I rmember the time when our posse saw you, (Brad) fighting Gamah, (spits it out)...We were dancing around and cheering you onto beat him. Dam that was soooo funny.
#Then we killed you ofc, but is such a hoot watching the guys /y ''Come on Brad...waste the fooka!'':clap: :clap: :clap:
<Ask Aim>..LOL

lol, that must have been ages ago.

And p.s. hereshy piss of with your adding!

Was fighting 4 RR2 albs, and was actually quite fun as i used battle/warguard, so fight lasted quite a while. But then the almighty hershey runs out of the tower he was camping, as he runs away when i try to giv him a 1v1.

Just can you maybe piss of, all night when having 1v1's or 4v1's you just added. And when ever i got near you, you just ran away and camped the tower, till more albs came.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Ixnay said:
Corran, that post has hypocrisy reaming out of every fuckin pore.
Countless occasions I've met you solo and dealt with you accordingly (not that im bragging about killing a 2 bit Theurg, so dont take me wrong),also many a time caught you duoing/adding on fights en route to Agramon, so don't give me any of that shit above. :m00:

Sure you killed a rr4 theurg a couple times... moment i hit rr5+ you have not had a chance 1vs1 unless you RA dump on me (and use ml crap-though please use phaseshift against me when your solo, funny getting 15pets on you without you being able to attack me then watching you get constantly stunned the moment it ends).

Anyways, on top of this I am group spec'd for ra's which means you should beat me easily. No moc3, no purge 3 etc, but hey i let you live with it. And trying insult my playing if you want, but considering there are high RR groups on both Excal and Pryd that rate me as one the better theurgs out there I dont think i need to worry about what a zerging skald thinks.

More people will agree with me about the fact i play fair and dont add on fights (ie. Ask Dopi for a hib view of me not adding, Brite for a mid view <group rvr>, Brad/Belx for a solo mid, Ciuci/jamies for solo hib view)

If there people that added on me alot pops up i will happily help the alb if they need it, that means people like Magol, Nuxtubauns and yourself will be attacked, however everyone else is safe.

Anyways, no point getting into an indepth arguement with yourself, you got your views on me, I got mine on you. But basically your safe from me adding on you if:

1) You have not added on me multiple times.

2) You have not zerged me in areas where a solo'r normally is but groups arent found. (ie docks, bold area, agramon bridge nearest keep- all these places only get visited by groups that want to farm people that cant fight back)

3) You aint a lame arsed warlock

4) You are not at a keep/tower attempting to attack/defend.

Infact, if your a visable tank and you proven you are a true solo'r I wont even attack you if I do meet you simply because it feels like pointless farming.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
Corran said:
Sure you killed a rr4 theurg a couple times... moment i hit rr5+ you have not had a chance 1vs1 unless you RA dump on me (and use ml crap-though please use phaseshift against me when your solo, funny getting 15pets on you without you being able to attack me then watching you get constantly stunned the moment it ends).

Anyways, on top of this I am group spec'd for ra's which means you should beat me easily. No moc3, no purge 3 etc, but hey i let you live with it. And trying insult my playing if you want, but considering there are high RR groups on both Excal and Pryd that rate me as one the better theurgs out there I dont think i need to worry about what a zerging skald thinks.

More people will agree with me about the fact i play fair and dont add on fights (ie. Ask Dopi for a hib view of me not adding, Brite for a mid view <group rvr>, Brad/Belx for a solo mid, Ciuci/jamies for solo hib view)

If there people that added on me alot pops up i will happily help the alb if they need it, that means people like Magol, Nuxtubauns and yourself will be attacked, however everyone else is safe.

Anyways, no point getting into an indepth arguement with yourself, you got your views on me, I got mine on you. But basically your safe from me adding on you if:

1) You have not added on me multiple times.

2) You have not zerged me in areas where a solo'r normally is but groups arent found. (ie docks, bold area, agramon bridge nearest keep- all these places only get visited by groups that want to farm people that cant fight back)

3) You aint a lame arsed warlock

4) You are not at a keep/tower attempting to attack/defend.

