Sickening !


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
Teslacoil said:
yes give more insults, u getting better on em now.

...................../..../ /
..........''...\.......... _.·´

Thanks vindicator in advance, love your sig


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
Kalidur said:
...................../..../ /
..........''...\.......... _.·´

Thanks vindicator in advance, love your sig

yep u getting better and better , thnking on giving u a A+ soon, keep at it mate this is great stuff!


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
Xphyral said:
my humblest apologies for failing to mention that, I, sir woderick the gwand(read how you will) do indeed indulge in the dark arts of buffbotting. But, my fair patsy i also failed to claim that i was above this vile and abhorrent practice, indeed it tends to get me all warm and fuzzy inside.

HAHA , bestest roleplaying i've seen in a long time ;-) /hug


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
Its funny how there is suddenly rules on how to USE a BB. *lol*

If you CBA to level a bb for molvik/leirvik only you might as well use him.

Its ok to use it for buffs, but not for DI?? *lol*

Lets imagine this caster did not have a bb, what chance would he have against your buffed stealther? should we all whine when you kill any unbuffed person?

Personally I dislike BB's but use one anyway in RvR, though I cant be bothered to level one for leirvik/molvik. rather play.(just annoying to run into all the stealthers there fully BB'ed they must be lame and unable to kill anybody without it, even if they have the edge like stealth) you see? whine can go both ways


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
[SS]Gamblor said:
yes you are using and learn your char while in the bg's.
but this is the thing , everyone want's to wtfpwn , so hence the BB.

You have every right to Whine about DI bots if you want.
However it just makes you look like a idiot , ( i'm not name calling as such, read below)

This is why anyone who has put a whine about Di bots and use a BB themselves :

You have a 2nd account active that makes your char live longer, it does nothing but b00f you, and then stands still, doing nothing untill your either dead or can switch accounts and land a heal.
Your whining about someone having a bot and you have on yourself , slightly different type of bot , but a bot none the less.


I hope that clears up why people have said what the said.
if you don't like it, you know what options you have.

Kalidur read what he say's here and how he say's it , and u can actually LEARN how to discuss in a good and normal way , but heck i guess u like throwing insults on everyone who doesn't agree with you.

we have 2 different view's on this subject but u can't comprehend with what i'm saying , and cause of that i can't comprehend with what you are saying, let's leave it at that since u have stopped now to be understandable and started to use insults like a 3 year old, no point in going on further in this subject.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
Teslacoil said:
Kalidur read what he say's here and how he say's it , and u can actually LEARN how to discuss in a good and normal way , but heck i guess u like throwing insults on everyone who doesn't agree with you.

we have 2 different view's on this subject but u can't comprehend with what i'm saying , and cause of that i can't comprehend with what you are saying, let's leave it at that since u have stopped now to be understandable and started to use insults like a 3 year old, no point in going on further in this subject.

I agree we have 2 different views on this and i'll still stand by why i started posting in your whine thread in the first place. You are a blind idiot insulting people for things that you are doing yourself. I just tried in my first three posts to directly point this out to you, than the second 2 posts i kinda indirectly pointed at this and the last 2 posts were just blatant insults.

Yes you may think that its ok for you to use a BB but when someone (a caster) uses a DI bot they are losers, in your opinion. but as [SS]Gamblor said saying that just makes you look like an idiot, if thats your wish than so be it, just don’t expect to make a thread with a similar stance and expect people not to disagree with you.

Teslacoil said:
to see that people in leirvik need to use DI-bots in towers u god damn loosers go play wow or something so we can part from your sooo enjoying company!

I'm sorry u deserve to be insulted with an opening statement like that

and than

Teslacoil said:
haha taken from an alb ;) i was buffless untill i got eaten up alive all the time by buffed DI-BOT tossers like u ;)

and that was directed at me, even than i didnt insult you, so get off this manufactured opinion you’ve suddenly attained, of not using insults.

Your hypocrisy is boundless. but as you said we aint llikely to see eye to eye on the point.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
FFS too bad my caba passed the bg5 limit... then i would come with my DI bot and WTFPAWNARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ROOOOARRRRRRR you all. I would make you QQ like a bebe irl and then prop you would suicide or sth.

yep yep.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
BB's are very much commonplace now, to the point of essential. Basically both is fine, if you have a bb for rvr at 50 its no hassle to pl a sham/cleric/druid to lvl 44 for leirvik for buffs, If people want to get DI bots on stick then you may as well get used to it cause theres treble the amount in normal rvr.

