Sidi Raid Saturday



Originally posted by Trubble
Aligro I think there is a difference. Falcor has shown he can do raids without preclaiming stuff.

Now that his raids is becoming a regular event, he is asking the community if they think its ok he gets reward for all the work.

Its fair that your opinion is no, I just dont think its comparable with raids where there was claiming.

I think its a fair question Falcor asks, and I think its up to the guys who can use the weapon to answer.

well i kinda did more raids than falcor before i started preclaiming, my raids are better now, on my raid a week b4 last, we got to horsemen faster than had been done previously before that, on any raid. my problem is just againts falcors hipocracy to go against his own ethics on what is wrong or right, he todl me once he would never even think about preclaiming a drop..... well.... here we are


Never said that aligro, but i think ive earned it now, plus make the distinction, im asking im not claiming, ppl can say what they think, now you have had your say let it drop..


bahh just rambling

People who run raids can make the rules as they see fit as far as i am conserned. No one forces you to go too them. Only problem would be if someone wanted to run a raid around the same time with different rules, thats where problems might come up.

I only have a problem with people who lotto for drops they dont even use or lotto for drops on the intent on selling them in game to other people. (including respec stones)

Whatever drops lod get from guild raids are lottoed to them who need them not for cash but to use themselves, that i see as right.

I have heard that certain people keep drops from raids they have run without telling a soul and get away with it or lotto for items then sell on the forums under a different name etc.. as far as i am conserned the people who do that **** dont deserve anyones respect.

Not pointing fingers nor have i heard anything but good about you falcor

After all there is a guide to sidi online with maps etc .. so anyone could attempt a raid if they had the time and the ability. Been on about 7 sidi raids and got nuthing .. missed out on the thrust polearm i was after last raid .... some people have all the luck and some dont.. falcor could do 27 raids and not get the sword hes after due to the lotto being pure luck.. and whoever said luck is fair eh? but what atleast i would consider fair if u RUN allot of raids u should atleast be able to get 1 item yer after.

Needless to say i am just giving my view... cuz i was bored and had nuthin better to do... o yea and as far as i am conserned theres no point in flaming peeps for whineing... bit*hing etc cuz EVERYONE does it.


Leading the Sidi raid's should not allow you to pre claim, or "ask" for anything. If you did not do the raid's Falcor, other's would. I really cba to search for the many threads where people slate Alrigo for pre claiming, yourself included. And here you are, not putting a pre-claim on an item yet as you know you raid's would attract less amd less people over time as Alrigo's did, but it's close to a "I preclaim xxx".

tbh i could'nt give a shite if you preclaim'd 5 drop's as i don't play Alb/Excal, but i felt the need to voice my opinion.


listen every one i have an idea!!

Instead of preclaiing which is perhaps a little unfair how about letting falcor have an extra roll or two for a sword he wants? This way others still stnad a chance of winning it to but falcor has a better chance.

Perhaps the number of rolls he gets can correspond to how many times he has killed apoc or soemthing?

I think perhaps this is much fairer and far less people would object. He has to nomiante one object he will be rolling more times for at end of raid and that item is then lottoed for.

Sound good?


not really cool cuz lot sof ppl roll for one hand slashers wouldnt make much difference i think, apart from aligro, kro who thinks i nick stuff and some guy off prydwen response seems quite positive atm :)


See the irony in this one, Falcor wrote what i quote here below:

U2 have forgotten one thing, Aligro claimed a drop, he did this out of selfishness, just cuz he happens to get his drop why should he be vindicated answer me that? the only reason i started doing riads was to stop that claiming, i warned Aligro, drop the claiming or i will do something about it, cuz on such a simple hunt it was not right.

When Aligro claims something on his raids, its selfishness, and the only reason you do your raids, is to stop the claiming.

Are you not supposed to set a good example for what you believe in? Or am i way out of line here?


aligro: you re right imo that in the end the effect of "preclaming" would be the same, just falcor does it a bit more clever :)

@falcor: mate i couldnt care less about a slash weapon and im so easy about that really, but if you want to do it this way without preclaming but "asking" for it:

you cant get the salvation for that here on BW, cause not everyone will read and post his opinion.
wait till your weapon drops and ask ALL people in the lotto if they agree with it...only way to do in my opinion if you really dont want to get throw in the same corner then aligro :)


Theres a difference tyka, Aligro, wandered around sidi with 60 ppl, and never killed apoc, he claimed a standard drop that drops everywhere in sidi, and imo did little to earn it, ive killed apocalypse 3 times on my raids now, it takes a lot more time than wandering around sidi with 60 ppl, in enjoy doing it yea but it wears me out, ive put a lot of effort into getting my sidi formular right, the lotto right so its quick and ppl enjoy it, i spend the week after answering ppls pms about drops, the hours before the raid setting up cgs and groups, taking names for alt lotto, do the raid (the fun part) then do the lotto, then answer 2 hours or so of nearly constant pms (some grats ones which is nice) so basically although raid is quick for most ppl which is good for me it takes almost the whole day, now im asking not claiming if ppl think i deserve a drop off apoc for all my effort, now for starters this means apoc needs to drop one item out of all the countless others he can(low chance) and he does actually need to die.