Infact, if your a visable tank and you proven you are a true solo'r I wont even attack you if I do meet you simply because it feels like pointless farming.

Obviously you are in your own world and seems that you're pretty comfortable staying in that self obsessed bubble. Love the fact you assume people have these views of you when I know different.
Zerging skald my arse and whats the difference in not having moc3 to moc when being a theurg, you can still get your zerg of pets off without having the 100% dmg of your nukes and purge is still purge without it being purge3, if its up, you use it...
And I can't say I've met you solo since you've dinged these later RR's, either im grouped or you've been with a couple of mincers,tics,friars etc, be it your choice or not.

I here by declare that I will always obide by Corran's adding policy and shall continue to keep my master at his most content :wanker:


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Ixnay said:
Obviously you are in your own world and seems that you're pretty comfortable staying in that self obsessed bubble. Love the fact you assume people have these views of you when I know different.
Zerging skald my arse and whats the difference in not having moc3 to moc when being a theurg, you can still get your zerg of pets off without having the 100% dmg of your nukes and purge is still purge without it being purge3, if its up, you use it...
And I can't say I've met you solo since you've dinged these later RR's, either im grouped or you've been with a couple of mincers,tics,friars etc, be it your choice or not.

I here by declare that I will always obide by Corran's adding policy and shall continue to keep my master at his most content :wanker:

Hah, shows you know nothing... so how comes i was on my own last night when you added on my fight against the SM? How comes I solo'd belx a couple times getting over 1k rp (cant do that grouped/zerging if you hadnt figured) how comes my rp/kill was 800+ and yours was only 380 or so. With me on 8k/hr and you on 3.5k/hr?

And really shows how much you know... moc doesnt just affect nukes you fool. If i use moc 1, an air pet lasts for ONLY 5 SECONDS. That means in most cases by time it reaches the enemy it has died, only thing you can use with moc1 is earth pets, and as they are greycon what are they going to do?

And purge 1 = takes 5 seconds to do anything, that means by time that it takes affect the brittles are dead, whereas could get 3-5 pets of in the time it takes to kill the brittles.

Do you really need to be taken through step by step other class abilities and how the ra's affect them?

Enjoy your world, the people that matter (ie the non-zerging twats) know how i play. Run how you want, but dont expect me to treat you any different. Zerg/add on me, i will do the same back eventually, play fair and i play fair... treat others how you want to be treated, and as such you get treated like an idiot!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
Corran said:
Hah, shows you know nothing... so how comes i was on my own last night when you added on my fight against the SM? How comes I solo'd belx a couple times getting over 1k rp (cant do that grouped/zerging if you hadnt figured) how comes my rp/kill was 800+ and yours was only 380 or so. With me on 8k/hr and you on 3.5k/hr?

Perhaps try reading, digesting and then forming a proper reply. Did I say I didn't see you solo anything last night? no. If you read what I wrote, you find that I said I haven't met you solo, be it myself or yourself being grouped.

Corran said:
And really shows how much you know... moc doesnt just affect nukes you fool. If i use moc 1, an air pet lasts for ONLY 5 SECONDS. That means in most cases by time it reaches the enemy it has died, only thing you can use with moc1 is earth pets, and as they are greycon what are they going to do?
Never played a theurg, so how would I know about the duration of particular pets when using MoC. But that doesn't make the ability obselete for you to win a solo fight now does it?
Corran said:
And purge 1 = takes 5 seconds to do anything, that means by time that it takes affect the brittles are dead, whereas could get 3-5 pets of in the time it takes to kill the brittles.
So you're insinuating I have to be right ontop of you to mezz?
Take this scenario for example:
I mezz you at range, you hit purge1, by the time I get to you, you're demezzed or just coming out of it - therefore able to cast whilst im knocking away your 2k brittle guards...
Keep that mind narrow Corran, works wonders.

Corran said:
Do you really need to be taken through step by step other class abilities and how the ra's affect them?

Enjoy your world, the people that matter (ie the non-zerging twats) know how i play. Run how you want, but dont expect me to treat you any different. Zerg/add on me, i will do the same back eventually, play fair and i play fair... treat others how you want to be treated, and as such you get treated like an idiot!
Don't patronize me, due to the fact I was unaware of the reduced duration of certain pets when combined with MoC.