Heck people will do anything to win or rake in rp, if smearing dog turd on your lips generated more rp i know there would be a few players with permanent shitbreath.

Do i have to say "said the warlock" ah well best say it just incase. Soon that line will be a compliment after nerfage.

Stick with it teslacoil :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2005
Kalidur said:
You said people who use BoTs are loosers and should go and play WoW, you use a BoT.

On another note the majority of people in leirvik dont use a bots and arnt buffed unless they're grouped, its your fault for trying it solo, failing misrably and investing in a BoT. Maybe this game wasnt meant for stealthers to WTF everyone. It only seems to be stealthers that are nearly always the ones that are solo buffed aswell.

By the way i dont have a Bot in any of the BG's.

using a Bot or a DI Bot stuck up your ass, its still using a Bot to give yourself that advantage, your just too narrow minded to see it.

u need to grow up tbh


Loyal Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Guys...let them have their bb's etc...if ur good u can kill just about anything..its all about the skillz and spec.I dinged rr3 in leirvik on Ratfang and i did this about 80% of the time unbuffed.
Only buffs i had were given to me by others..


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 26, 2004
Pfft when you see a self buffed class like a heretic or friar do you drop your buffs for fairness, until then we can all be as lame as each other with our bots + di if you do not like it stay away from the tower.

And bumping the thread cos well its teh best whine i have seen in minutes


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 13, 2005
*Quote Tesla*
*Quote Tesla*
*Quote Tesla*
*Quote Tesla*
*Quote Tesla*
*Quote Tesla*
*Quote Tesla*
*Quote Tesla*

Is it possible to subtract rep points? :(


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
hehe thx mas :) allthough u did right with bumping an old thread and replying what u felt on that , instead of saying how you felt in a new topic so no one would understand , allthough it's in zdeath's nature to comment on all posters on these bords , but don't mind him , he's just in love with me !


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
I find it funny.. a guy running with buffs when 99% of people dont use bots - Is whining that someone has a DI bot when he has a _HUGE_ advantage over most things he kills. Even artis aye ?


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
Infanity said:
I find it funny.. a guy running with buffs when 99% of people dont use bots - Is whining that someone has a DI bot when he has a _HUGE_ advantage over most things he kills. Even artis aye ?

ok then here we go :)

99% where did u get that figure ? have made a poll and made everyone answer 100% truthfully? probably not i would say in perhaps 50% are using bb's atm in leirvik that is , have no clue in the other ones.

DI bot i like many others get pissed of over this cause the man using it stays near it for example a tower , never leaves from it , but hey if he feels like playing that way and finds it fun ! then let him! no wiseguy like u should come here and say anything without reading the full discussion:)

and arties ah yes , should i take the fall for having gotten myself arties and a template ? oh geez , tell me how , please.

if you can tell me 3 reasons why i should not be using template and arties in a bg, i'll stop , and mind you they better be good ones!



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2004
MaCaBr3 said:


GRATZ ON BUMPING A 6 month old thread. Jezus Christ...
Thank you for reply m8:) But u should check the post time before u make a dick of ur self,previous 2 my question the last post was 1.59AM 2day !


Oct 26, 2004
Lecathar said:
Thank you for reply m8:) But u should check the post time before u make a dick of ur self,previous 2 my question the last post was 1.59AM 2day !

Altough I quoted you, it was not directed directely at you. Just a general annoyance to whoever bumped this thread.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Teslacoil said:
ok then here we go :)

99% where did u get that figure ? have made a poll and made everyone answer 100% truthfully? probably not i would say in perhaps 50% are using bb's atm in leirvik that is , have no clue in the other ones.

DI bot i like many others get pissed of over this cause the man using it stays near it for example a tower , never leaves from it , but hey if he feels like playing that way and finds it fun ! then let him! no wiseguy like u should come here and say anything without reading the full discussion:)

and arties ah yes , should i take the fall for having gotten myself arties and a template ? oh geez , tell me how , please.

if you can tell me 3 reasons why i should not be using template and arties in a bg, i'll stop , and mind you they better be good ones!


