Singing the lvl 50 minstrel (alb prydwen)



Right what is a lvl 50 minstrel doing in Yggdra Forest killing players that are lvl 20-25. Im sorry but someone that does that deserves to be banned from the game, If you wanna do RvR join all the albs in Emain or is that too much for you. Come on m8 pick on someone your own size, ohh and btw, i enjoyed taking a nice chunk of your health m8. made me smile.


Pls? Banned from the game?? You must be kidding me...
Note that the frontier zones are warzones, and the realms are fighting it.
I problably wouldnt go around ganking greys myself, since its not much of a sport, and i know how frustrating it can be, constanly running back to the PK.
BUT from a roleplaying kind of view its, imo, totally legimit. You ARE invading our lands (or we are invading yours ;)), and the purpose of us being there is to kill just about every stinking mid or hib we see... And that includes you low lvls too ;)
Dont go there if you are afraid of higher lvls.

Well, just my 2c, feel free to flame :clap:


would do the same :p

although i would prefer green cons :p


well, after the 5th time getting killed by singing, it sorta loses the fun factor a little, since we have 0% chance of killing her

just means that people go elsewhere to xp, and groups who actually con not purple to people xping there cannot have a nice fight, especially to those hib groups who seem to think they are invisible (you know who you are)

And I enjoy trashing Alb scouts who think they can prey on low levels in yggdra :)

well, unless they get me first :rolleyes:


Well she Shouldent get banned, there no Rule saying you can't go ganking greys, But don't there lev Fronteir Zones come in the patch? think its lev 20-25 zone ect, not sure am rather slow, took me 3 months to fianlly register here :clap:

Well ignore me if you want i often talk about stuff i don't know about :(

Well chow, and am finally trying DAoC again, just what to be and were to be it,

and btw Which realm is the strongest now:confused:

Ganon (the monkey revenger) also GingerKeen:clap:


The alarm went up a few days ago, singing running riot...

So us low levs hunted him down and hung he's head up.

then again, he/she caught up with me the next day and needless to say the fight didn't last long (did 10% damage before taking a dirt nap).

Guess we'll just have to band together to remove the threat the second you see "(*****) was killed by singing" stop your hunting and take up arms against the invading scum.

we could use some more higher level support in yggdra.


Hmmm Yygrda Forest sounds cool...........


Banned from the game.... of FFS put a limit on it m8. It is a risk you take to exp in the frontiers, just accept it.


Its war yadda yadda its a risk you take going to the frontiers yadda yadda.

Perfectly valid. But a level 50 Minstrel travelling to Yggdra (a very long way from Alb tk in Mid frontier btw) = griefer. Sure some people like ganking greys, and sure, banning is out of the question. But that doesn't alter the fact that if lvl50s deliberately hang out at Yggrda (basically only lvl20ish Middys xp there and there isn't much high lvl activity) then they are lame griefers.

Griefing isn't wrong or against any rules, its just lame. I can't believe someone would buy this game, subscribe, go through the torture of levelling to 50, then go to a lowb zone and gank greys......LAME !


Let me just clarify something im not hunting there, others are, as you may see from my sig, Emma lvl 4x shadowblade, all i can say is fair enough hunting in our frontiers, but name one time were a mid or hib went on a rampage in Forest Sauvage ? lol i cant think of any because its damn hard to even get there. Not forgetting the 101 guards patrol`n the place..... Maybe the midgard security sucks but do you guys/girls have any morals at all or is it a power thing. So what if you can 1 hit a grey, i can 1 hit an orange but who cares. At the end of the day if your gonna hunt somewhere at least have the curtesy to leave the low levelers alone, come on a lvl 50 killing a lvl 22 player, thats like taking candy off a baby.


well, not really candy of a baby, cos the baby will have her mom around to beat you with her hand bag

most of our high levels tend to spend their time in Emain, so why not go there? I've been killed by Giona plenty of times, but at least it's not while XPing ( singing does have the curtesy of not xp killing though :clap: )


Originally posted by Emma
Let me just clarify something im not hunting there, others are, as you may see from my sig, Emma lvl 4x shadowblade, all i can say is fair enough hunting in our frontiers, but name one time were a mid or hib went on a rampage in Forest Sauvage ?

LOL ARE YOU COMPLETLY IGNORANT?! Sinister use to camp outside snowdonia fortress and oneshot me :p and there use to be camps of them inbetween snowdonia fort and hurbury.

And I think taking our relics counts as a rampage in forest sauvage...

Usually when ever you go hunting in yggadra you get a group of 10 rvr starved level 50s searching for you within 10 minutes. Maybe he was looking to lure people out :p

And you say how hard it is to get to the lowby frontiers, well perhaps after all that travel and nothing even good to kill Im sure its perfectly normal to vent yourself on some lowbes :p


Don't forget thing on prydwen... lvl 50 hunter that liked to gank lvl 20 hibs :p


Originally posted by Emma
Let me just clarify something im not hunting there, others are, as you may see from my sig, Emma lvl 4x shadowblade, all i can say is fair enough hunting in our frontiers, but name one time were a mid or hib went on a rampage in Forest Sauvage ?

