Solo areas?


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
Out of curiousity, where abouts do people go to attempt to solo nowadays been playing warrior recently and struggling to find a place I can get a duel. Tried hadrians wall around the docks and occassus(sumin)/oriens bridge also the bridge near hib docks that heads to crim, all of which seem quite dead ;/

I'm yet to venture into agramon due to the fact i'll get rolled over by any fg but if thats the only place then so be it, where do the likes of kagato/Gahn etc go. or any solo tanks in general?

any ideas would be great, really want some more toe to toe close fights! :drink:

PS: thanks to the 3 albs at beno docks wearing blue, Overmind, Nemii and some other forgot sorry :/, who left me earlier when i got legion agro:) appreciate it and won't forget.


Dec 22, 2003
none, solo is dead. If there is a place I havn't found it and posting it here would make all the noob wankers who hang around in groups of 10 actully think they are good by going there and zerging all the solo action.


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
its a big secret, if you say it on here then all of a sudden atleast 1fga 1fgh and 1fgm show up trying to farm them.

I'll say CS, just behind the purple guards... gogogog!!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Typicall i'll start by porting to boldiam, check west bridge then back to east bridge, down to alb poc and around the barguest mobs to renaris.

Or that same route in reverse starting from renaris, if I see any death messages from snow area on my BB i'll port to hurbury and run up north to renaris etc.

Tends to be hibs in my experiance that hunt those areas with the odd mid stealther or kitemon.

Thats arguebly the 'safest' solo area, as much as any can be safe, but also the least likely to find successful fights, failing this area i'll port to Beno if possibly and check the dock/occassus and then Agramon crossing.

Which is the riskiest area and usually only stealthers to fight if anything.

If the backyard as I think of it, is clear then i'll take a boat to middy-agramon crossing, but havent done that recently due to all the action in hib/alb lands.

Orienes bridge/north coast area would arguebly be nice solo areas but still alot of traffic there, the bold/renaris route has been most consistant but theres still often groups camping the bold dock or zerging the zone alas and it takes patience to find fights there.

And of cause soon as you get death spam in snow/poc areas you get people like me coming to investigate :D


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Arumos said:
Out of curiousity, where abouts do people go to attempt to solo nowadays been playing warrior recently and struggling to find a place I can get a duel. Tried hadrians wall around the docks and occassus(sumin)/oriens bridge also the bridge near hib docks that heads to crim, all of which seem quite dead ;/

I'm yet to venture into agramon due to the fact i'll get rolled over by any fg but if thats the only place then so be it, where do the likes of kagato/Gahn etc go. or any solo tanks in general?

any ideas would be great, really want some more toe to toe close fights! :drink:

PS: thanks to the 3 albs at beno docks wearing blue, Overmind, Nemii and some other forgot sorry :/, who left me earlier when i got legion agro:) appreciate it and won't forget.

Gave up on my hero m8, respecced him group ras and got me a group running.
Only option to avoid wankers is a stealth class (at least at peak hours, which are the only ones i can play :p), so am trying to solo on my rr4 (now lol) shade, but tuff choices tbh.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Think its more a case of when you play rather than where m8.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
There was a thread about something similar to this a while ago. The result of was someone suggestion some nice solo areas, and of course people then saw the opportunity to gain some easy RPs by running small groups in the area to farm the people out solo.

There are few, if any, spots that are good for soloing. The requirements of a good solo area would be; a) not having to travel for too long to get there b) low or no risk of being rolled over by a fg repeativly c) the possibility of meeting opponents to fight frequently enough.