Where did you get your "about 50%"

In leirvik from alb side, the people i see in there.. about 9/10 buff up - So 90% dont have (ALB SIDE) buffs.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 19, 2004
I love my BB :)

I love when others are using BB's, fights get more fun that way, and yes i could drop my buffs and fight without - but - i have a BB. I took the few hours to lvl it while farming - so i use it!

That said, i often take more than one enemy on me at a time. Because i can!

Partly the BB partly the lack of skills - mostly due to i bother to template my toons /flex berge.

BUT agreed. Towerhumping with a DI bot is lame. Done it myself when odds were really bad - or - when some muppet decided to treb the last tower not "belonging" to their realm.

And tbfh - ppl who constantly whine about others being buffed .. roll ur own BB


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
wodzie said:
I love my BB :)

I love when others are using BB's, fights get more fun that way, and yes i could drop my buffs and fight without - but - i have a BB. I took the few hours to lvl it while farming - so i use it!

That said, i often take more than one enemy on me at a time. Because i can!

Partly the BB partly the lack of skills - mostly due to i bother to template my toons /flex berge.

BUT agreed. Towerhumping with a DI bot is lame. Done it myself when odds were really bad - or - when some muppet decided to treb the last tower not "belonging" to their realm.

And tbfh - ppl who constantly whine about others being buffed .. roll ur own BB

Seriously, you cannot say players using DI bots are lame when you yourself use a buffbot.

You may want your cake and be able to eat it too, but it doesn't work that way.


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
wodzie said:
And tbfh - ppl who constantly whine about others being buffed .. roll ur own BB
If real life cash should determine your performance in-game, I demand the option to buy an "instantkill skill" for €100 (or another price, you get the point) as well as levels, ML's, CL's and realm points. I think it's silly to allow buffbots. They could as well just double the subs and have every character standard buffed.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 19, 2004
noblok said:
If real life cash should determine your performance in-game, I demand the option to buy an "instantkill skill" for €100 (or another price, you get the point) as well as levels, ML's, CL's and realm points. I think it's silly to allow buffbots. They could as well just double the subs and have every character standard buffed.

The way i see it. Bb's are an option given to us that some use - yes it will cost more cash and yes someone may not be able to afford it. It's still an option available to all. I chose to use it!!

And agreed being buffed give an advantage on ppl not buffed. Still an option all can have.

for the previous poster. DI and use a bb is not to compare at all. If you decide to stand and towerhump with a Di bot and never leave the field to go out and play, then it is sickening as Berge put it. Running around with a DI bot on stick is lame as well. Regardless bg's or real rvr.

For Noblok. dueled ur thane in thid on various occasions. vw zoltazo, eldr zea, ns celione, vamp wyrn .. on all occasions except vamp i was buffed - how the hell you manage to be so hard to kill with you being unbuffed - cred goes to you!

Now gif more whine!!


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
And this kids is a classic example of a "Pot, Kettle, Black" situation.

Take your time to read the thread and feel the hypocricy wash over you!


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
wodzie said:
for the previous poster. DI and use a bb is not to compare at all. If you decide to stand and towerhump with a Di bot and never leave the field to go out and play, then it is sickening as Berge put it. Running around with a DI bot on stick is lame as well. Regardless bg's or real rvr.

Again, you cannot justify using a buffbot but complain about DI bots.

A bot is a bot, its a second account and the ONLY reason to have it is to either gain an unfair advantage over those who either don't have one or choose not to use one or put you on an even playing field with those who also have bots.

At least a DI bot can be killed, your buffbot is safely tucked away inside a portal keep.


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
wodzie said:
yes someone may not be able to afford it. It's still an option available to all.
Contradicting yourself? :)

for the previous poster. DI and use a bb is not to compare at all.
It is. You get a second account to gain an advantage over someone who hasn't got a second account. There's a difference in the advantage you gain, but the reason why you get it is the same. The effect it has is pretty compareable as well: an unbuffed person has almost no chance beating a buffed one, a buffed person has almost no chance beating someone with a DI bot.

how the hell you manage to be so hard to kill with you being unbuffed
Testing different specs till I found the best one, spellcraft, self-buffs and practice :).

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