So, what do YOU think of my paladin's name?

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Originally posted by ivan_tribbiani
Salah al-Din Yussuf ----> born a Kurd, became a warlord of the Muslim not Turks :) Turks-to-be represented a small part in that Arab or "Saracen" army :)

cheers ivan :) my history ain't too hot :)

so saladin was indeed a saracen :) and so is saradin handily.

Sfxman - were it my guild I'd take you back - you're a nice fellow etc. just your name would bring bad press to the guild etc. :) since it's changed (through your own actions) and yer a nice fellow I'd let you back in...


Nice to hear Fingoniel, although it is myself saying this so would I based on such things that were mentioned.
It was me who changed the name and I myself haven't changed to anything different from the usual nice Lother and Merciless.


I think any name is fine as long as its within the rules. If they don't like it they can **** ** * * ****

My name is a rip off of Lancelot of course. I just say Lancelot is my uncle and that makes it ok then, I think.

I have "Sir" in front of my name now because it feeds my need for fantasy. I played this game to imagine I was a knight in shining armour and thats how I get my kicks.

Right now I'm fantasising about marrying a beautiful lady whilst wearing full plate armour (without the helmet on of course and epic armour would be too expensive to make but I wonder...).


what a big load of crap over a name sheesh hope they let u back in also to those that were winging and whining about cannabis you do know they take the extract from that to make drugs which are of great use to some with medical problems so it aint all bad excaliber isnt a roleplay server so play it how you like as long as u show respect to others dont matter what you are called lmao even the roleplay servers On the US version are full of 1337 dudes and kids with bad attitudes same as here


Wow, with the amount of people who think anything non RP related sucks, Im surprised I havnt had "nerf TS' name!!!" shouted at me...


Feac, when you have learned what the word "punctuation" means - and put it into practice - people may, possibly, listen to (and understand) what you have to say.

People were invited for their thoughts on the name "Cannabis". Their thoughts were provided. The vast majority think it's an exceedingly silly name. The name of the character has been changed. End of discussion, surely?

By the way you may wish to find out what the letters MMORPG stand for in reference to DAOC, particularly the last three letters :)


I will comment here and will do so as the first LoE officer to state this but i would rather you had kept this internal on the boards on our website. It was posted on the LoE forum boards last night and it was agreed that it would be best for you to remove your character from guild because of the name. I did comment that i was not under liberty to say why other than that you would have to trust me in the reasons we were doing it for and that i had never lied to you before in the past and have never tried to upset you deliberately.

I again reiterate these points so that you understand them and see that i am not trying to be childish or petty.

Any more issues contact me in game and try and keep off the boards here.

For those of you that said it says alot about the guild if we remove players for silly names then maybe you should actually get to know us before judging us.

For those that defended us and agreed with us thank you but unfortunately this post should never have been posted here and its unfortunate that it did.

Hopefully this will settle the guilds viewpoint on the matter now.


Originally posted by Turamber
It is a daft name ... but surely you should post something about this on Lord of England's forums?

I think LoE is a nice guild, with some good players in it, but - with all respect to you chaps - their name hardly fits the game setting/era either. Lords of Albion yes, but England doesn't exist for a few centuries yet...

An expression concerning kettles and pots comes to mind.

As regards the Lords of England name it has been used by the guild for well over 5 years now in other games such as UO and is still used by the USA branch of LoE on Pellinor.

As such it is not a immature name or one which is totally unappropriate in terms of names in a mmorpg set during medievil times. Historically it may not be completely accurate but making comparisons to it and that of a player name called Cannabis are totally different.


Locking. I wouldn't usually but it seems better for both SFX and LoE if this doesn't stay bumped at the top when it's essentially an internal issue.
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