I went on a restrained rampage, killed about 4 grays, a green, and a red, and then got killed by a patrol. i was getting bored anyway, those were the only people i saw on my whole trip :(

havent been to snowdonia recently

yggdra : sorry mids, but its my stress relief, if i get annoyed, i go there and stab as many people as i want to, or as many as until i die

uppland : same as yggdra, but for when yggdra is empty

i tried dancing with a gray con last time i was in uppland
after about 6 tries she didnt even wave, let alone dance
for that, she had to die :( broke my dancing luri heart :( she no wanna dance wit me :(


I'll dance on... er with you Aeiedel... it's much nicer when you have a mat to keep the snow/mud off your feet. :D

As for Yggdra, well actually I was just there and wiped out a grey xp party... they were there when I attacked a blue skald so I took them out for good measure. :p


So Emma, a shadowblade you say? So I would be right in thinking that you getting to sauvage would involve lots of stealthing, nipping in and out etc? Right.

Now look at Singing. Minstrel with mach5. NOWHERE is a long trek for him :) Sure killing greys isn't exactly a fair fight, they can't kill you after all. But they do have eyes, and can tell their mates what you're doing.

old.Gombur Glodson

what is so hard about being killed in yggdra? if you're bound in Audliten it takes like 5 minutes to get back and if you're not bound in audliten, well learn to do it then.
and if you go back a 5'th time after being ganked? How dumb is that? you know that he's there and what he does, either bring some highlvls or a whole bunch of other people or go xp somewhere else, how hard can it be


Oh please how many times are we going to have this sort of post. If you're in the frontier then you're fair game, end of story!


Why is it that when the Alb's and Hib's complained about this a few months ago all the Mids said was... Well dont come to the frontier then. Now we do it to them and they cry like babies.

Frontier = RvR

RvR = Kill all non Alb (for me)

[Edit] spelling :mad:


and so is mezz/root/stun

and while we are on the subject so is void magic, pets, armour (other than plate) and anything that does more than 20 dam each time it hits me... doh I mean anyone.


Why is it that when the Alb's and Hib's complained about this a few months ago all the Mids said was... Well dont come to the frontier then. Now we do it to them and they cry like babies.
Please, don't judge all after one person's deeds. Do you see all mids complaining?

I was ganked by Singing 3 times yesterday, that is what one has to take when playing around in Yggdra. But I sure enjoyed lying dead and watching him/her being killed by a big group low levels right after its third kill on me :)


I`m not moaning because he killed me, hell i almost killed him he had like 5% hp left until he managed to get one last zap off on me, that isn`t the problem. I enjoy hunting down the lowbie killers in yggdra. Because 99.9% of the time they are lvl 40+ ie blue-yellow to me. But to kill someone that cant defend them selfs. Well that is just out of order. I could understand if a lvl 50 came to Yggdra and ganked a load of green/blue cons fair enough. Atleast they would have the chance to dmg them back. I must say though i enjoyed the moment when singing hit the dirt. BTW thats was for killing my m8 for the 4th time that night.


haha, sorry but "banned from the game"?! nah...

One clever hib told me this one time:

- If u cant stand to get killed/xpkilled/farmed by others in your frontier, dont go to your frontier then

Makes quite a lot sense to me


Looks like Singing is keeping up the good work:clap:
I think ill take a peak over that way, Sounds like fun, Loads of Greys and greens to :twak:


well, does any alb really xp in the frontier at lvl 20-30?

I know I took my scout to kill forest giants at lvl 20, but thats all I've ever seen of the alb frontier (with my scout anyways)

cant wait for these battlefield zones...... should give us somewhere to hid from all those purple people :p

Until we get into our 40's anyways :)


funny i swear that every time i have been there i've almost always ran into hoster and he isn't grey con :)

he does a great job of looking after the low mid players and i salute him for that.

as the others have said don't xp in frontiers if you don't want to die to an enemy.

the other reason i go there is because i find a refreshing change from the middies in emain.


Just had to get a few words in..

The minstrels, oh how many times have i been ganked at the giant snowcrabs at Upplands by them... And always the invader has been purple conned, tho I have to admit I have seen other stealthers there too, but I cant remember ever seeing a Hib there. This leads me to questioning if the minstrels are incompetent in proper RvR or are they only looking for fun there? :)

I myself have visited Mt Collory and Cruachan Gorge several times for fun and practice, so I really can't blame the stealthers for visiting Upplands, tho I always have attempted not to attack gray conned ppl. The reason I do this is to improve my skills in stealther combat since the one shot will no more be when 1.50 comes live.

I have never lived through more than two kills tho - those damn green conned casters' spells dont go well together with my paper armour :)

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