So, what do YOU think of my paladin's name?

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Well, here's the scene...
Today I make a totally experimental paladin who is saracen and will be 1h slash+shield. This is besides the point though... my point is that I made him almost half-laughing because well, like I explained above and thus I named him: Cannabis.
So all day long I am happily in Lords of England and people are amused by the name until I log for some time and return... after I return and say I am back, I am asked to leave the guild with this alt of mine because a very few people did not find it sensible.
Now I have asked Kemor about it, and it was fine. Also it does not contradict the naming policy in anyway.
WHAT would you think about this name of mine?


I think it´s as silly as pffft and moooo, but they neither is a breach of the CoC, I´m not offended by it though, just lie pffft and mooo cannabis is a part of some peoples lives :p


I think some people take this game to seriously.


You mean that I am some sad bastard because I made a thread about this? Well see the thing is that all my other characters are in this guild and damn does it suck not to be in it while I level my character with a "immature" or "unsensible" name.


I was commenting on the people who took offence to the name ;)


Ah, yes... I must agree. Then again it might not be just that... I guess 0.1% of the DAoC population might find it very stupid in some other way.


I don't find the name offensive, and some names are genuinly funny and make me laugh when I see them, however neither is Cannabis one of those, its hardly keeping with the era either or atmosphere of the game.

I think its a little extreme though to kick someone out of the guild over it, specially if all your other characters are in it.


Hmm says quite a lot about a guild that would kick out members cos of funny names, especially if youre mains are all in it..


I know that my name does not fit the times, but does Bulls Eye, my scout? Well a bit more perhaps but still. What about my merc, Merciless?
Anyway, I do find this name funny also in the sense that one would have to be on the particular substance to make a saracen 1h slash+shield paladin ;)
This is in no way anything to do with wanting to show how cool I am just because I might have smoked a g or two... this is actually my second character with this name and the earlier was a 2h crush paladin :D
Anyhoo... not being allowed in a guild, sheesh...

j000 d000d

Nothing wrong with that name. :)

I always like funny names, like Fidelcastor :m00:


Basically, the decision was based only on a very few members opinions which I think is wrong... as I have said most find that they are neutral towards the name or then they find it amusing.


Im not offended or anything like that, but its a damn silly name to have in a rpg.

having names like Cannabis, Likestogiveblowjobs and bangsyermama are just childish and not entertaining at all

my 2 coppers

Uncle Sick(tm)

What Arnor said...

*waits for Sigurd to keel all the ones who don't think shtoopid names are FUNNEH*


Hmm, but is it enough to not be allowed to part of a guild in which I have all my other characters? Hmm?
To people who say it is related to drugs, well it is and isn't.... cannabis is not necessarily marijuana which is the drug. I also like the ring of the word cannabis for some reason I do not know.
Anyway, I think being asked to leave a guild is too much :(


SFXMAN: why dont you focus your fire, get a char to lvl 50 and come play with us real men(tm) :)


Oh, and that guild-thingy. I can understand them a bit cuz having a dude called Cannabis <Lords Of England> says a bit about the guild. and if its a rp-guild in any degree i dont blame em


Well saw a dude ( think it was a male char ) with the name thats a lame name..Cannabis well it could be worse... had he been a shaman it wold be ok , we do deal in weed ya know man

Generic Poster

Get your Paladin above lv40, and LoE will take you back without a second thought ;)


To be honest, I wouldn't have you in my guild with a name like that. But then I'm not the Gm of GoV, just an officer, so I wouldn't have much choice.

I think the names people choose for their characters tells us a lot about them. Sorry, but if I saw the name Cannabis floating above someones head, I would immediately think 'Wanker'. Sensible name = sensible player.


lmao i have seen some really sensible names and they were complete ass holes very rude and nasty so going by a chars name is silly i saw 2 wizzies called Ispit & Iswallow they were alts of course and they were very nice just having a laugh away from tanglers and trees ;) try and judge the person who is playing not his/her name and as for being a name suitable to a rpg lol did they have words like woot and all the other daft things some of the players say ???? dont think so


Originally posted by SFXman
Anyway, I do find this name funny also in the sense that one would have to be on the particular substance to make a saracen 1h slash+shield paladin ;)

We got a guy called Spliff in our guild...

What's so funny about a Saracen paladin ?
I'm Saracen paladin and I don't think I'm much worse than highlander/briton paladins :p


that name is a disgrace to me and all other paladins! you should hang your head in shame for that.

also some guilds can make their own decisions and what does CoC has to do with it? (why bring that up :confused: )

may the church of camelot kick your booty


It is a daft name ... but surely you should post something about this on Lord of England's forums?