However, the most reasonable option is to realize that soloing is purely a waste of time and the gains of soloing is in no way worth the amount of effort it requires.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
I've been soloing a lot on my zerker and often wonder where all the soloers are.
Since i often play late, i can get some fights around Bled t3, along the coast and from t3 to the dock. A little away from Brynja, up around the hills close to t3.
I've also gotten a few fights under the water near the dropoff, but closer to the t3, but don't be surprised if you get some warlock/SM add, or that alb/hib boat drops off 3-4 people.
I've seen you around there, so i guess you know that. =)

Then there's Beno t2/Agramon Crossing(or what it's called). These days it's been pretty empty though, but i do find some fights there now and then.
The few fights i've had there lately have also been without much adding. Many albs i've seen there just watch and move on.
Looks like all the "soloers" that used to hang around there, waiting for one of them to start a fight so they could all help their realm mate, got bored and left. I can often run around there for half an hour without seeing anyone.

Been a while since i've tried the Bold area. Either it seems completely dead or i run into 4 hibs camping the bridge closest to the dock.

More solo albs should use the bridge when they run from Beno to the dock.
I hardly see any mids or hibs there, so if you don't meet anyone, you've only lost 10 sec. :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
Kagato said:
Typicall i'll start by porting to boldiam, check west bridge then back to east bridge, down to alb poc and around the barguest mobs to renaris.

Or that same route in reverse starting from renaris, if I see any death messages from snow area on my BB i'll port to hurbury and run up north to renaris etc.

Tends to be hibs in my experiance that hunt those areas with the odd mid stealther or kitemon.

Thats arguebly the 'safest' solo area, as much as any can be safe, but also the least likely to find successful fights, failing this area i'll port to Beno if possibly and check the dock/occassus and then Agramon crossing.

Which is the riskiest area and usually only stealthers to fight if anything.

If the backyard as I think of it, is clear then i'll take a boat to middy-agramon crossing, but havent done that recently due to all the action in hib/alb lands.

Orienes bridge/north coast area would arguebly be nice solo areas but still alot of traffic there, the bold/renaris route has been most consistant but theres still often groups camping the bold dock or zerging the zone alas and it takes patience to find fights there.

And of cause soon as you get death spam in snow/poc areas you get people like me coming to investigate :D

that was the answer i was after, i will try bold i think, see what happens. Even if its jsut 1 fight in 10-30 minutes or whatever, its a lot more on the edge of the seat stuff than 'bambam thankya mam' dead.

thanks for the input people, I know having experienced solo on a tank now how annoying it can get sometimes so has definatly given me something to think about. stick with it peeps and see u out there just /beckon if u see a handsome dwarf strolling about! :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
i been soloing alot with my hero solamnus lately, and found a lot of deaths, but also some nice solo fights:p
After a whole day i mostly have like a few kills and a horrible amount of deaths, but if the few fights i been given have been great...then its almost worth it:)
I usually go around beno bridge( i know its zergy there:p) and bledmeere.
some groups have actually let me fight a guy in their group before they killed least something hehe. Anyhow..its doable imo...just need a good day some luck and a whole barrel of patience:p


Resident Freddy
Oct 15, 2004
u could try beno bribge near docks or under agramon bribge u cant avoid not geting zerged tho;) i usally solo there:)


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
No point due to the new guild.

Brynja Warriors -

2 /3 fgs of "solo warlocks" who unload on you faster than Steven Gaytley in a gay bar.

20 sms in the same area with a pet that intercepts more than your mother in law.

Bonedancers who bang one thing more than a female driver in a carpark.

Everyone of which seems to enjoy the 5 rp per hour they get by camping there.

All docks are the same - FG;s go there, so you hardly get solo fights there


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
only me xrystofer, and jamiemallicus no where the good solo spots are.

Tis a secwet!

And yes soloing as a tank is hard:p


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
brad said:
only me xrystofer, and jamiemallicus no where the good solo spots are.

Tis a secwet!

And yes soloing as a tank is hard:p

Lol. If only you know where it is, Does that not mean its only you 3 who go ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
brad said:
only me xrystofer, and jamiemallicus no where the good solo spots are.

Tis a secwet!

