Simple, short, +/- sides of WoW?

Vantros of the Delerium

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 28, 2004
Filip said:
imho daoc is dead .. they never managed to renew the game or realise what their customers wanted.

but on the other hand i find WoW just as boring. I didnt play beta and therefor desided to make a priest (burning legion horde)
in the hopes that i would make it easiere to get groups..

but i was mistaken. Grouping is rare becuase of the questing system .. you need the same quests .. which means now you got 3 criterias to fit to make a group ..

same lvl's, correct class's and finally same quests... which means less groups
and when it is possible to make better exp solo just questing form the min you log on untill you log off then grouping suffers even more..

im lvl 23 UD priest at 2d 12 hours played ... and ppl dont PM me for groups at all .. i often has to group with lower ppl or random ppl who are new to mmorpg's

i would be lvl 40+ with no PL in daoc .

and when you consider that there is 60 lvl's then the time sink is even bigger..

but if you like to solo quest and read the stories then wow is a nice game i guess...

i just play computer game for the social stuff and the PvP ... if i want to read a storie i read a real book ... by an author i like not some computer geek designer..

so from my point of WoW is lacking a lot...

but the interface and all the fancy pancy is very good no doubth ...

lol i get group invites at least 3-4 times a day on my priest, and it doesnt always matter if u have the same quests as long as they are shareable or as long as your willing to go along just for the grind xp.
As for not likeing the story lines in this game i think thats what makes the game great and its nothing to do with being geeky it just adds a very nice touch to the game.
Seems to me your just whineing cos you find it hard to lvl, u can easy solo to 60 and there isnt exactly a rush to do it either. WoW is lacking to you cos well you want to be able to group all the time and lvl really fast and wow isnt that type of game, its faster and easier to solo. How long did it take u to lvl your very first lvl 50 in daoc? I bet it was a long time unless you got power leveled.
There is no need to group for some quests whereas others u need to or u wont be able to do them for a long long time (usually elite ones).
Grinding in this game wont happen cos the quest systems just to good, but if you want a group then why not make one i am sure there are others who want to group and play like yourself.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 11, 2004
for some reason the only time any1 ever wants to do the same quests as me is when im busy :(
and i am actually finding it rather difficult to solo as my priest. most quests i have left are usually elites or orange - red which is making it rather difficult. i mostly group which i find much more enjoyable anyway. Maybe its cause i have a guild of old friends from daoc and other places who i group with which just makes it great fun.
i wouldnt say priest is solo friendly, but dont get me wrong i can easily handle 2mobs 2 lvls above me simultaneously depending wht type they are, but it usually drains my mana/hp.. altho nothing a quick drink of nectar wont fix.
i love wow so much more than daoc.
im lvl 39 priest atm. i never played the beta so when it was 1st released i was completely new to the game. It was great but at the same time i get annoyed at the advantages others had in the game who knew what they were doing.... leading to me quite often being stuck in the lvl section where no1 is near. they are either ahead or behind.
but thats just me. gamewise i cant find any problems with it. most classes are balanced and fun. and my only problem so far has been gameplay... or other players mainly being ganked by higher lvls being on PvP. but thats for a dif thread.

WoW > DAoC
and the best point of wow is this
it makes me say WOW :)

P.S. just thoght of 1 minus point ;( all the naked gnomes dwarves eleves dancing and begging for money in IF near the AH.... plz mate lend me 2g to buy this. lend me 20s for this for that. GO EARN IT GAH

/rant over

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