SIDI/APOC raid- take 6



Just a thread to give people some warning for this saturdays's raid and info..

First off.... time and meeting point...

1p.m at FT.GWYNTELL if possible try to keep to the time, there have been instances where people have gotten bored and left even before we start waiting for these people.

Secondly APOC!!

The looming presence of the ever creeping patch is slowly oozing it's way towards us like a train, mowing it's way heroicly through the west. ahem, and happerently not many servers have killed him after 1.60 so therefore be get get in their now and keeel the fecker before it's too late... and another reason is to show that the pryd gang aint teh l337est.. so we need many people for this and i hope that Daws could help getting people together during the week as i can't and you did such a good job of it last time.

Third.. Lottory

First thing i'm gonna say about lotto is this. If we kill Apoc and he drops a necklace, i will store the necklace in MY vault until the first person who has a full set of sidi armour comes to me to claim it, and then i will give it to them free of charge,, sound fair to everyone?

next, general rules:

The lotto is done individually, the lotto is done class specifically, the lotto is done usability... if a piece of armour that only your class can use, then you may lotto for it, even if it has +skill to something that you dont have.. if a mace drops and it is for a tank, only a tank that can prove he uses crush may lotto for it.. clerics cannot lotto for it even though they can use it. for normal drops they are done similar... say if a ring drops +3 shield 15 dex/con/quick.. only a someone who can spec in shield may bid..
also if a necklace drops that has +3 mind magic 15 intell/con/dex then only a sorc may lotto who is at least partly specced mind.

any queries leave them here.



About that you keeping the necklace thing. The necklaces still have some REALLY stats on it and it is only the effect that only works with a full set of armour.

So i suggest just lottoing them like normal things, and as for the chance sof getting a full set anyway, what with only apoc dropping the chest pieces. You could be holding on to that neckie for a long time.

Just my 2p :)


Originally posted by **Aligro**
Third.. Lottory

First thing i'm gonna say about lotto is this. If we kill Apoc and he drops a necklace, i will store the necklace in MY vault until the first person who has a full set of sidi armour comes to me to claim it, and then i will give it to them free of charge,, sound fair to everyone?

Necklaces are wearable without the full set, it's only the regen effect or unlimited charges which don't work until you have a full set.

Necks have 72 utility and it would be stupid to store them in your vault until someone has a full set of armour seeing as though that will take months to do.

IMO, lotto it like anything else.


Re: Re: SIDI/APOC raid- take 6

Originally posted by Pin
Necklaces are wearable without the full set

they are? in that case it gets lottoe'd like anything else.


I claim the anchor, I realise, being a scout that I am in no position to threaten people, but I have discovered a rather nifty way to strangle people with my bow. :)

- Pathfinder -

FYI the neckies are NOT wearale without a full suit - I would know since I have one in my vault, and yes, I DID try :p

Apoc neckie for those interested.

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by katt!
how does that charge work? :p

Basically an unlimited amount of value 150 ablative charges - restricted by the normal one minute timer.


Well I'll halt my attendence until I get the Mace I won the roll for or the Whisk as compensation for my dear Aikm00.


I'll come along for the scout/mincer pole as usual :D


Originally posted by **Aligro**
The looming presence of the ever creeping patch is slowly oozing it's way towards us like a train, mowing it's way heroicly through the west. ahem, and happerently not many servers have killed him after 1.60 so therefore be get get in their now and keeel the fecker before it's too late... and another reason is to show that the pryd gang aint teh l337est.. so we need many people for this and i hope that Daws could help getting people together during the week as i can't and you did such a good job of it last time.

Third.. Lottory

First thing i'm gonna say about lotto is this. If we kill Apoc and he drops a necklace, i will store the necklace in MY vault until the first person who has a full set of sidi armour comes to me to claim it, and then i will give it to them free of charge,, sound fair to everyone?

Two things:

1) Ok I will message a few GMs and friends again, as it has been a while since last time, and you're crap at getting the people anyway :p
2) I think the necky should be held by someone who does most of the organising as that requires most effort !! :clap: Or optionally the person with the most pieces of Sidi armour, as they are more likely to get a full set than anyone else. Arg so hard to see what is best on this subject.

Anyway that's me.


Aligro please get me an account on alb i really would want to join up and see these raids, hib suck seriously i wonder why everyone rerolls there :(


Originally posted by Tyka
Aligro please get me an account on alb i really would want to join up and see these raids, hib suck seriously i wonder why everyone rerolls there :(

tyka, want me to buy you a blank account if it will get you out of hib ?


Originally posted by **Aligro**
say if a ring drops +3 shield 15 dex/con/quick.. only a someone who can spec in shield may bid..
also if a necklace drops that has +3 mind magic 15 intell/con/dex then only a sorc may lotto who is at least partly specced mind.

this is the only part that gets me.

Do I agree that tanks should be able to get + shield items?


Do I agree that ONLY shield tanks can get this item which has stats that obviously benefit others as well?


It should be lottoed normally..

I mean, if a ring drops with +3 staff, +15 dex, +15 con, +15 quick and can be used by any class, it should go to anyone who needs it, not just friars, as dex, con, and quick are a great plus to any class.


Re: Re: SIDI/APOC raid- take 6

Originally posted by Trinilim
this is the only part that gets me.

Do I agree that tanks should be able to get + shield items?


Do I agree that ONLY shield tanks can get this item which has stats that obviously benefit others as well?


It should be lottoed normally..