Just love the fact you have launched "Throw toys out of pram" campaign after me adding on you once for revenge reasons last night, when you've done this to me multiple times in the past...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
Corran said:
Only saw you once today brad. You were being zerged in tustedo mode.. but dont worry i nuked you at the end to get the kill spam to save you the embarresment of dying to a rr2 Worth a massive 21 rp's, heh.

You might wanna abide by your own policy (I know, lets make it look like I did Brad a favour :wanker: )


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
Corran said:
And really shows how much you know... moc doesnt just affect nukes you fool. If i use moc 1, an air pet lasts for ONLY 5 SECONDS. That means in most cases by time it reaches the enemy it has died, only thing you can use with moc1 is earth pets, and as they are greycon what are they going to do?

Belxavier said:
hehe had some tough fights on u nerf moc pet spam tbh chain stun landing as i debuff u and all the pets on me <3

Omg meightz :eek:


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Ixnay said:
You might wanna abide by your own policy (I know, lets make it look like I did Brad a favour :wanker: )

Brad knows i done that to him pissing about, he was already dead at the time with about 12 people hitting him. I think Brad understands what I am like...

And not throwing toys out, just pointing out facts. I dont make comments about the use of ra's on a class if i dont know a thing about them. And Yes moc1 solo is useless so i get pets of that last 5 seconds, how would that help? Especially when you then nuke at 25% (so 100 dmg nuke at best)

And i never played a skald, but i know things like double tapping insta mezz will get through CB mezz feedback, etc etc... and if you mezz at max range and sprint in, you be through 2 brittles by time 5second up. Use insta dd to interupt when come out of mezz etc. but shush, shouldnt tell you this :p

edit: and upgraded to moc2 at end of night, hence belx having problems. Only way i could deal with adders


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
Corran said:
Brad knows i done that to him pissing about, he was already dead at the time with about 12 people hitting him. I think Brad understands what I am like...

And not throwing toys out, just pointing out facts. I dont make comments about the use of ra's on a class if i dont know a thing about them. And Yes moc1 solo is useless so i get pets of that last 5 seconds, how would that help? Especially when you then nuke at 25% (so 100 dmg nuke at best)
Seriously getting tired of having to explain what I wrote earlier in the thread Corran. I commented on MoC, I know what MoC does, I wasn't aware of how it affected a particular pet - so how is that me not knowing anything about the RA..
Corran said:
And i never played a skald, but i know things like double tapping insta mezz will get through CB mezz feedback, etc etc...
Correct, but not relevant.

Corran said:
and if you mezz at max range and sprint in, you be through 2 brittles by time 5second up. Use insta dd to interupt when come out of mezz etc. but shush, shouldnt tell you this :p
Situational, DD's could be down, but yet again, dont patronize me and take a look at things from different angles, instead of your own one.
Yeah 2 brittles is max amount :eek:

Corran said:
edit: and upgraded to moc2 at end of night, hence belx having problems. Only way i could deal with adders

Funny how this revelation has only just come out of the woodwork after waffling on so much about MoC1 today in this thread (and me quoting Belx, if I hadn't done, you'd probably still be chattin shit about how you have MoC1 and does nothing for you solo), even though you got MoC2 last night...

Gimme some more.


Fledgling Freddie
May 30, 2005
I see a possible solution to the solo (1v1) fight only issue (if you can call it an issue)

If goa implemented a "zone" where you could have any amount of people in, and once a 1v1 starts, no one else is able to attack either player. they would get an immune timer from other people. that way only 1v1 fights can happen. Not exactly practicle as some times its fun to take out 2-3 enemy at once.

It would be nice to have something more like this, anything which enables people to have small fights be it 1v1 1v2 1v3 would benefit the game imo, as not everyone is able to play in a group or infact wants to have to play in a group, its a big reason why I no longer play my merc,


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
I wont be moc2 for long though, only done it after got fed up of dying to the adds. No need to stick with it when my connection settles and i can get back to group rvr which is where my focus is. The fact is when you added on me (more then once) I was only spec'd with moc1 which is primary to get out the low level earth pets when im being interupted and it important i get people interupted before running out of range (Ie got a shammy spamming disease or something on me)

If i didnt want to say i had moc2 for now then you wouldn't know any different, was merely proving a point that moc1 is useless. Moc2 is a step up BUT belx still almost killed me and his damage output is not up to par with alot of people i meet.

