Singing the lvl 50 minstrel (alb prydwen)



The skill of a player is also related to how they judge threats. All enemy players are threats, people that don't kill all of them when possible are less skilled, or so damn skilled they don't mind a couple of greys leading that group of 50s at them :)


unfortunately its only stealthers who usually get the luxury of choosing their targets..
Ive played a hunter, and now a spirit master.
as hunter, i could choose target and generally feel in control of things, I also had my awesome hunter turbo to escape any danger (loved that :D)
Now as SM im very slow and have pretty low HP and dont usually feel very in control of things at all (which is more fun in fact!).
If im attacked, I must usually kill or be killed.


What's all this about skill? Maybe in real life you can be skillful or honourable by fighting people with the same skill as you.

But this is a game and all about fun.

If you find it fun to kill grey cons, do it. If not, then leave them alone. Simple as that.

I find it very funny when people go on skill in this game. There is no skill involved, not like a FPS or something. It basically boils down to who has the better character, not skillful tactics.


Originally posted by cerebus
I find it very funny when people go on skill in this game. There is no skill involved, not like a FPS or something. It basically boils down to who has the better character, not skillful tactics.

Amen mate. :)


I have to disagree with the original poster. I remember being killed twice in forest sauvage at lvl 20 by mids. The reason you dont see many there is because of the distance you travel to get there. A minstrel can travel that distance.

I occasionally go to Yggra myself with some guildies. It works both ways though and ive always died in there either in a fight or ganked by guards, mind if you manage to avoid the ridiculous line of sight of the guards i think u earn the right to reap some rp, . Its is a warzone remember so perfectly acceptable. From a role playing sense we are at war. its annoying yes but i hate to say it after so many else have but if u hunt a frontier thats the risk u take like everyone else.

Kerram Darktyde

It is not just about who has the better character.. not at all
Tactics (skill?) play a big part
you may have a good high level character but you need to know how to best use it (ie Skill/tactics)

Singing for example killed me in a few spells and a hit (he is very purple to me.)

he is a fast mover and a stealthy bugger :) Hit and run tactics mainly :) a pain but fun to hunt

I got ressed and continued to hunt him down

I knew some big guys were around so once i saw him fighting someone else (read as he was mashing a caster :) )
I ran in and tried to keep him busy long enough for the Cavalry to arrive and that it did , just as i decided i was too tired to remain on feet.
Seconds later Singing falls ontop of me and the caster :)
I get ressed and Bow to Singing and trot off to find more nasty invaders :)

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