And yes soloing as a tank is hard:p

even harder 2 solo on a cleric when rr7 warriors add on u:mad:

i normally run around the west side of beno to fight jamie, brad ect also around DC sometimes had some nice fights there 2day


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
not being funny, but dont you think its slightly amusing that someone who used to help make solo rvr so hard by adding on and zerging 1v1 fights with his bridge brigade now asks where he himself can find solo action. long gone mate


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
Infanity said:
No point due to the new guild.

Brynja Warriors -

2 /3 fgs of "solo warlocks" who unload on you faster than Steven Gaytley in a gay bar.

20 sms in the same area with a pet that intercepts more than your mother in law.

Bonedancers who bang one thing more than a female driver in a carpark.

Everyone of which seems to enjoy the 5 rp per hour they get by camping there.

All docks are the same - FG;s go there, so you hardly get solo fights there
Hehe, yea, but if you go a little further up near t3 and towards glacier giant/docks, out of view of the Brynja squad, you can get some solo fights. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
70% of soloers are stealthers and from my experience many of them won't attack anything but a lower RR stealther or low RR caster, so with no MOS you're immedately limited to the tougher stealthers or visibles. Solo fights against enemies who actually want 1v1 (so discluding docks and dropoffs) can be quite rare I find, but it depends on the keep situation and time of day.

In general I'd say the dropoff area west of the first alb agrmon bridge, occ bridge, and the land south of there along to the plateau is where I find visible fights. Try the stretch between the two alb bridges and the second bridge if you're brave, more stealthers there but a strongchance of alb adds. I've tried emain a bit more recently, its impossible to camp the dock there as a minstrel and warrior I imagine, but hang around the bridges and you'll get the odd fight. Bold area around POC is traditionally good, but quite a few duos/trios out to farm soloers, and I guess its a long walk from mid especially with no speed.

I rarely even try Bled anymore when solo, theres no end of gimp hunters and SBs waiting to stalk me and then pop me when the warlock patrol passes. The area to the east (frost giant and tower) can occasionally be good though, but there's often a group of albs or hibs roaming, and occasionally the the bryjna defenders pluck up the courage to venture that far from base ;)

When rvr is dynamic as it has been recently I find theres many more places to solo, the more the action is spread out the better solo will be obviously. Just camp the obvious routes from enemy keeps, use trees/rocks as cover and pop out when you see a soloer you think will want to fight... and hope the next FG that passes isn't using radar.

Tanks have an advantage in the 1v1s they do get, but with no speed, CC or stealth you really are limited to fighting only those who want to fight you though, which I don't envy :p


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 18, 2004
I've tried denying it for the past few days, but solo rvr is quite dead. You've got to be really lucky to find more then one solo fight a day. I've been trying to solo on my NS ever since I dinged it 50, but life has just gone tough the last few days.
Bledmeer is undoable cause of the all mighty Warlock and Hunter crew. (Yes, Franel and Rodel, I also mean you.)
Benowyc is still decent for an occasional solo fight if u manage to stay off the bridge and in the water - everey passer and his dog will add on the bridge.

Hanging near DC bridge will give you an occasional solo fight, but expect some twat to zerg you aswell. I've noticed quite a few tanks hanging out their recently.
If rvr doesn't improve I might hang my NS cloack in the closet and concentrate on a grp character. Average day of RvR for me looks like this:


Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Congax said:
I've tried denying it for the past few days, but solo rvr is quite dead. You've got to be really lucky to find more then one solo fight a day. I've been trying to solo on my NS ever since I dinged it 50, but life has just gone tough the last few days.
Bledmeer is undoable cause of the all mighty Warlock and Hunter crew. (Yes, Franel and Rodel, I also mean you.)
Benowyc is still decent for an occasional solo fight if u manage to stay off the bridge and in the water - everey passer and his dog will add on the bridge.

Hanging near DC bridge will give you an occasional solo fight, but expect some twat to zerg you aswell. I've noticed quite a few tanks hanging out their recently.
If rvr doesn't improve I might hang my NS cloack in the closet and concentrate on a grp character. Average day of RvR for me looks like this:

I didn't read your stuff, but you have Chelseafc as a friend, what do you expect?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 2, 2005
Usually only place that has given me some good fights has been around DC west bridge. Usually stand there with my pally and wait for someone to see me. Tho most hibs has no side view and runs straight down to the docks.

