Sidi Raid- Saturday 5th July



Re: Re: Re: Sidi Raid- Saturday 5th July

Originally posted by adari
why dont you stop whining and acting like a 12 year old sexually frustrated teenager and start doing ur own raids without minding wtf aligro is doing and what rules he has or what he wants to have

if people dont like it, they wont come. if i were u i would start working on ur own raids rather than trying to make aligro look like an ass before YOU loose people due to these childish ignorant posts and performances

a) Falcor is not acting like a 12 year old sexually frustrated teenager in any way whatsoever.
b) He has worked on his own raids so much that they are very enjoyable, only last 3 hours, and managed to kill Apoc last time.
c) Fuck off adari :D

For some reason Aligro raids tend to take 5 or more hours whereas Falcor's only last 3... Maybe it's Aligro who needs to work on his raids ? :p

Btw Aligro add Necromancers to your list of group-friendly chars.


well considering i havent done a raid for five weeks cut me some slack huh


dont see why ya cant just drop the crap and let me do them tho aligro, im getting a bit tired of of all the whine an interference, for simply doing some raids for albion


Originally posted by Falcor
dont see why ya cant just drop the crap and let me do them tho aligro, im getting a bit of of all the whine an interference, for simply doing some raids for albion

he says as he posts another whine on aligros thread, sticking his nose in where its not wanted.

i cant get over just how far you head is up your own arse, and when taking into account how big your head actually is......

if your getting a bit tired of it well stop with all the shite!

just do a raid on thursday or monday or tuesday anytime! , or come to an arrangement where you do alternate saturdays.


and yet we see another contructive post

I do a congrats on apoc dead thread, praising pullers and all who attended and i get off u "your helm wont fit ya head soon" or something similar

as i said to your other stupid reply, post using your real name u little coward

village idiot, guess that says it all really


Originally posted by Falcor
and yet we see another contructive post

bla bla bla


Originally posted by Falcor
bla bla bla
I do a congrats on apoc dead thread, praising pullers and all who attended and i get off u "your helm wont fit ya head soon" or something similar

bla bla bla

and? i dont see your point on this one. and it was im suprised your helmet still fits.
if its about just taking every opportunity to try and have a go at you, i refer you to this quote

Originally posted by Falcor
im sorry apocalypse died aligro :) no need for such an outburst tho
which was posted on this thread

the thread was irelavent, but you took the.... well you know what im gonna say

Originally posted by Falcor

bla bla bla

as i said to your other stupid reply, post using your real name u little coward

bla bla bla

why? so you can moan at me ingame?
little? nar. tbh im 6inches more of a man than you will ever be

Originally posted by Falcor

bla bla bla

village idiot, guess that says it all really

bla bla bla

i love your originality, in the 67 levels that i played the game under the name Villageidiot how often you think i heard that one?


nice ability to misquote? u know if u quote indevidual words and put them together i bet u can make me look really bad :)

and for gods sake i posted that on the ffs thread, he left his computer logged on wherever he was, it was jsut after we killed apoc so i had a bit of fun.


Despite all the personal arguing and ranting and stuff.. I can´t see why on earth Aligro (or anybody else) shouldn´t run a Sidi raid if he wants to and why he should "drop the crap and let me do them tho".
Caer Sidi doesn´t belong to you, Falc. Aligro has done raids before you started doing them. And the fact that Apoc died on one of your raids or the (subjective) quotes that Aligro´s raids are taking soooo much longer doesn´t give you a right to expect people to give you any privileges about running raids.
Just to make this clear: I´m on nobody´s side, I don´t care if the raid is run by Falcor or Aligro or a random mexican. I just think that hijacking Aligro´s thread and aggressively warming up and ranting about your personal differences displays a lack of style in my opinion.
If it was "for Albion" as you say, you two would find a way to sort things out, stop slapping each other and at least start to not damaging each other´s work.

...just my five cent


U2 have forgotten one thing, Aligro claimed a drop, he did this out of selfishness, just cuz he happens to get his drop why should he be vindicated answer me that? the only reason i started doing riads was to stop that claiming, i warned Aligro, drop the claiming or i will do something about it, cuz on such a simple hunt it was not right.

How can you justify him doing raids when he has messed about armsman in paladins, every week for ages before i did them by claiming.

