Sidi Raid- Saturday 5th July



In case anyone is wondering I edited my posts earlier due to talking to various people, and realising there's more than one side to a story. I also let my temper run a little amok which was wrong, and I'd like to apologise to Falcor for bandwagon jumping.


Originally posted by ASq.Karnage

1) You don't know for certain this is why not as many people turned up.


And how you,if I may ask - know that he dont know for sure? :uhoh:


Originally posted by dimerian
Originally posted by ASq.Karnage
And how you,if I may ask - know that he dont know for sure? :uhoh:

Because I doubt he has asked every single person that was on and yet didn't attend the raid, why they didn't go :rolleyes:

E.g. I didn't attend because I got back late from work and everyone was battling up the ramp as I logged on. Else I would have attended.


I agree with falcor that preclaiming sux, and isnt fair to the ppl going on the raid. But if ppl dont like it they can just stay away from the raid. Its aligros raid, its his rules.

And as another posted something about aligro not loggin in 30 mins before the raid etc, i agree with him. It really sux that ppl meet up 30 mins before and we are still 30 mins late. Next time, be more on time. I know that raids usually are late but 30 mins... do ur stuff BEFORE the raid starts.


arx, its easy to say just dont go, but saturday is a lot of ppls only chance to go to sidi....they work all week and a lot r busy withthe family on sundays, and weeknight raid takes 3 hours , they may be too tired for that long a raid


I dunno, I just felt Aligro wasn't bothered in the slightest yesterday, didn't feel like the raids used to. Almost got the impression it was a chore for him. Hell, at about 1:10 I set up the CG because he hadn't.

I dunno. All isn't well.


but saturday is a lot of ppls only chance to go to sidi....they work all week and a lot r busy withthe family on sundays

Yes. And they all had the chance to join a raid on Saturday, so where´s the problem?
This argumentation is only covering those people, who can only join raids on a saturday AND who blattantly refuse to join a raid that´s being lead by someone they don´t like because he made some mistakes in the past. And tbh, I can´t imagine, that there are many people, who´re falling under this category. ;)


Originally posted by villageidiot
When 70 people turn up to aligros raid you start moaning on bw that its cos hes a tosser and its cos of his preclaiming, when 70 people turn up on your raid, its cos we got DF.

so god damned true

Originally posted by zeikerd
I was planning to come to todays raid, but if Aligro isn't bothered to log in 30 min before his raid starts, I'm not bothering comming to Gwyntell.


i had t oswitch computer places.... i was logged in till 12:00pm then i got back on at 12:40pm


get your facts straight, when Df was open i had 90 ppl, and we still killed all four horsemen, every raid ive done ive killed all 4 horsemen, u had 70 ppl on saturday, i normally have 100+ had about 125 as max i think, u cant argue with that difference in numbers, it shows less ppl have faith in you, its not cuz of weather or df or anything else, now Aligro can u not just drop this, grow up and let me do raids which are fun and ppl enjoy every saturday?

Thorwyn, u miss one obvious thing, Aligro had a chance to do as Loxley did drop the claim and not ruin his raids and his reputation, he chose not to, he new what the consequences would be, but now he expects all to be fine and happy, things dont work like that...


Falcor, if someone wants to do a raid on a certain day at a certain time, you have no right to tell them that they cannot, unless you specifically had a raid planned before then.
If people dont want to go, they wont, simple, but it still doesnt mean you can come onto someone elses thread and slag them off left right and center and basically tell them what they can and cannot do.


as Hienrich realised Vorcyn its a lot more complicated than just that


still killed all four horsemen, and dont think ive ever swared at u :)

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