I think LoE is a nice guild, with some good players in it, but - with all respect to you chaps - their name hardly fits the game setting/era either. Lords of Albion yes, but England doesn't exist for a few centuries yet...

An expression concerning kettles and pots comes to mind.


Originally posted by SFXman
Now I have asked Kemor about it, and it was fine. Also it does not contradict the naming policy in anyway.
WHAT would you think about this name of mine?

It only takes 5 minutes of running around to see that GOA couldnt care less what names people use for characters.

Its a silly name, but you knew that at the time.
Some people will judge you based upon it - if you didnt realise that at the time you do now :)


Why is it so hard to take a "normal" name. If you want to take "funny" or "1337" names go chat , play a 3d shooter or post on news.

There should be a much stricter naming convention and all "abusers" their account suspended for a week and then given a choice to rename their character.

If you ever played a pk mud with such a name you'd be bored with it after 5 minutes with the "real name nazi's" pking you continuously.


if your so bent outta shape about the guild not allowing a char that is experimental(as u sed in ya 1st post) to stay because of a stupid name, why not just *SHOCK HORROR* delete the char and remake it with a sensible name?

obiously if its a experimental char what will it matter?

nuff sed imo :sleeping:


Re: Re: So, what do YOU think of my paladin's name?

SFXMAN: why dont you focus your fire, get a char to lvl 50 and come play with us real men(tm)
I don't really care about getting to 50, I like to try out different things and damn... it seems like I will be round this game longer than most people. I have noticed many people who PL to 50 and to 40+ with alts and many think of quitting. What's the rush?
I think the names people choose for their characters tells us a lot about them. Sorry, but if I saw the name Cannabis floating above someones head, I would immediately think 'Wanker'. Sensible name = sensible player.
When I see someone say something like this I don't know what to think about them... hasty judgement? Mm... so if you grouped with my friar Lother you would think I am an ok guy and then if you grouped with my paladin you'd think "What a stupid motherf*cker"?
Judging a person by their name is ridiculous. Most fo the time judging a person over the internet is already ridiculous...
It is a daft name ... but surely you should post something about this on Lord of England's forums?
Yes, yes I did and it is a two-sided debate tbh but still this char will never be in that guild unless I get the name changed. Funny thing is that things like "Bud" etc. would be ok although they mean the exact same thing, just that most do not know such things.
It only takes 5 minutes of running around to see that GOA couldnt care less what names people use for characters.
How come so many have had names changed?
Its a silly name, but you knew that at the time.
Of course I knew at the time it was silly, but it was also silly to make a 4th character when not even a single one is even level 40 yet. :rolleyes:
I really wonder how people can say that some name doesn't suite the game because even in LoE there are other names that are for example names of products or whatever... so maybe my name is not good for the setting but is also "daft" according to some. Leave the setting part out in other words... just make it "unacceptable".
Why is it so hard to take a "normal" name. If you want to take "funny" or "1337" names go chat , play a 3d shooter or post on news.
I really don't like 3D Shooter's but look at the names of my other characters... are they so bad? You can even put reasoning behind the names Bulls Eye and Merciless witht he help of a background story for example. I know that Cannabis is naturally not justifiable by any story as such but my other names just say that yes I can be more "regular" with my names... do I have to be serious or loyal to the setting with every character though?
Occasionally I think some people should lighten up a bitbut that is just me.
if your so bent outta shape about the guild not allowing a char that is experimental(as u sed in ya 1st post) to stay because of a stupid name, why not just *SHOCK HORROR* delete the char and remake it with a sensible name?
Yeah, actually I made the character last night and now this morning I have considered it, most likely I will do it but I sure learned new sides of some people (none that posted here though). Anyhoo, that's just the way the cookie crumbles.
I will just make the damn character again so I can get it into LoE because getting the name changed could take forever really. Hmm, got to spend some time making up the name though because it has to be good not just one randomly generated but also no-one must be able to take offense to it from any angle.


i was grouped with you in mithra last night cannabis and tbh you seem like a really nice person it really does suck you were chucked from LOE but well maybe it`s for the best ;)


Aye it prolly does suck to get kicked out from a guild because of such profanity, but at the end of the day its interguild matters. And i really dont think that anything that is being said here would somehow affect the made decision.

I dont like interfering with guild conflicts but can i just ask : could the LoE have kicked out Cannabis while keeping all other chars in the guild, i mean without this post i wouldnt even know that Cannabis= SFXman so no harm done to the guilds reputation.
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