Solo area?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
Lookdaddy said:
Had some good close fights with zoia on my RR4 sorc around there tonight!
Wish i had MoC tbh... woulda got you a couple of times zoia :p
I didn't really want to kill you that last time though.
That's why i did some /charge, /no and some dancing. :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 12, 2004
Zoia said:
I didn't really want to kill you that last time though.
That's why i did some /charge, /no and some dancing. :)

Hehe... i kinda guessed you was haveing a play with me the last time.
Got MoC now tho, or maybe i will bring my reaver out next time :)

Either was was good fun


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
I'm still going to be going in that area. Agramon is defo not the place to be really. In hib frontiers I don't feel that much excitement, and mid ones are too bloody white :p

If I find people, all's good, if not, I don't care.

And tbh I love those small groups, nothing better than killing 3-4 at a time by using the tower bridges to gain advantage ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
Gear said:
I'm still going to be going in that area. Agramon is defo not the place to be really. In hib frontiers I don't feel that much excitement, and mid ones are too bloody white :p

If I find people, all's good, if not, I don't care.

And tbh I love those small groups, nothing better than killing 3-4 at a time by using the tower bridges to gain advantage ;)

Yeah I went looking for you, but you where not there. after the constant ganking in the area I ran to Hib. But man its tiresome with no speed. :p
only got to kill 1 chanter that stunned me in the back, second time I met him I felt bad and hugged instead. else I ran all hib area and met nobody.

I see np running duos or trios there, specially when you meet other trios, but if you meet a little reaver RR1 in the middle of nowhere, dont all jump her, 1 at a time pls. more fun for everyone. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Coldbeard is right to be honest.

The zone is fucked, to many cowards and skilless noobs going there because they can't kill fuck'all by themselves.

I've actually had more fair fights in agramon then bold, and those fights have been few and far between with the 2 am fg lamers.

I actually like Ravens idea of the invite only irc channel, I prefer fights to be more natural, but theres not many options left alas. Sadly im to much of an IRC noob to sort that kind of thing out.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
came back for a night of rvr had 1 or 2 good fights but most were ruined by selfish pricks, even had some random pryd group add on a scout that had blown all his toys and was going down fast, pathetic.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Raven said:
if its against the CoC to organise 1v1 fights they can ban me, it would be very anal to do so though.

/totally agree

I really don't see the problem when it's a genuine fight to the death, with both sides trying to win (applies both 1v1 and fg v fg). I mean feck, even from a "roleplay" point of view, fights have been arranged for centuries. And if it lets people enjoy the game without hurting others, and without rp farming to falsely improve your char, then it should be fine.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Gear said:
I'm still going to be going in that area. Agramon is defo not the place to be really. In hib frontiers I don't feel that much excitement, and mid ones are too bloody white

If I find people, all's good, if not, I don't care.

And tbh I love those small groups, nothing better than killing 3-4 at a time by using the tower bridges to gain advantage

Had a laugh in agramon tonight. Been having problems with computer freezes on the island (re: ATI gfx card problem) and thought it fixed and wanted to test it, however i didnt want to group and cause the loss of fights because i froze up.

So along i went to agramon where i met a fg of friends that were running, I kepts as close to them as i could to maximise my time on the island wihtout being zerged and watched their fights. When you do things like that it quite interesting to see the way people act towards solo'rs. Stand at over 2k range so it clear your not interferring just to have someone try to run that distance and get to you :D

From my position of watching i found that both mid and hib groups had no problem with adding, however i did see 1 hib group approach and pull away from a fight in progress (sorry not see who). After awhile of watching all the adds slaughtering my friends i decided i would start to get involved. So the next island fight, i stood way out of range as the fight against hibs started. Half way through a 2nd group of hibs added and got mezzed. I thought enough of this shit and started to take out the add's support. So funny because as a poor solo theurg that the hibs been trying to zerg (had done 4 runs alone and been speedwarping this group) I killed 6 of them before the other fight had finished (note to self, theurg is overpowered). At that point we got another fg hibs adding into the fight that eventuall killed us :D

But still, as a solo'r i made 6k rp in about 1minute. I say that would be a good place to solo :p (hmm think i went off the point,,, but then the post does show the mentality of how groups play as well as the point of solo on agramon can be a laugh )


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Did actually get a couple of decent fights on agramon tonight,two 1on1's and one mid stealth trio that were amusing. But still plenty of zerging going on.

Funny how desperate some groups are, even had 1 hib group of desperado's chase me all the way up to beno trying to snatch there 200 rps that they still never got.

Theres always been a sort of unspoken agreement among soloers on how and where to fight but given the state of modern RvR and how some people seem hell bent on spoiling it whereever we go I think those that want to fight and test themselves against other like minded people will have to work together to over come this situration, though FH wont be the place to do it.

The situration is like this.

Many of us want solo-challenging fights against other like minded people
We want to avoid the zergs
We want the fights to be 'natural' hunts, finding and killing. NOT duels.

The problems we face are:

Zerg Nazi's screaming CoC!
Communicating prefered areas across realms to the 'like minded'
Stopping the anti-social twits that just want to spoil things.

Personally I think we need some sort of mailing list or irc channel, to pick half a dozen battle grounds and rotate them every week.

The first rule of Fight Club is...


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 14, 2004
Maybe change away from the alb area and try around the bridge and poc area of Glenlock in midgard for a while? away from the zerg portal of boldiam. I know a few albs and hibs who already use this area like alpha etc, so could be fun.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 12, 2004
had loads of good 1 v 1 fights at bold-surs tonight.

Limetless you pussy.... if your gonna fight me stay and fight, dont keep running away :twak:


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
Lookdaddy said:
had loads of good 1 v 1 fights at bold-surs tonight.

Limetless you pussy.... if your gonna fight me stay and fight, dont keep running away :twak:

Agree, dont all camp bold and docks for safety, come near padfoots/boars.

Was quite busy tonight i duo'd with a guildie skald, had lots of fun, only made 8k but it was lots of fun nonetheless.

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