I think its unfair to compair me to aligro, cuz im giving ppl a chance to say what they think is fair, not just saying i want XXXXX, however from the pms ive got in game, (had no negative ones yet) and the responses here it seems most ppl have no problem that includes ones who spec slash, if ppl do they r free to post :)

Eraser: I have all intention of asking on the raid too, wouldnt be fair otherwise, but it also wouldnt be right to just say on raid without posting here :)

Tyka: You have picked one quote out of many, the claiming was the last straw in a few reasons why i thought aligro was wrongand didnt deserve it, some of which i dont think need to be brought up here, now i am simply NOT saying i WANT xxx u cant twist it any way, it is upto ppl opinions...


well I shan't be attending this one anyway :)

I'd like to say because of evil claiming! rah rah! but to be honest it's because the zerg raids are tedious :) no challenge...
lots of drops, but no fun :(
(that and I have a shower to fix on saturday - groo)

best of luck convincing everyone you deserve to preclaim.


I dont care! I just want my Stone Bone Choker!


Originally posted by Falcor
aww why no fun? surely fun to kill apoc?

it's like a group of 50s doing mithra :) (well not quite like that)

Was nice to see him die, and I'd recommend it at least once to anyone :) but there was no chance in hell we'd lose which needs to be there for me to have fun.
(in the same way no chance of winning is no fun either ;))

A lot of people go there to see the monsters and get the drops - and that's cool. Just doesn't work for me :(

I like a challenge :) (although 40 minutes to kill dorinakka isn't fun - take at least 5fg for him ;) unless you want to cheat and focus pull :puke: :rolleyes: )


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
I like a challenge :) (although 40 minutes to kill dorinakka isn't fun - take at least 5fg for him ;) unless you want to cheat and focus pull :puke: :rolleyes: )

try doing ogres might quest with 1fg then - the eternal battle to kill somehting that cant be slain :) (and yeah, we tried it once :()


no no no falc , i take a small break and look what u did ! :p

i ve lead my part of sidi raids and guided u through yer first one if i remember correctly , so all i have to say is : NO :mad:
u cant claim or even start discussion of a claim after all the history imo + its just plain wrong.
As stated befor , u are not the only one that can lead a succesful sidi raid ( tho u do a great job )

ps :
what u could do is find another way to somehow give u an edge in the lotto for a SPECIFIC item or something ..
like people do for everyone on pryd (give someone a +10 points on his next raid for the lotto when he struck out on first raid)

- u could give yourself 2 rolls for a specific item
- u could give yourself +10 points to your roll per time u miss out on the item ? so after 2 times u failed to roll highest u would get +20 3rd time it dropped.
( stating which one befor the raid in both cases )

I know it sounds harsh as u do put alot of work into it , but i still think people should organise raids for fun or because they want to and not for a certain item.


Originally posted by gwal
try doing ogres might quest with 1fg then - the eternal battle to kill somehting that cant be slain :) (and yeah, we tried it once :()

it's pretty much the eternal battle with anything less than 5fg :)


Tbh by giving the 1H slasher to falcor is the least we can do. Falcor INC Raids own are most of the time very fast an succesfull :D
So give him the sword :D


mad thats silly tho, firstly apoc needs to drop a slasher out of bows 2h sword crush thrust weapons flex weapons friar staffs etc etc etc now im asking (dont u dare say claim :) for the 1hs sword, so not only does it havto drop out of the small chance of all the other cool weapons he could drop, but then i gotta win a lotto of 30 ppl or so :), if i loose i roll next time +10 or whatever is nto gonna make much difference to my chance out of a lot of ppl, now as i said ppl allowed to post there opinions :) i think ive earned it now ive killed apoc 3 times, with respect mad, u cannot imagine how much time every weak is taken up with sidi, its not a matter of the saturdays which i enjoy its the other stuff, sorting out problems endless pms etc etc....i do not think i am asking a lot...

one last thing, this is not a claim, its upto the ppl who go on the raids, and wether they think i deserve it or not..


