Sidi Raid Saturday



So ppl wonder why i went on at Aligro so much?, over a bit of simple claiming? no, much more than that, however the claiming was the only bit i could post about...

Ok, but then, in gods name SAY what happened. Expecting people to trust you and judge your actions correctly by just repeating "oh.. and you don´t even know the whole story" doesn´t work. And saying you can´t post any more is bollocks. Either post the entire story or STFU and don´t start arguing and dissing people here yourself. It´s like beating up somebody and then say "hey, don´t help him! I cant´t tell you why but he deserves it".
The one and main reason you brought up here on BW against Aligro was his preclaims. Now you managed to break your own argument by essentially doing the same and you´re surprised that people start criticizing you and considering your actions a Lex Falcor? You cant´blame people for jundging things based on the facts they have and if you are deliberately holding back facts, you can´t blame people if their POV´s are wrong and if they don´t blindly want to adopt your evaluation of the situation.


Originally posted by thorwyntf
I don´t believe this...

The self-declared impersonation of morale and justice and fierce defender of Albion against the evils of Aligro-preclaimed raids is precl... I`m sorry.. is *asking* the community for a drop because he made 6 successful Sidi Raids?
What did you do to deserve that? Run raids? Guess what, that´s exactly what Aligro did before you dissed him in the public with your hyppocrite arguments that he has lost his moral rights to run raids because he claimed drops. Asking the community for a drop after winding up the crowd against Aligro and his acts of blasphemy is certainly a smart move. Keeps your halo intact and gets your a drop.
I`ve said it before and I say it again: I´m not on Aligro´s side and I`m not on your side. I don´t give a flying f*ck who´s running the raids and what rules are used. But again, Falcor, you have displayed a lack of style.

here here...

and the most ironic thing that could come about from this is that i didnt, in the end, actually have to claim the weapon, it came to me naturally and fairly.... if falcor claims.... i mean "asks" and people let him then were in a totally opposite situation of his morality


No one used to moan when aussie would claim dragon bow.

No one moans when whoever leads dragon hunt these days claims a respec stone.

So why moan about falcor getting a sword?


cuz he moaned more than anyone else bout me getting a sword

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