Singing the lvl 50 minstrel (alb prydwen)



Is it just me or cant people read properly, what would a lvl 4x player be doing in Yggdra xp`n hell no, hunting invaders hell yes. The only reason i went there was because alot of my rl friends hunt there as they are in the low twenties, not to mention the other 20 or so players that hunt there, Fair game if he attacked me, he would`nt life long, wouldn`t it be better for him to hunt in emain, minstrels have stealth not very good at it but they can stealth. So hunt players in Emain or Even the Pennine Mountains after all those players are a greater threat to you than a group of lvl 20 players


can i just say if your minstrels have stealth, why dont our skalds?? :)
im lvl 44 spirit master at the mo, i think even when im lvl 50 it will be very hard to kill a minstrel when they are alone because of stealth.
Think about it unstealth, insta stun (or can they stun while stealthed?) kill me.. only takes about 5 secs :/

atm if singing is about, i dont bother, im just free rp's when all i can do is stand there being hit.


Minst can stun while stealthed but they unstealth as soon as they cast.


Often greycons go around as bait, with higher cons nearby, or they act as scouts.

So, you kill the lowbie, it draws the higer mids out for teh real fun.

Sorry you think it's lame, but it's what most high level mids do all the time.

I used to ignore greycons, but not any more. After getting sniped to shit with 20 minstrel in sauvage, 1 hit killed by a troll in Snowdonia, it's open season.

If you are in a frontier zone, you are a valid target.

Frontier killing is part of the game, no one is gonna be banned. I mean ffs, sinister killed people in Camelot Hills. Countless middie archers used the bugged bows to rape lowbies as they left the PK gates in Emain and Odins.

People in glasss houses shouldn't throw stones.


I think stealh is a grief skill!

wtf is an assasain without stealth? a gimped blademaster, mmm yummy

Emma, i dont know if your pry\mid, but when i go to yggdra i hope to find the odd SB around my level for a duel ;) however a lot of times its essential to make your prescense known to draw out higher levels :) had a few nice duels in yggdra with various people, runies, zerkers, hunters, and a level 50 SB (which i lost miserable heh)

great fun :) more fun than being the victim of emaingank ;)



Go singing Go!
Whiner whiners whine away, go somewhere else to complain.
ROFL the make yggra a safe zone parade! err RVR = what?
I think some people have just caught the midgard bug= must be lvl 50 to participate in rvr rofl. whats sad(but still is a purple reskilling a grey 5 times with a bugged bow<--that is wrong(oops might I say mids).
Yggra=not far away for a minstrel. BTW there is no such thing as griefing in daoc until pvpserver.
Oh wait really greys give rp's? you don't say :) best I've got is 25rp's off a grey was very chuffed :)
go to emain to fight? erm isn't emain the hibs exp zone...oh wait they know better :)
^^I haven't laughed so hard for a while as laughing at the first post in this thread :)


Yes it makes sense but still, it ain't nice when a newb goes ie. to the crabs in Uppland to make a bit better xp for a highlevel to come and stick them full of holes :)


Originally posted by Emma
Right what is a lvl 50 minstrel doing in Yggdra Forest killing players that are lvl 20-25. Im sorry but someone that does that deserves to be banned from the game, If you wanna do RvR join all the albs in Emain or is that too much for you. Come on m8 pick on someone your own size, ohh and btw, i enjoyed taking a nice chunk of your health m8. made me smile.

Pissoff, where were you when Sinister was ganking lvl10's in Salisbury Plains and the whole Midgard realm was cheering him on? Or when he was killing level20's with one shot in Snowdonia when they were trying to get chain drops? There is an old saying 'what goes around, comes around'.


hehe...what a dumbass thread. :D

I killed a grey con frog last night because I got bored, you wanna ban me?

The entire game is based around levlling up so you can have lots of fun and then go out and kill enemy players.

Honestly, I'm almost sure that the people that start these threads would have a heart attack if they played any other kind of think that all the really high level players go around helping newbies there?

Just be glad you don't play a game where you and your friends live in fear of being ganked every few seconds and losing a shit load more than just a few lost exp'ing minutes and a trip to the healer.

Just get used to it, Yggdra is a nice place to unwind after a night of exp'ing.

Don't come on these forums naming names, are you really trying to tell me you have never killed a grey con out of boredom? If you have I think we should all try and get you banned as well. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Emma
Is it just me or cant people read properly, what would a lvl 4x player be doing in Yggdra xp`n hell no, hunting invaders hell yes. The only reason i went there was because alot of my rl friends hunt there as they are in the low twenties, not to mention the other 20 or so players that hunt there, Fair game if he attacked me, he would`nt life long, wouldn`t it be better for him to hunt in emain, minstrels have stealth not very good at it but they can stealth. So hunt players in Emain or Even the Pennine Mountains after all those players are a greater threat to you than a group of lvl 20 players

Were you born this thick or did it require great amounts of practice? Why have you not answered the FACT that mids do the same thing to alb greycons every single day. Double standards from a whining mid who has killed more than her fair share of greycons.


