Solo area?


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
Ran my warrior there a few times for some tank duel action, but never get past poc area due to duoing vamps, so if you see a big colourful troll give him haste and let him hunt for some soloers.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Lamest thing I found there was a trio consisting of BD, WS and a warrior BG-ing the lock :eek7:

But it's still fun, still my prefered area :)

Mas said:
Ran my warrior there a few times for some tank duel action, but never get past poc area due to duoing vamps, so if you see a big colourful troll give him haste and let him hunt for some soloers.

If i'm duo-ing there, we mostly let one of us engage (sometimes it ends up in one getting killed, sorry nuok :( ) but sometimes we all engage (sorry kagato :( )

Circumstantial really. I don't blame groups; half groups, or anything, I just find the action there more to my liking than going on a bridgehead and getting zerged in a sec or two


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
I was solo around Bold and saw 3 Albs in an hour...

An r3 Armsman who refused to let me kite him and he got bored and wandered off and some grey con leaving PoC... and a tic in PoC (yep I got that bored I chose to loose me boofs!) that was it :(

Incidentally when I walked back through Agramon I noticed these three little areas which looked Ideal for duelling in privacy, they are close (ish) to the mile gates, each one is half way between mile gates (H->M, M-A, A->H)... they look like little lugs on the map...

To me they look purpose built for 1 v 1 duelling, each one is away from the track, has a narrow entrance, that opens up inside to an area big enough for 1 V 1, each is in a dip so shouldn't be visible and has steep walled in sides... being half way between milegates means you both walk the same distance….

Anyone else noticed them?


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
you can be sure that Mastards grp now will check those places everytime :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I checked those gulleys out when I first got hold og Agramon maps, they really are quite tiny and some have agro mobs nearby like Bwca's.

I think they are more intended as spots for groups to rebuff in.

Have my new template to try out now, lets see if its actually possible to get a decent fight to test it on lol. :m00:


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
If I ever get WH to level 10, I'll bring my baby Mincer down for a good hiding from you high-RR solo/duo types :)


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Xajorkith said:
An r3 Armsman who refused to let me kite him and he got bored and wandered off

/wave ;)

Got bored since you weren't going to kill me (despite zephyr :p) and I wasn't going to kill you (I miss throw weapon... should respec pole for the snare on the first style instead of the second in a chain). Especially when the padfeet decided to side with you against me :( (you ran straight through them and they all went for me - damned fish-smell every time)

Fg mids came by soon after so I thought "lets not hang around here" and took a boat.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 26, 2004
I might come along with my pally but she erm hits like a girl......

Borgio Finstermoor

One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 7, 2004
Had a solo fight there the other day,

Was doing an assassin misison about 2 mins after loggin on and good ole Eul jumped me ( well not so much jumped but unstealthed and legged it to get to me)

Sure I lost (damn artifact timers upon loggin in) but it was a solo fight none the less!


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 12, 2004
I dont have any tanks atm other than an untemplated hero so I do run that path that kagato mentioned with my eldritch - ( i dont have speed so its fair ! ) :p

Usually jump off the boat at Pen mountains and run to the river ..cross the river and check the POC bridge then check just outside poc ..if theres nothing there I double back around the pad foot camp down to that caster/villager camp ellalys or whatever and then onto the worm camp and back around to poc ..

meet a lot of mincers / sorcs there and a few scouts ..cant really duel much with a caster but Ive come close and had some good fights ..

i wont lie..if I see xpers there I wait till the pull is over then I do engage them ..its happened to me plenty of times and Ive learned not to xp in the frontiers as it is an rvr area.

Did a run there with my friends tank and had 3 duels before being wiped - very much enjoyed it and its the closest thing to a solo area I could find .

Aran Thule

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
i will try and have a look around there this evening.

and if you find a little luri jumping madly over your body making a lot of noise its just because ive become a thunderer. <grin>


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 15, 2004
boppas said:
Hate to spoil teh party, but organising a "solo" area on FH is like putting up a sign for FG's/zergs etc reading "FREE RP's" especially after cluster :fluffle:

and i think its against CoC :m00:


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Kelio said:
and i think its against CoC :m00:

This has been discussed loads of times before, I think the official statement regarding this is that it is okey to say that "i will be in zone xxx around xxx looking for solo fights" but saying "I will be at loc xxx in zone xxx at 14:35" is not, something similiar at least :)


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Kelio said:
and i think its against CoC :m00:

It's not against the CoC saying that you frequent in such and such area. It's called discussion.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Borgio Finstermoor said:
Had a solo fight there the other day,

Was doing an assassin misison about 2 mins after loggin on and good ole Eul jumped me ( well not so much jumped but unstealthed and legged it to get to me)

Sure I lost (damn artifact timers upon loggin in) but it was a solo fight none the less!

