Sniper Scout - Damage Type?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Because my Scout has crap damage and gets owned by DW enemy classes, I am thinking about maximising LB damage, and respeccing to:

50 LB
42 Shield
36 Stealth
20 Slash/Thrust

He is a Briton. He'll have crap damage either way, but my feeling is that he'd probably do better with Thrust because of his capped Dex.


Oh, and if I have already activated Battler as 1H Slash (just to keep in 2H Slot for charge) and I respec him Thrust can I still use it? Logic says yes, but this is DAoC :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
Scouts will allways get owned by a well played assassin and at low RR he have no chance at all.
At High RR and fully melee spec you might be able to compeed, but dont count on it before that.

But at sieges Scouts are great and much fun actually. :) even at low RR.

You should have no prob using battler for the charge. Winged helm can also help you alot against Assassins, the lvl 10 charge is great.

Personally I am 45lb, 42shield, 36stealth, 29thrust autospec.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
The difference betweebn 50 lb and 45 lb is nothing to write home about. The difference between 18 slash and 29 slash, especially in combination with Malice/Battler is huge.
50 lb is a common spec for towerhumpers (or for FZ spammers in pre-FZ times). As Baldrian said, you´ll always have a hard time against assassins if you´re not especially melee-specce (which I wouldn´t recommend at low(er) RR).
Personally, I`m 45 lb, 42 shield, 29 slash rest stealth. That´s a good all-around spec IMO and I`m quite happy with it.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004
depends on what you want to do.

for low rr's I say 3x st, 45 bow, 42 shield, 29 melee is fine.

try it & play it - if you like it you like it.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 15, 2005
Danamyr said:
Oh, and if I have already activated Battler as 1H Slash (just to keep in 2H Slot for charge) and I respec him Thrust can I still use it? Logic says yes, but this is DAoC :)

If I'm not mistaken, you can respec it to thrust these days. You'd have to xp it back to lvl 10 though.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Equador said:
If I'm not mistaken, you can respec it to thrust these days. You'd have to xp it back to lvl 10 though.

He means can he keep it equipped on his back just to use the charge.

I would expect the answer to this is yes.

I've never had a scout, but if they are like other weapon-wielding classes, you will start with 1 skill in the weapon types you can use (eg. mincers get 1 in slash and thrust). This single point will be enough to let you equip a slash weapon in the 2h slot of your thrust scout.

You don't need to re-level the arti. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
ye the dmg diff between 45 and 50bow isnt that great tbh and u still get mega varience. but what is sweet is piercing pbt for 100%dmg... and this is why go 50, kinda useful at sieges :)

my scout is 35st 50bow 29shield 35thrust, but i'm going 35st 40bow 42shield 35thrust next time.


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 4, 2004
Hi there...
Being a Scout myself, i have tried several specs!
The one i feel personally fond on is:
40 bow
42 shield
36 thrust
33 stealth
I am currently RR7L5 but i find this spec works wonders!
The difference as said above between 40 bow and 50 bow is hardly noticeable so its not worth he extra 10 points imo!
Yes... you loose the best volley, you dont get 100% penetrate pbt and you dont get Sure Shot but i dont miss them atall!
For me, i play up close and personal, I class myself as a stealther hunter;)
At the end of the day, If you have the right template with the right arti's in it... You will do well!!
ie. Winged Helm/SoM/Traiters Dagger/Band of Stars etc!
With Winged Helm up + SoM, you are a force to be wreckoned with!!

Anyway good luck to all you Scouts out there!
Regards Blitz


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
The sniper scout cookie cutter works at lower realm ranks - thats why its so popular.

The most popular of sniper specs are either

50 Longbow
42 Shield
34(ish) Stealth
18 Weaponspec

- or -

45 Longbow
42 Shield
34(ish) Stealth
29 Weaponspec

Both of these specs work, obviously the second one is a little more well-rounded, as the difference in melee damage is noticable, but this doesnt mean that with 29 weapon you'll always win, or even win 50% of the time.

Sword and board melee'ers always suffer against dual wielders, and since three out of four of the enemy stealth classes you'll be facing are dual wielders, you'll quickly see why melee scouts are recommended for higher realm ranks only.

Untill around RR3 or RR5 most people use slam and then try to get a few bowshots in. After that you'll find your chances improving in melee.

Anyway, as for what damage type, more or less down to preference.

looking at your spec with 20 melee, you probably wont notice a huge difference either way.

As slash you'll probably be using Uppercut followed up with Opal slash, neither of which have a stun effect on them, so there isnt much room for imagination there.

As thrust you're best off going for beartooth, with sting backed up, the reason for this is that sting is a nice anytime, but if you block you'll do a beartooth, which (afaik) has the best growth rate(damage) of any thrust style apart from dragonfang. it also has a stun on it.

The old hard and fast rule used to be if you're going 29, go slash - as you get amythest slash, one of the better anytime styles, any different to that, and thrust is probably a better choice, for the reasons of weaponskill and the styles.

honestly though as I said, its more preference than anything.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004
that crap you wrote about being a brit & thrust and doing crap dmg is bullocks - proper shite.

look at it this way:

brit: Str 60 Dex 60 = 60+60 / 2 = 60
Sara: Str 50 Dex 80 = 50+80 / 2 = 75 - your modifier is 15 more as thrust.

At the end of the day it comes down to you, the only thing i would point out is that Slash is end intensive & has better to hit styles.

Dmg wise you can still do high dmg, it comes down to ToA bonuses & Armour Type & using melee/magical type wpns.

A thrust spec to try: 40 bow, 42 shield, 35 melee, 35 st or 40/42/30/39 <--- good all rounder spec but I would recommend it from rr5 +


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
Yea, Im a briton thrust scout, the damage isnt bad at all.

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