Skald -Vs- Bard- Vs - Minstrel??



Originally posted by Dannyn

It's because they are on the naturalist damage table. Minstrels aren't massively damaging and they're at least on the rogue table, bards have it even worse.

I say this whole thing about damage tables is bull. My warden can hit as hard as my thane with the same speed weapon and having approx same str. And warden should be on "naturalist dmg table" and thane on "viking dmg table".

I've never ever seen Mythic post anything about "class damage tables" and they're pretty open about what affects what. Only thing that they've mentioned about weapons is your spec in it and then stat(s) for that weapon. Hey even my RM can do a 70HP hit (20+20crit+30dmg add) on a purple drakulv.

Why some classes seem to have worse damage is that they spec lower (warden's usually stop at 39 spec highest), have less (or much less) strength or use faster weapons. An infil can use around 2.2 spd thrusters and hit for 50 and a SB can use a 2hander and hit for 200.

If someone wants to test this with me on a mob or maybe another player, let me know.


Got to agree with above poster. I'm a trusting pole-armsman (oho!) that sometimes use my uber swordskill in RvR because of that bloody PBT. Anyways, my friend, the minstrel, is specced 39 in thrust, like me, and we have exactly the same crafted weapon with the same quality. Now I only hit for slightly higher damage than him, using the same styles, as I have higher strength and dex.

I've read somewhere, herald i think, that speccing a weapon does not make you hit for more tho. you only gain new styles (that in turn gives you better bonus-damage) and that weapondamage is only effected by dps, spd, quality and your stats (like str for slash). Noty sure about this one tho :)

This thing about him being on rogue-table and me on .. uhm, fighter-table (?) doesn't seem right.


Tss, speccing a weapon does make you hit for more dmg, for example if you're specced 2/3rd of lvl in your weapon then you can hit for 75%-125% of normal dmg, spec = lvl then about 100%-150%. This is the whole point of speccing in a weapon, to increase damage.


Originally posted by -chancer-
whats happened to the skald's 2nd dd ??? it seems to have disapeared from the catacomb's site charecter builder

They just stuck all the DDs in the same line


Hmm whats best... depends on what you want out of a char

I've got a skald at lvl 23, and my brother has a lvl 24 minstrel.

Just doing quick comparisons: skald gets 2H, etc is meaning less. Look at what the class is used for, and how it's played.

My skald was meant for escaping the BG zergs.... doing my own thing, picking off loners, etc... I eat solo minstrels for breakfast, haven't seen a solo bard yet, but I assume they go down just as fast.

I'm a tank... I do damage.... thats how I plan on playing my skald

My brothers minstrel is a support character.... he gets owned by everything on 2 legs, but then again, he usually has a group that does his tanking

So if I was too meet him with my skald (impossible, since they are on the same account and different server), would my skald be better because I could solo him?

Or would his mintrel be better because he has 7 friends who can gank me?

Like wise, a bard with friends could probably gank me too.... but they would have to catch me first....

There is no btter or worse between skald/minstrel/bard .... only better or worse ways of playing your them


Hey! don't knock the plastic lightsabers!

especially if a rather vicious 5 year old has hold of it :twak:


I think im gonna chouse a bard

but could someone please do a run down on there pro's and con's how good they are to play or not?


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