I don't get how you arrive at those figures.
If it's 1 in 64000, how come the prevalence is as high as 1 in 20 - or 5%. I'm pretty sure not every single African has to have had sex 3200 times to get AIDS...
If it's 1 in millions then AIDS is spreading by magic over there...
I think the 1/8000 HIV+ female>mail transfer chance must be pretty innacurate? *googles*
VS"So she's smoking hot, has a kid and you've never met the Father but she's told you a story, your in Africa and every 5th person has HIV..and you're thinking of shagging this bird?"
Bottom line being:"Your chances of catching the hivvy from an unknown african girl assuming you don't do anal is 1/64,000"
"The risk is still there but you should be fine. Get tested afterwards (8-12 weeks after) to be sure. Don't do it if its going to ruin the experience and the next two-three months after (think about every time you sleep with someone else.. etc.)"
Disagree because of the aids ridden references in that post