Sure give us all a op movie bring it on, Armsman movie... Warder movie... Champ movie...WL movie Shouldn't be hard to get the footage?
No would love to see it best thing about FH... movies love em:wub:Sure beats the whinesow i take it preacher boy dont wanna see it. Then i just cant post it!
Any soloers or people i actually care about that wanna have a link?
and nice 1 looky. If a few wants it ilpost it here also otherwise just look into killbury forum tomorrow or so.
Playing a armsman at the mo dam there evil it's 4l7 taking out rr11 rouges MWHAAAAAAAAA
Ho ye BABY :wub: they good fun tho hardmode tho lol got 7 l5 skald 8 l 3 hunter? held the stick with the shit on the end you no?From one hardmode class to another right?