I mean, if a ring drops with +3 staff, +15 dex, +15 con, +15 quick and can be used by any class, it should go to anyone who needs it, not just friars, as dex, con, and quick are a great plus to any class.

hmm, I am not 100% sure on this either. But I think class specific items are the way to go really because otherwise, say three rings dropped all with 15 con dex and quick and +3 skill. One skill was staff one skill shield and one skill smiting. What is the point of EVERYONE lotting for all three rings because it is then some twat's (Murphy's) law that the +3 shield will go to a cleric, the +3 smiting will go to a paladin and the +3 staff will go to a scout or infiltrator. Whereas if the lotto is class specific this can never happen and the FULL benefit of items is granted in ALL cases.


Concerning the lottoing of class specific items: for example the staff with focus 50 earth and wind drops, can all wizards roll for it even if they have no points in earth and no use for the wind focus? Whereas wind theurgists can make full use of the staff so really they should only be able to roll for it. Same for the ring stated above, and I'm sure lots of items are have at least 2-3 stats good for several classes but only -one- class who would benefit most from it's use.


drops should go to the PLAYER that can use, not the class

Neckie should have an agreement that it gets lottoed, but if someone gets a full set then they get given the neckie


The necky should go to the vault from someone I trust. So that would be Alligro or Daws, not some random guys in a lotto. I'll go allong again and I hope something I can use will drop now.



Typical number of sidi armour drops on raid := 5

Number of classes := 14

Number of parts needed := 6

Number of people on raid := 60

Number of of each part that falls to your class each raid (ie. number of arms, legs, coifs etc) ~ B (5, 0.0119)

So probabalility of at least one of a specific piece dropping = 0.0581.

This is approximately equal to the probabaility of exactly one piece dropping - so for the sake of expeidiancy we assume below that only one of each piece dropped at most.

Therefore number of parts one person has after one raid ~ B (6, 0.01356)

After n raids number of parts owned by a player ~ B (6, (1 - (0.9864^n) )

Where n is the number raids of a person has participated in. This also ignores the fact that you can only win one piece per raid, but the since the proability of winning one piece on one raid is small, the probability of winning two or more pieces on one raid is, um, very small.

I've probably made hundreds of arithmetic errors above - but bottom line is, nobody is going to get a full suit anytime soon. At least not without *large* amounts plat (or possibly ebay cash) to buy it from lotto winners. Anyone who buys the suit with plat can buy the damn necklace as well.

And if anyone *does* win a full suit through lotto they should stop playing DAoC and go buy lottery tickets. As your talents are wasted here.

So just give the neckie out like everything else. imho.


as many ppl , i have 2 chars on 50
how can i know of there's an arms drop or a necro drop ?


wow! that was.. amazing to say the least.. however... say someone got a full set of armour.. by no means in the near future then by right, they deserve the necklace, if someone else has it, it will be very hard for the person with the armour to track the person down to buy the necklace.. In no mean am i trying to be greedy to keep it for myself here.. hell, no paladin armour has even dropped yet and even if i had a full set i wouldn't use it, constant end regen = pah.. constant mana regen = wah constant 150 mhb = grrr, but screwing up my stats can't justify using it. same goes for many classes.. the necklace would prolly do more good being sold to a merchant and then have the money distibuted evenly.. but no, it is a reward for anyone who manages to achieve a full set of this armour. and a worthy reward imo... they should make it so you can choose your stats on the armour to a 41 imbue value but it can't be helped :(
i would like the pally BP but theres no point seeing as it adds to two handed. the only parts i want are the ones with 48 hits 7/8/9 resists.

few more rules about lotto i forgot to mention, you can only have one item, you cant lotto for anyone else and if you have to leave the raid you may only lotto for the items that dropped before you left that you are legible for but you have to be at the lotto



if you bring a cleric instead of your infiltrator. can you roll for infil drops instead of cleric drops?


no, but i dont want you discouraged from bringing a cleric but if i made the rule for cleric then i would have to make the rule for every class which would end up causing many flames


Re: Re: Re: SIDI/APOC raid- take 6

Originally posted by old.shotgunstow
hmm, I am not 100% sure on this either. But I think class specific items are the way to go really because otherwise, say three rings dropped all with 15 con dex and quick and +3 skill. One skill was staff one skill shield and one skill smiting. What is the point of EVERYONE lotting for all three rings because it is then some twat's (Murphy's) law that the +3 shield will go to a cleric, the +3 smiting will go to a paladin and the +3 staff will go to a scout or infiltrator. Whereas if the lotto is class specific this can never happen and the FULL benefit of items is granted in ALL cases.

so you would just shrug and say 'oh well' if a ring dropped with +1 shield, +15 con, dex, piety and you couldn't get it because it can only be lottoed to shield tanks because of that +1 shield?

imo it would be better to lotto it to classes that get the MOST benefit out of it. As in more than half of the given stats on the ring.

IE: Shield tanks, friars, clerics.

edit: or in another case, if a ring drops with +1 thrust, +15 dex, +15 con, +15 quick, classes that benefit from more than half of the given stats should be able to get it.

IE: a s/s armsman wouldn't be able to, because only the +15 dex and +15 con would be of any use, nor would a pole armsman, as the only stats that would be of any use is +15 con and +15 quick. However a THRUST polearmsman should be able to because he benefits from more than half of the stats (dex, con, thrust).

So out of the armsmen, only the thrust pole armsman can lotto for it as well as any other classes that can use more than half of the given stats.

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