Shrouded Isles - Out in November



Well i think its still bit silly to doo a add-on that some people witht he gaem cant run


trog, they are not supposed to be a troll clone, they are described as sinew, lithe and dextrous. I guess they would have a higher str (around 70) and a high dex/quick, maybe lacking in Con and/or some mental attributes, wich would be a premiere; i doubt that though.

Trollheim might be nice if executed well, i imagine a "not-so-daemonic" darkness falls, giantic halls and stuff like that. But youre right, from the new Islands/Races/Classes/Backstorys Midgard has the least interesting imo.

I cant wait to play a Valewalker :)

One thing, do you think other races will get to choose the new classes? I mean briton necromancer for example.

- Pathfinder -

EQ did it when people had to start using GF2 etc for their engine :) Given how old GF3 is by now, it's not entirely unreasonable.


The new classes are not just confined to the new races.

Nowhere was this stated.
There will be a minumum of 2 races that can play each of the new classes, more than likely 3-4 races will have access to become one of the new classes in each realm.

The Apeman is NOT same as tank as already mentioned, but was described as strong, dextrous and agile.

I also assume it may have an increased Piety compared to rest of Midgard races cos we lack a class with such an inherent bonus. If so the apeman may make an ideal shaman (high dex and piety mmm)

I think Kobolds may be allowed to be the claw wielding dual wielder class thats been added. The middies can have their own mini zerker with sharp nails :D


Sounds interesting. Some other classes to try and master, but not enough slots to play them in :( Oh well. I might have got bored of my <hopefully lvl 50> enchantress by then. Unless I just made another account and got even more characters. hmm. Well this is what I make of the new races:

Sylvan (Tree man): Not much different to Irewoods, Grovewoods, other tree races in Hib. Will be nice to play as long as they nerf slashers :p

Inconnu: I see these as the same sort of thing as a Kobolt.

Valkyn: One thing pops to mind. Great light tank.

What I make of the new classes:

Necromancer: Will make an interesting class with a pet <ability to solo> and life transfers. If these life transfers are things which mean the necromancer can transfer life from himself then this will be a v interesting class to play as you'd have to keep a fine balance between life taping the enemy and life transfering your friends.

Reaver: A light tank with a spec line which allows some abilites that a Necromancer has. Would be an interesting class to play, with some interesting spec options probably.

Animist: Can't see how this would be different to an enchanter unless they make it so they charm pets and give some interesting spells on their spec-line. Probably a cross between mentalist and enchanter with some interesting spells.

Valewalker: A light tank with some self buffs and maybe a dd or a couple of insta dd's with probably quite nice damage (if they spec the magic line??)

Savage: Same as berzerker but chain instead of bear transform thing and a nice new weapon spec in place of the left axe??

Bonedancer: A buffbot with a pet and maybe some debuffs to. Maybe a life tap spell and a spell that when the pet is killed mana is regained.

I see the Alb characters as the newest and most interesting, but hard to play. I just see the others as a small cross between other classes that will be different to play. But that may change once I play them.

The graphics look smother with a nice ripling water effect and shadows (that hopefully change at different times of the day) and real 3D trees intead of four points sticking out of the sides. Can't wait to see the new effects to.

Overall impression: Very nice from what I've seen



Ah well, just my opinion...fuck the rest :p


Originally posted by old.Tohtori

Ah well, just my opinion...fuck the rest :p

I can just see that zombie with that sweet proc going off :p Come on. something has to be different about them :) Although they will probably make cabalists completly extinct :rolleyes:


Well i meant more like the difference between the types. Sure they might have different flashy effects, sure the creatures may look different and the Necromancers might have boney friends around him but the style is the same. :D


Does new classes and races mean we get more character slots in the game? i'd probably not like to delete one of my current by then just to make a new one :)


On the basis of those screenshots a GF3/4 requirement is absolutely uncalled for... looking at those we have the average GF2 game.
I am excited about the new races and classes though, a new area is all the same to me, now that we got this gigantic DF on our hands.

Tafaya Anathas

Originally posted by Lambsbreed
Does new classes and races mean we get more character slots in the game? i'd probably not like to delete one of my current by then just to make a new one :)

Almost definetly not. This would basically require the entire game to be rewritten.