You're asking people for a free weapon.
Put another way, you're asking to pre-claim.
So, basically, it is a claim ;)

Honestly, i couldnt care, even though i despise pre-claiming, but you have done a lot of good raids.
I cant use slashing weapons, but theres quite a few out there who can and its up to them really.


You organise the event All who do not admit you deserve a rare drop IF (a big if) it ever drops should spend as much time organising events as you do.

All of the above peeps saying it is wrong .... well i say one thing to you...

Where do i sign up for your events where i have a chance to get a cool item?

... Pardon?

.. sry mate i missed it again could u speak up?

Respect to falcor. Dont show disrespect untill you contribute as much to the game.

my 2 cents worth. :p


a idea

Instaed of people pre-claiming drops on raids the person organising it could charge people for coming.... lets say 20 gold person?

That way when they have done enough raids they can afford to boy what drops there after...

think of it... 20 x 50 people = 1000 gold ... nearly 1pp per raid

10 raids = enough cash to buy yer sidi sword and no one will complane about pre-claiming... plus whos going to complane about a 20 gold fee? its nothing ...

i think this is the ultimate solution to this problem with people who run raids and dont get anything from it due too the sheer numbers of people after the same drop... a drop thats rare and all...

and if peeps have a problem with the fee tell em you wont lotto for items or something...

hmmm i think ill have a stab at raiding could become rich on this idea if it works :)


I don´t believe this...

The self-declared impersonation of morale and justice and fierce defender of Albion against the evils of Aligro-preclaimed raids is precl... I`m sorry.. is *asking* the community for a drop because he made 6 successful Sidi Raids?
What did you do to deserve that? Run raids? Guess what, that´s exactly what Aligro did before you dissed him in the public with your hyppocrite arguments that he has lost his moral rights to run raids because he claimed drops. Asking the community for a drop after winding up the crowd against Aligro and his acts of blasphemy is certainly a smart move. Keeps your halo intact and gets your a drop.
I`ve said it before and I say it again: I´m not on Aligro´s side and I`m not on your side. I don´t give a flying f*ck who´s running the raids and what rules are used. But again, Falcor, you have displayed a lack of style.


STOP this....

FFS what is the point in arguing the aligro falcor thing is bloody pointless?

falcor this... aligro that.... sick of hearing it...


MOST people go on raids or RUN raids to get drops not to run raid after raid and get nothing out of it....



IMO asking and claiming are the same thing.

Falcor don't start claiming on your raids, please.

Give yourself like 2 rolls or something, agree with that, but don't completely rule out everyone else's chances of getting an item.


Originally posted by ASq.Karnage
IMO asking and claiming are the same thing.

Falcor don't start claiming on your raids, please.

Not quite the same thing. Pre-claiming is at least honest - maybe not popular, but honest. Falcor is trying to stake a pre-claim through moral blackmail.. I mean, who'd dare gainsay his right to a drop after organising raids? This way Falcor gets to have his cake AND eat it while sitting on his moral high horse. :rolleyes:

So, when's Aligro's next Sidi raid?



Falcor- defending the claim by saying it's a "rare" drop instead of a common one just makes it that much worse - the chances of anyone else getting one of those has dropped even more.

I'd not blink an eyelid at the preclaim since you've done all these raids - that's fine.

But you're a terrible hypocrit after all the mud you flung at Aligro.

So, Aligro - when's your next raid? :) since neither of you are any more honourable than the other....

(although falcor's raids seem to be a bit faster)

Or is someone else going to come in on the wings of controversy and offer to lead raids? :)


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
But you're a terrible hypocrit after all the mud you flung at Aligro.

To be honest, he's got a point. I know it's not technically preclaiming but it's almost. I don't nescessarily have a problem with it, you've done enough raids but the damn cheek to ask after the bollocks you gave Aligro is a bit disgusting to be honest.

But hell, what do I care - I gave up last week.


lol i cant believe ppl think im trying to be devious or something lol, u really think i flamed aligro voer just a simple bit of claiming? it was over much more than that, half of the stuff u dont even know about.

if u dont like my idea then so be it, post i dont mind, but to suggest im doing it in some underhand sly way is NOT right, after leading 7 raids, killin Apoc 3 times and u trusted me with 100s of drops, there were much easier ways for me to rip u all off....i didnt do all this work to try and rip ppl off lol its simply not worth it, i asked for a drop NOT claimed asked as a reward, and left ppl to post there replies

So ppl wonder why i went on at Aligro so much?, over a bit of simple claiming? no, much more than that, however the claiming was the only bit i could post about...


imo, claiming sux, but their raids, their rules. i will still join if falcor would claim (and i know u said u wouldnt). even though i dont like it. but if ppl dosnt like it, make ur own raid, or dont go on sidi raids :) really simple

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