Get the occasional mid duo/trio ++, cleaning up some albs and scaring the hibs back up into the keep, then camp the docks for rs people, and end up getting zerged..... (ofc albs do the same, but I'm alb and don't notice that ;) )

Bledmeer isn't worth it for a visible char. You just make the wl's feel skilled when they chamber dump you and kill you with UI....

Hadrians, well, there is the occasional odd soloer, but then again it's zerged by albs (or hib/mid dock/bridge campers), and generally to many groups....


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
Coldbeard said:
There was a thread about something similar to this a while ago. The result of was someone suggestion some nice solo areas, and of course people then saw the opportunity to gain some easy RPs by running small groups in the area to farm the people out solo.

There are few, if any, spots that are good for soloing. The requirements of a good solo area would be; a) not having to travel for too long to get there b) low or no risk of being rolled over by a fg repeativly c) the possibility of meeting opponents to fight frequently enough.

However, the most reasonable option is to realize that soloing is purely a waste of time and the gains of soloing is in no way worth the amount of effort it requires.

I agree it doesnt get you much compared to grouping, but personally barring a very good group with reliable, co-ordinated people (the list is short, very short), i dont group anymore (the gank groups farm you and zerg-hugging doesnt float my boat) - good job really that i enjoy solo.

Shame theres so little of it about.

A typical good "solo" night for me is 1-1-1 deathblows/deaths/kills, and maybe 3-4 kills/deaths. Rest of the time i end up watching SMs/Warlocks/BDs/Fgs/Trios zoom by from stealth.

Ta to the mid group in blue (sorry didnt write down any names) that didnt kill me after my fight with Mieria (spelling), and ty for the good scrap a ways out of clip of brynja belx/mieria.

Think maybe mythic should introduce a non-rp giving area where you can run around and fight others but once one player strikes another they are unable to hit any other/be hit by any other/restealth until one dies maybe?

Just throwing ideas around here.

PS An added whine, its even harder as a minstrel as no MoS means youre dependent on SL [2 minutes out of 15 again, and to know when to burn it you have to know someones there already] to find things before they find you (Which if the assassin/archer doesnt screw it up usually means youre dead). Typical solo for me involves playing about 30 mins out of an hour until i use up all RAs then going afk while they recharge.

Best solo ive had for about a year now was during the most recent Alb RR on the hib relics, camping scath i farmed a nice steady stream of solo/duoed runners to the gate. Something like 15k in an hour.


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
Raven said:
not being funny, but dont you think its slightly amusing that someone who used to help make solo rvr so hard by adding on and zerging 1v1 fights with his bridge brigade now asks where he himself can find solo action. long gone mate

Irony is the term i think. Its the way 95% of players do things - zerg to rr6+, then whine all the way to rr10 about adds.

Amaru-Synergy said:
I go to Odins for soloing.... but warlocks are shagging like rabbits up there...

So true - typical byrnja squad is 40% warlocks 20% bds 20% SMs with the rest being healers/valks/thanes and anything else generally considered outcast.

Perhaps we should introduce some kind of sterility-dentistry program?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Raven said:
not being funny, but dont you think its slightly amusing that someone who used to help make solo rvr so hard by adding on and zerging 1v1 fights with his bridge brigade now asks where he himself can find solo action. long gone mate

couldnt agree more :<


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Duzic said:
even harder 2 solo on a cleric when rr7 warriors add on u:mad:

i normally run around the west side of beno to fight jamie, brad ect also around DC sometimes had some nice fights there 2day

lol i told you already, all i saw was dragon night as i panned my camera and was like o fuck, Kill it!

I didn't no what you were doing, and i didn't even see you from before, you just appeared from no where, and half way through fighting you a sm came along and added, who u claimed you was trying to kill, but i didn't know did i?

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