Manisch Depressiv
Part of the furniture
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- Mar 6, 2005
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Thad forgot to drink his morning tea
Manisch Depressiv said:Thad forgot to drink his morning tea.
Thadius said:Nope im on my third cup![]() said:i was just saying give him credit for trying and not take his ethic roots into it, its rasist
also you can understand him. just he uses slang and bad grammar
daoc is a community, and your alienating him for doing bad things, its not like his stealing from you, as the game is manifactured in such a way to prevent that, everything is fare, and if you got 'scammed' by him its probbly as much fault his as it is your
and afterall your forgetting its just a game, no-one deserves that kinda responce for playing a game badly
so i stand by my comment and....
*thinks.... thinks again.... thinks one last time... hits submit*
like that?
Thadius said:I dont have a PHD in English, I just hate to see my national language bastardised like that.
Using bad English when you are trying to prove a point just makes you look silly, I don't know why but it does.
And anyway, how can It be racist?
He says he is from England, so if he cant speak english what the hell is he doing in this country?
You wouldnt move to France or Germanywithout learning the lingo, would you?
Thadius said:I dont have a PHD in English, I just hate to see my national language bastardised like that.
Using bad English when you are trying to prove a point just makes you look silly, I don't know why but it does.
And anyway, how can It be racist?
He says he is from England, so if he cant speak english what the hell is he doing in this country?
You wouldnt move to France or Germanywithout learning the lingo, would you?
for those who dont know shakespeare *is* a great english playwriter, who's influence's have alterted the english languageThadius said:Shakespeare would be turning in his grave at the state of your English
RejuvFluff said:Yeah, I'm sorry... I'm just having a go at darkho cause I felt like it, he's a real standup guy! really!
psyco said:its not being bastardised.... have you ever been to hackney? or even listen'd to the youth of today, they do seem to use a completly differant language
ii guess you vote BNP then? its seems to me that you dont want anyone who's mother tounge is english to get out?
you would learn a bit of French/German but you wouldn't be able to form sentance's aswell as nationals. and im sure and well respected member of sociatly wouldn't hold that against them, they would try to understand.
Thadius said:For a start, I learned in school to use slang in a written form is a big nono, unless its a quote or in a fictional term, ie someone speaking "That bint was reeto mint"
Secondly, yes I voted BNP, purely for the fact Labour doesnt work.
Brining dsylaxia into it is just shit, seeing as I have a form of it.
The spelling i dont give a shit about, its the grammer and the lack of full stops thats annoying. It hurts the eyes to see a page full of text without grammer.
psyco said:the wonderfull thing about lanuage is its permanantly evolving, in 100 years time we all might speak like necromania, and people will call us nuts for using english the way we do....
[off topic]
no partys work.... imo the only way you can vote is by taking the literial meaning, labour=working class.... lib dem=liberal
[off topic]
i dont actully belive you have dsylaxia, i think you would be slightly more simperthetic towards him, you took the easy way out and try to be 'cool' by just stabbing him with a rusty knife, thats heartless
Thadius said:Lol
I do have it, only found out about 2 years ago when I was at college.
School just thought I was messing about when I got low grades, went to college and English teacher gave me tests to do, which come back as a form of dsylexia
psyco said:do you feel justified then?
considering you have language problems, dont you understand how anoying it can be not being able to comunicate?
if you do feel justified, then im obviously talking to someone with mental disabilitys aswell...
!!end of topic for me!!
Erulin said:Some people tend to suffer from Dyslexcia. Poking fun at their use of a written language is the same as making fun of a kid with no legs cause he can't skip a rope like others...
In a word ? Pathetic.
There, perfect English even though I AM dyslexic and English is only my 4th language... Does this make me rock ? NO But then neither does your bashing of people's use of the Queen's English.
Empathy it's called... being able to place yourself in someone elses situation. You clearly lack this human ability.
RejuvFluff said:darkho is a piece of shit, good or bad english.
>.< Pooned said:![]()
as a song sais
Love is in the air...........