Skateboarders Vs Bladers Vs BMXers



Originally posted by ignus
Ow that hurt, I think you caused internal bleeding with that damaging comment, it was so thoughtful and powerful and incredible. Oh the pain, the pain I might not make it through the night, somebody fetch my family, I need to speak to them one last time. I'm a gonna.....uh......farewell my friends farewell. :rolleyes:
Sarcasm isn't one of your stronger points is it lad?

And isn't sausage and mash traditionally put together? How does this make them enemies?

Just pointing out flaws, not having a snipe.



Well having said it wasn't, your post is somewhat flawed you utter muppet.

I said it wasn't a snipe before one of you far-too-serious types had another fit at me.



Originally posted by ignus
Yeah you naughty boy. What is all this shit about your sig anyway Tug?

I was deemed a perv and a paedo cuz my sig jokingly said 'I love 15 year old schoolgirls'


I used to blade and the best trick i could do was a 360 over funbox and a soul on the fun box rail jumping to it from the drive way the other side. I could do the grinds there was on a flat rail. All the skate boarders down the park were being wankers and wouldnt let the bladers onto the ramp or they would kick us in ffs :upyours: I thought fuck this and started playing tony halk 2 and that turned me into a skate boarder. I have bin doing it a month now and is totally enjoying it, it rox (getting quite good too).


Originally posted by TUG

I was deemed a perv and a paedo cuz my sig jokingly said 'I love 15 year old schoolgirls'


I did not deem you a pervert purely by your signature.

I dont want to start the whole process all over again. All I indicated was that your signature was possibly inappropriate for this day and age.

i sent you a PM which you may or may not have read.

End of the day, I am old enough to accept or ignore any comments which my be made over the net.


Got your message, just your reply earlier in this post hit me as a bit extreme compared to the ol' signature thread is all :)


I don't see anything wrong with his sig, if you don't mind me asking how old are you Tug?


Miss being a teenager eh m8:)

Dont worry, i'll be gone in 2 and a half yrs:(


p.s have the lagers at your local wetherspoons improved yet?? You said once they poured you out a green sweaty one lol:D


Getting back to the original gist of the topic, I went on a half pipe the other day for the first time in my life.

And I am still alive. Will be doing it again next week.


Originally posted by TUG
Got your message, just your reply earlier in this post hit me as a bit extreme compared to the ol' signature thread is all :)


Apologies to all it offended.


Originally posted by stazbumpa
Getting back to the original gist of the topic, I went on a half pipe the other day for the first time in my life.

And I am still alive. Will be doing it again next week.

shutup Staz we've moved on from that:p


Originally posted by stazbumpa
Getting back to the original gist of the topic, I went on a half pipe the other day for the first time in my life.

And I am still alive. Will be doing it again next week.
Thats not the original gist, the original gist is how wound up you could proove to be.


just a bit.

Actually Staz the reason why I started this thread was to find out how many people in Barry'sworld actually have a real life outside in the real world, you know, people who actually do sports and lead normal healthy lives. A lot more people than I thought actually lead lives, however our friends Kez, Bohdi and Stu (I spell it how I feel coz it ain't a real word) are exceptions. They can call me what they like, they can flame me all they want (just proves they take this shit more seriously than they claim) but it doesn't alter the fact that they are sad internet geeks with nothing more interesting to do than sit at a computer all day and wank over child porn (no offence Tug :) )
As I said boyz I don't take this seriously, this was all just a bit of fun for me, so if you decide to flame me then it proves that you do take it seriously, so while you sit wanking over porn all day I'll be out breaking my nose, arm, leg etc trying to do something stupid, dangerous and probably illegal, who's the more stupid?


Originally posted by ignus
However our friends Kez, Bodhi and Stu are exceptions. They can call me what they like, they can flame me all they want (just proves they take this shit more seriously than they claim) but it doesn't alter the fact that they are sad internet geeks with nothing more interesting to do than sit at a computer all day and wank over child porn
a) HEH
b) Er, no you can't spell Bodhi's name any way you like, as this is not the purpose of a name, its like calling you "numpty" and claiming its on your birth certificate.
c) You amuse me greatly, if only for your muppetess.
so while you sit wanking over porn all day I'll be out breaking my nose, arm, leg etc trying to do something stupid, dangerous and probably illegal
and while you're doing that, I'll be out socialising.

Btw, why do you see the need to re-assure everyone you have a life beyond the computer? No-one gives a fuck.

I could go on, but I fear you might mistake me for taking this seriously. Heh.


Christ ignus you are a sad cunt. "Look at me everyone Im dead interesting. I rollerblade and then brag to everyone when I maim myself." Catch yourself on fuckstick. I am actually willing to bet you are on the internet more than me (considering Im hardly ever on it anymore due to proper real life commitments).


Bodhi has perfectly formed man-plums :) He does ya know!


Ha ha you guys just couldn't resist one last dig could you? Well it just proves that you do care about what people say about you. And Bodhi about the whole bragging about the maiming thing, let me introduce you to sarcasm. But apart from that I will say no more, I grow tired of this debate and will depart to pastures (or halfpipes) new.
Goodbye my good friends Kez and Bodhi and to a lesser extent Stu, may you glide the halfpipe of heven and surf the waves of freedom, or some shit like that.


Shush now.

Rest your illiterate head :/

Thanks for your concern, clearly because I'm able to take the piss out of you I care deeply about what people say.

Your logic continues to astound and amaze me.


who's illiterate, you don't even know what it means.

"Oh naughty boy you weren't supposed to talk to the weirdos." "But they're so funny I can't help but laugh at their pathetic attempts to offend me with things that don't make sense." " Ok I'll let you off just this once."
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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