Thorwyn Venom realise one thing, if Aligro had not got his sword off my raid this thread would still have a i claim wrathbound line in, and that is what makes it not right...yes im pissed at Aligro, Sidi dont belong to me, thats a stupid thing to say, loads of ppl go to sidi you just dont see em nad if some1 else wants to do a sidi raid on saturday that would be great! but i do not see why Aligro should be allowed to, after he has admittedly put ppl off going with his selfish claims

AS for booking up in advance ? thats crazy i post every raid friday night, i think i posted one on thursday, big deal


venom toruble is, u say if ppl dont like it, they wont come, thats not fair, saturday is the only option for a lot of ppl they work heavy hours during the week and dont want even a 3 hour raid then, so saturday is only option, why should ppl have been forced to go to sidi on saturday, and put up with claiming? asking ppl to do that isnt right or fair, thats why i id what i did, i gave Aligro warning he didnt listen, as did loxley as did many many others, he had his chance, and i dont like the way he continually tries to throw a spanner in the works afte rhe made a mess of his raids...

I responded to a post, this is what ya do on forums, if anyone is looking like a fool its village idiot :) maybe u should try telling him to drop it too :)


trouble is, he dont still recognize the claiming as a mistake , even tho he got sword through lotto, even tho the lack of numbers thhat turned up, if he dont recognise whats gone on as wrong kinda makes me doing the whole thing pointless dont it,

Heinrich u can think me a fool if u want :) thats upto u, i didnt do this whole thing to make aligro look bad, he did that on his own, i did it so i could do some good fun raids for the whole of albion, hell if a lvl 1 wants to come for the fun it wouldnt mind, and if some1 else wanted to do a raid on saturday that would be cool :), aligro blew his chance, that simple, and the number son the raids show albion generally lost faith in him, now i put a lot of effort into my sidi raids, i spend a lot of time pming ppl to get them there and afterwards answering ppl questions, especially about what apoc dropped last week must of been asked that about 200 times :), if i get annoyed cuz aligro keeps messing up the raids, then i think i have a right to


every time i post something its in response to you, so how can i be the onethat needs to drop it, you continually slag aligro off when theres just no need.

and you threatening him that if he doesnt stop preclaiming then you are going to do something about it? well what gives you the right, when 74 people will happily go along to aligros raid. When 70 people turn up to aligros raid you start moaning on bw that its cos hes a tosser and its cos of his preclaiming, when 70 people turn up on your raid, its cos we got DF.

as has been posted many many times most people just dont care if aligro or you organise the raid, at one point i would have said the same til i realised just how full of yourself you actually are, so please stop with "im doing albion a favour" because your not.

you make it sound like preclaiming is something new and ony aligro does it.

aligro has stopped preclaiming and im sure that 90% of the armsmen and paladins dont care about the past, if they want the sword they now have a chance of getting it.


lotto for +45 is rediculous

It´s not more ridiculous than the opinion, that all high level drops should go to high RR people because only they can put them to full use for the glory of Albion (which, what a surprise, is usually a very popular opinion of people with a considerably high RR).

And Falcor:
I see your point. However, people have claimed drops before. You can either like it or not and you can either continue going on their raids or not. I´m not even trying to convince you that Aligro is right and you´re wrong.
My point is, that Aligro announced to make a raid and he´s got the rights to do that as long as people are coming to his raid. It´s not your (or anyone else´s) business to judge or ban him or decide that he´s lost his chance to run raids.
And btw...I could be wrong here, but dind´t Loxley preclaim drops too on some earlier raids? (Correct me if not please).


Loxley preclaimed on one raid, dropped in on next raid....he saw the lower numbers coming and realised i think

thing is, i dont want loads of hassle, i do riads cuz ppl enjoy em, look at the difference in numbers today, todays raid is about 70 or so ppl, i usually get around 100, and have had about 125, did have one raid of 90 when DF was open yea, so u cant tell me everyone but me is happy he is doing raids cuz thats not true, u cant change the fact that he should tie up saturdays, the only day available to some ppl, when simple number show some ppl r not happy to go on aligro raids...


I was planning to come to todays raid, but if Aligro isn't bothered to log in 30 min before his raid starts, I'm not bothering comming to Gwyntell.


Originally posted by Falcor
when simple number show some ppl r not happy to go on aligro raids...


1) You don't know for certain this is why not as many people turned up.

2) So what? They don't wanna come, they don't come. Doesn't mean Aligro shouldn't be allowed to run his raids.

Now stop being a cock and get organising your raid for next saturday (which Aligro already knows about so no confusion).


I thought BW was cracking down on all this +1 bullshit?


So how did it go anyway? How far did you get?


Originally posted by Falcor
Loxley preclaimed on one raid, dropped in on next raid.

try doing your homework before posting?


I hate homework... and doesn't the teacher usually give the answers anyway? :)


Died at Fames.

Not much in the way of drops - few bits of armour, Arms BP.. apart from that nowt really special.

Like a pudding I sat through the lottery then realised there wasn't anything I actually wanted to lotto for. :)

7 raids without drop now :)

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