Originally posted by CreepingDeath
can i just say if your minstrels have stealth, why dont our skalds?? :)

Because skalds actually do damage with their weapon. :p


wtf, how did a mid get into sali plains? is this old news? its the first ive heard of it


If someone wants to kill greys thats up to them. Why go to Yggdra - they knew there would be Mids to kill (and possibly Hibs doing the same thing). Personally I will try to avoid killing grey cons in RvR (when I get to a high enough level to find any), but that doesn't mean I won't sometimes.

I have had experience of Purple con +++ Middies in our low level hunting grounds whilst I've been XPing, some have killed us, some have danced/waved at us, others even helped kill mobs when we pulled too many (damm BAFS). Its all down to personal preference.

You are in the frontier - they are not exploiting a bug - its meant to be war and is allowed by the game (anyone ever heard of wars where people go around only killing people of the same experience as them?). The point of going to the frontier is a trade off between getting better XP than normal and the risk of getting ganked by invaders - if you don't want to take that risk, don't do it!

If someone thinks that killing grey cons is fun, thats up to them. IMHO it's lame (thats my opinion so I'm entitled to it), but it's certainly not a reason to ban them. Don't shout that someone should be banned when they are simply playing the game the way they want to - I expect you have done something to another player (accidently or not) that they didn't like, but they are not calling for you to be banned.

Finally - it happens in all realms, you are not the only person and Middie is not the only realm where it happens. Stop moaning and play the game :)


OMG ... God know why i'm replying to this shit .. but here is goes..

If you don't like being killed my Albs/hibs any con DON'T play in the frontier

Here are some reasons why to kill as many Mids as we can..

Back B4 the patch.. "sinister" was able to jump over snowfort and get in to alb and kill all and anyone.. he even got as far as the barrows. + the only place to get any items over lvl 30 was in snowdonia, where the high lvl mids would camp it all day long. ohh yes don't even get me started on Caer Hurbury, The mid army only used to take that keep at the start because it was in the middle of our hunting area. So if a purple mid missed you the keep guards where next...

Ohhh and please... ok in emain ( a hib exp area ) i try not to kill grey con mids but if thats all thats out there,thats what i kill..

If i go to yggdra or any area of mid I WILL KILL /TRY TO ANY MID I FIND BE IT GREY OR PURPLE

And i know that anyone playing this game is the same..


HEy if he is able to do what he deserves!
iam playing DAoC too on lyonesse and its really funny killing low lv with highlvs :)

its just fun!
i think a better question would be:
why do lv 20 play in the frontier zone???
they cant do anything there!!

btw... he is my classmate :)

mfg iceman

old.Gombur Glodson

the lvl 20's go to yggdra/uppland because its one of the best places to xp from lvl 20-30


It isn't the best place because we can come and kill them :p

old.Gombur Glodson

Thats part of the excitement, at least it was for me when I was a mid.


Originally posted by Lonewolf
Where is Yggrda forest anyhow?

go to the AMG in odins, as you walk through the wall away from the Alb TK, go right and stick at the border all the way round, you will pas various mobs camps, continue on your way, at some point to your left you will see a big lake, you are now getting close, soon after seeing this lake (still sticking to the border) you will come up to a path.. its quite obvious because its brown and the ground is white there, go right down this path and you will come to the middy border keep...

its Fun Fun Fun


Que lots of level 50 Mids guarding that passage to Yggdra.......:D


Originally posted by CreepingDeath
can i just say if your minstrels have stealth, why dont our skalds??

Because Skalads get these things which minstrels dont:

- A Group Damage Add song line
- Mezz SHOUT (instant mezz)
- Snare
- resist body line
- resist spirit line
- resist energy line
- resist heat line line
- resist cold line
- resist matter line
- Choice of all 3 types of weapons slash, thrust and crush, minstrels only get slash/thrust
- Parry
- Protect Skill

now all that for stealth and a few other things.. aswell as skalads dont have to use instrements which is really annoying i can tell you... dont moan!!


Right what is a lvl 50 minstrel doing in Yggdra Forest killing players that are lvl 20-25. Im sorry but someone that does that deserves to be banned from the game, If you wanna do RvR join all the albs in Emain or is that too much for you. Come on m8 pick on someone your own size, ohh and btw, i enjoyed taking a nice chunk of your health m8. made me smile.
Yeah ban me pls, dont look at the players that use bows with a 1000 miles range, sneak into other realms and chainkill lvl 10s at bindstones, etc....
Rather ban me for killing my enemies, very good point...

I problably wouldnt go around ganking greys myself, since its not much of a sport, and i know how frustrating it can be, constanly running back to the PK.
Was frustrating for me too when i was ganked by a lvl 50 hunter at lvl 20 :p

well, after the 5th time getting killed by singing, it sorta loses the fun factor a little, since we have 0% chance of killing her
I am male :p And for killing me get some high levels out there pls...