But I hope with Shrouded Isles we will get a 3rd English Server.


I read somewhere that it uses the same engine (or similar) as morrowind..

so... If you can run that I reckon you should have a fair shout at the expansion. So basically if anyone has Morrowind and a GEforce2, post and let us know what the performance is like



I've played Morrowind with my GeForce2 card and it works just fine. Nice graphics in that game, but that's just about it, very long and boring. The card has to do most of the work since I only have a P2 450. Anyways, I hardly think the requirement for playing the game will be GeForce3-4. In my case, I hope GeForce2 will do the trick :) The area loading in Morrowind is kinda funked up, 'cause it'll load the areas when as you enter them. And that's pretty often, around 10-15 mins apart, it can be pretty annoying. Hopefully it won't be like that for DAoC.


Taking into consideration the fact that they said it uses a new DirectX? 8.2? Which might not even be supported by GF2 or anything below a GF3... so it's not as if it has that good graphics... just might have some ghey new feature that is not supported and thus the whole exp. pack may not be played with older cards.
Of course I hope this is all wrong and I can still enjoy the new races/classes.


Im almost certain that older cards will work but you won't get the fancy water graphics etc. Anyway for me its time for an upgrade anyway so good excuse to finally go to the shop and empty my pockets.


Originally posted by SFXman
On the basis of those screenshots a GF3/4 requirement is absolutely uncalled for... looking at those we have the average GF2 game.
I am excited about the new races and classes though, a new area is all the same to me, now that we got this gigantic DF on our hands.

Im sure a GF2 can not handle the effects on the pics in hardware, but that should not really be a problem. Probably the engine is scalable to some level too and owners of older vid cards can get the game running decently by losing some eye candy.
Besides the 1st post of the thread mentions Direct X8.2 standard... What the heck is that? As far as I know no such thing really exists, should probably be 8.1 (of the recent cards only Radeon8500 and newer and Parhelia are Dx8.1 compatible anyway, GF4Tis are actually 8.0)...


Why doesn't hib look like the nature test on 3DMark.. or the boat pixel shader thingy.:m00:

- Pathfinder -

It is DX 8.2; card manufacturers (and software people for that matter) are bound to have access to betas etc for testing purposes.


mythic made avalon already before releasing retail?

hm yes, might be..i always wondered why i have the city avalon already on my map


Tafaya Anathas

If there won't be plus slots, a solution could be a 3rd english server with character copy.


Originally posted by old.tRoG

an apeman? wtf? surely the obvious choice would be to give us a caster race, like a svartalf maybe, not a bloody troll clone...

Apparently it's based on the descendents of 'Grendel' from Beowulf... (read the Eaters of the Dead or watch the 13th Warrior)

and nothing to do with Planet of the apes :)

wolvon fury


So thats avalon eh, i just wonder, ewww @ graphics on US beta


Well if they do make it GE Force 3/4 and include no options to switch off some of the graphics for GE Force 2 then I'll be ending my subscription in November.

I am one of the few users who have a Laptop to play the game, and I'm not shelling out over 2000 quid for a new laptop for anyone.

Potentionally bad marketing from Mythic.


Guildmaster - The Kindred (Hibernia\Excalibur)


i won't make a guesstimate as to when the expansion pack will be available to us euro players.. *shudders*

but lambsbreed does however make an interesting point, will we recieve more character slots beyond the old four? i can think of many people that have already filled up their slots and i can't imagine someone will have an available slot by the time the expansion pack hits europe ^^

as for the new races and classes i think they look yummy. the savage looks like some crazy midgard monk thingy hopping around raving mad and thudding stuff with his bare fists. you gotta love that! :)

as for the reaver... mmmggnaaho-yeah :) (i played a shadowknight in everquest, basically the same thing).


Re: Mid classes, is it just me that thinks;

Savage will be same as zerker.. we already got zerker, thanks.
Bonedancer will be a shaman/sm hybrid=completely pointless, when the realm needs healer-type with a more melee outlook.

What do you think?


Haha, look at the icon graphics!

How come we dont get those funky headbands now too?? We could all run around looking like Wonderwoman

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