Funny stealther this guy, was on my thuerg and met a vamp, killed him as another one added. The bugger used charge so had to use everything on him. As the vamp was about to die Eul decided to attack me as well. Typical stealther thing to do. Still managed to kill the 2nd vamp and send a couple /rudes Eul's way before i died :p

I been running bold area a bit, upto eras way hoping to find fights. Alot of time there bd's/wl duo's etc but least i have a mild chance. Seems half groups about alot though, and often they hitting surs tower and pulling out albs who then zerg about the area for 10minutes then leave.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Kelio said:
and i think its against CoC :m00:
if its against the CoC to organise 1v1 fights they can ban me, it would be very anal to do so though.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
sounds funneh, had enuff of the minstrel +adds trios in agramon, ANLGY ELPH INC!!1


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
Good to see the rr10 hib fgs have found the spot too, killing soloers/duos :worthy:


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
aye, how unpredictable that some hib grp would go there for some easy RPs ... zOmg REALMPOINTZ M8s


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Mas said:
Good to see the rr10 hib fgs have found the spot too, killing soloers/duos :worthy:

You can't really expect groups not to be there! You also insta killed my bard despite me mezzing you :p (that's a personal comment, meant for fun, don't turn it into a WL thread plz).

However as an area it's good for small groups/solos/duos, you can play around the scenery and the bridges, and you definitelly wont get added that much upon. Personally I like it and I'll keep on going there. Agramon is good for a full group and that's about it really.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Gear said:
You can't really expect groups not to be there! You also insta killed my bard despite me mezzing you :p (that's a personal comment, meant for fun, don't turn it into a WL thread)

WL's easy mode crap delete now! j/k :p


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
Ok, so I wanted to try the fabled 1 vs 1, only tankclass I have is an ML2 RR1 reaver. But I figured what the hell, lets try that area.

I can tell you now, for a visible soloer forget it.
Ran for 1 hour. this is what I met.

Buuh and thillion Duo.: Killed me 3 times.

Khainai and buddy Duo, did not get name: Killed me once, but khainai easy kill if he had been alone.

Hexing and buddy Duo: killed me once, insta WL death.

Svinus and buddy Duo: fast caster death out of range.

Djinn ranger or something similar: shot me 2 times then ran away.

Now since all that is there is Duos and they gank every soloer they see, even a Guardian. I dont see this as ever being a solo area. I tried going several times since I figured the ppl there was the soloers/duos tired of getting zerged everywhere else, but I was wrong. Now the duos just gank all the soloers. and everything is still the same.

Now I am new to this and here you hear shit loads of the solo code of honor, but as I suspected, its all crap. I will keep going for a while, but I kinda lost faith in that area.

Advice Duos?? Try only 1 of you fight if you meet solo ppl. it will be more fun for yourselves too. and let you duo partner kill after if you loose. But if you run around ganking you just killed another area where some ppl try to have different fun. ergo killing it for yourselves.

Advice soloers?? Dont go there, its a duo area now, not a solo area.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
Unfortunately that's what happens.
People hear about this solo area and they go there with a friend for some easy RPs or they do it cause they can't kill anything on their own. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 14, 2004
looks like this area is the new place for the "not so good players" to get together and zerg fuck out of the soloers.
Past 2 nights ive been there and ive found nothing but grps of 4-8 and mainly albs especially fgs of warders running around pwning all the soloers.

get a life retards


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
xRedfieldx said:
looks like this area is the new place for the "not so good players" to get together and zerg fuck out of the soloers.
Past 2 nights ive been there and ive found nothing but grps of 4-8 and mainly albs especially fgs of warders running around pwning all the soloers.

get a life retards

I think the problem is that mids/hibs keep hitting surs tower.. it flames and people go there to defend..

Me personally i went there solo earlier. First thing i found was a lame arsed emote spamming sb charlote (emoted me because i tried to run due to fact i could see a WL/warrior inc to add)

Go again and kill charlote and get jumped by 2 ns and a ranger

Go again and the warrior, wl and a shammy grouped together. Go back to keep and group with a guildy armsman.

Go to bridge again, kill the 2 ns who try to consta hit a bg'd theurg and the ranger attacks... eventually he died as well.

Killed the wl/shammy/warrior

then a sm/wl/healer/shammy came along. Killed them.

Killed the shammy/warrior/wl trio again.

Got bored and joined an opted group and got zerged in agramon :D


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 9, 2004
Since FGs always take the same road to Agramon, wouldnt it be possible to have the routes to agramon as solo areas? I mean, on the slope near the water, out of view from adders. Hiding from full groups without radar is quite easy at those areas.

Corran said:
Go to bridge again, kill the 2 ns who try to consta hit a bg'd theurg and the ranger attacks... eventually he died as well.

Killed the wl/shammy/warrior

then a sm/wl/healer/shammy came along. Killed them.

Killed the shammy/warrior/wl trio again.
Give mentalists aoe mezz instead of having to spec for single target mezz:)

Quickcast doesnt help much as I can only quickcast once unless i get the OPed MoC.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
maybe the answer is an invite only irc room or something, the soloers can go to a different zone each night, retard zerglings wouldnt know where we are rvring then :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 12, 2004
Had some good close fights with zoia on my RR4 sorc around there tonight!
Wish i had MoC tbh... woulda got you a couple of times zoia :p

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