Want me to look at it from my angle? Fine.

MoC2+ air pets = overpowered if get enough out fast enough to chain stun. However this is no good if 1) they dont chain stun as often they wont. 2) the enemy charged!

MoC1 nukes are useless... moc 2 does 250dmg if lucky making it ok, however your better using the time to try get clear.. that said you will have to repet before timer ends else they wont get chain stunned when moc is up.

Brittles- I rarely have more then 2 up, I will buff up, cure RS and move out. Unless it a quiet day im lucky to get 3+ up. Also stealthers learnt to use mine to kill them even if they cant get into an attack position.

They the main things you got points about it seems. Having played a caster alot it is easy to see how enemy players interupt you, close in on you without taking dmg etc etc, and it lot easier then some people make out... hell i know from playing tic and merc that there are ways arround it, especially at a high rr.
And to help you out, as I have been cranky in this post, but i got my own reasons for that!

Without + duration items.

Earth pets, full time 60seconds, moc3 45seconds, moc2, 30seconds, moc1 15seconds.

Ice Pets, Full time 25 seconds, moc3 19.75seconds (ish), moc2 12.5seconds, moc1 6.25seconds

Air pets. full duration 20seconds, moc3, 15seconds, moc2, 10 seconds, moc1 5 seconds.


Brittles- on 5minute timer, maximum of 4. To get 2 up before you start you got to waste 10minutes sitting in a keep- 20minutes if want all 4 up (yes some people do sit there waiting, I dont though. Played caster withotu brittles so sure i can play withotu them still)

can use charges or insta's to keep caster interupted while kill them. Banelord abilities, skald/mini/ns/thane insta dd's etc. Alchy charge, arti charge etc) Unless they moc that 3-6seconds to get to actually hitting them dpending how far through spell they were.

Purge - If used on your mezz/stuns and you dont think you can keep them interupted it easy enough to pull out the fight and then come back. Just be careful they not kept you targeted and are spamming /face or that they got purge3. Depends on class if you can pull out though as if you not got speed you cant get away


Mezz: If taking on a theurg, get mezz feedback on. If lucky they will have to QC to get initial mezz in which means it isnt up for next attempt and you can keep them interupted. Mind you, some may actually open up with root due to fact there is no chance of that being fed back. Depends if they realise the class about to fight or not.


As a point of note, I play against a realm which has a lifetapping class with pet intercept. Maybe it due to that reason i learnt ways around casters and having to interupt when cant hit in melee... but there are many ways to keep a caster interupted/unable to attack you and some arent stated here.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
Ok, this is no longer about me and you, you've taken it to a new level, i'll let you air your issues in public :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
Haven't played my theurg much recently but I still found MOC2 which was specced for groups (earth pets) to often be quite useful also when solo against meleers and assassins, simply for the root after they purged QC mezz. You can then manually cancel MOC (shift+right click) I believe before nuking, but I never bothered, I found 13 sec air pets followed by gimp nukes to be enough.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Aye Ixnay, got about more then me and you when i decided to go into realm of pointing out my issues a bit further :p Lets just say we disagree about some things.. You got a bad view of me, I got a bad view of you.

And void, MoC2 is good solo, hence upgrading to it for bit last night. But I think that they have stopped you being able to cancel it. I used to cancel it but tried awhile ago and it wouldnt let me, havent tried recently but maybe it got patched back in. That means your left with the dodgy nuking, which if 1vs1 is ok if you got enough pets out to start with for the stun, but a tank will outdamage you if not (no OP lifetap)

But for group RvR i rather have just MoC1 and get RA's such as Boad, but then that just my preference. Can play either way but Boad is more group friendly as moc1 earthpets interupt as quickly as moc2 ice pets, IF there no brittles involved... if so that when moc2 in group is better

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