Griefing isn't wrong or against any rules, its just lame. I can't believe someone would buy this game, subscribe, go through the torture of levelling to 50, then go to a lowb zone and gank greys......LAME !
If you think its a torture leveling to 50 why do you play daoc then???
Call me lame or whatever you want, Mids did same to me so maybe i am lame, but they are lame too then :p

Let me just clarify something im not hunting there, others are, as you may see from my sig, Emma lvl 4x shadowblade, all i can say is fair enough hunting in our frontiers, but name one time were a mid or hib went on a rampage in Forest Sauvage ?
Sinister, Jenna, etc...

most of our high levels tend to spend their time in Emain, so why not go there?
Cos its boring i think :p

yggdra : sorry mids, but its my stress relief, if i get annoyed, i go there and stab as many people as i want to, or as many as until i die
Good point :D

I think stealh is a grief skill!
Play something else then...

Please, don't judge all after one person's deeds. Do you see all mids complaining? I was ganked by Singing 3 times yesterday, that is what one has to take when playing around in Yggdra. But I sure enjoyed lying dead and watching him/her being killed by a big group low levels right after its third kill on me
Oh a sensible post :)

Fair game if he attacked me, he would`nt life long, wouldn`t it be better for him to hunt in emain, minstrels have stealth not very good at it but they can stealth.
Feel free to kill me pls then :)
And i dont like Emain...

can i just say if your minstrels have stealth, why dont our skalds??

Well thats my 2c to this very funny thread :)


heh ive actually tried xping at the bone eater camp which is right at the edge of the map.. and guess what, no invaders come :(
Yet i hear reports of invaders in yggdra.. then more invaders..
yet nobody had passed me.

I dont mind having invaders in yggdra, the main prob is 90% of em are stealthers :(
and usually very cautious stealthers, only killing ppl they can 1 shot or easily kill.

Recently about 20-30 albs of lvls 20-40 came along, that was quite fun to defend :)

more invaders plz :D


Hey. Stuff happens. Ive been ganked by level 50 mids, all the time. I dont whine about it, it happens. 'tis also why i dont exp in the frontier because all it takes is one purple mid to get you a nice exp death.

I know ill attack anything i'll see. I dont like to kill grey cons because its kinda pointless(armsmen dont fare well in yggdra anyway :) ), but if i see you anywhere, you're as much as a target as anyone else. You put yourself in that situation. If the gates issue forth a swarm of purple con mids and i die, i wont complain...its the way it works.


i actually like lvl 50 albs comming too's way easier too get my rp's that way instead of going too odins/emain.and when i die i'm not far too get my revenge ;)
although i don't think i met singer,well not in a usual rvr situation maybe in keepraids and stuff.
well mate,if i meet you i hope we have a nice fight. :D
i won't mind saluting your corpse:)
and about him comming too yggdra,why not?he has the right too do and kill who he wants in the frontiers.that's why they are frontiers.i wouldn't bother cause i like yellow and orange cons more(for the rp's :)) and because i can't be bothered too walk that far just too get ganked by a group of wandering enemies.the only times i'm in emain/hadrians is with the intend too take/defend a keep.when i go to our frontiers i'm there too kill every invader i see.even if they are green or grey.they are our frontiers and when they are there they are trespassing.simple as that.
p.s.:singer when you see me don't stun me and have fun with me,every second you can use,use it cause it's the only way you'll survive.(when your lucky :) )


I play DAoC for fun...

If I see a grey and know its real person standing there I will happily slaughter them in the knowledge that all the time I spent leveling this far wasnt wasted.

Then I would grin and go find some more...

and ENJOY myself!

ffs calm down, if you dont like dieing - go xp somewhere else. :)


Originally posted by CreepingDeath
heh ive actually tried xping at the bone eater camp which is right at the edge of the map.. and guess what, no invaders come :(
Yet i hear reports of invaders in yggdra.. then more invaders..
yet nobody had passed me.

I dont mind having invaders in yggdra, the main prob is 90% of em are stealthers :(
and usually very cautious stealthers, only killing ppl they can 1 shot or easily kill.

Recently about 20-30 albs of lvls 20-40 came along, that was quite fun to defend :)

more invaders plz :D

I normaly bring a party of about 5 all 30 to 35 so I might see you very soon. ;)


The skill of a player can be judged by the enemy he chooses to fight.


Originally posted by Mattus
I play DAoC for fun...

If I see a grey and know its real person standing there I will happily slaughter them in the knowledge that all the time I spent leveling this far wasnt wasted.

Then I would grin and go find some more...

and ENJOY myself!

ffs calm down, if you dont like dieing - go xp somewhere else. :)


At last someone with the same point of view as me :flame:


Originally posted by Grymshadow
The skill of a player can be judged by the enemy he chooses to fight.

Thats about the best comment ive seen so far, hit the nail on the head there m8

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