Shrooming in DF


Part of the furniture
Jan 15, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
so, your solution to randomlittleshitenumber19 immaturely spamming /rude at anyone he sees is to remove the emote system?

How about we ban all cars to stop the problems of joyriding and drunk driving....

That said, a flood limit on /emote (like there is on /yell or /say) would be good. Just need mythic to code it unfortunately.

Comparing a game and rl, gj.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Celestino said:
Maybe u got this wrong, my post was not about ppl using bugs but about the answers u give...

You could have pointed out that all the announcement did was warn ppl but instead u came up with another "players fault, i don't care" reply

Iam talking about professionalism. You keep up with those clever replies pointing out ur right all others are wrong and its never your problem instead of just doing good support, helping players, explaining things.

There is the Goa GM way:
"If people don't bother to read the website that's not our problem"
and there is a polite way replying something like:
"Its recommended to check the website so ppl read those reminders to avoid receiving warnings for such abuses"

I know, its 13 vs 18 words but its not that hard
I did.
me said:
That's why we tell you so that you'd know.......You'll note that there isn't a list of all the possible bugs or exploits in the game and so to clear up confusion we post information about bugs that players may encounter without realising that they are in fact bugs. We post it on our site as official notice that this is considered abuse
Several times now I've made the point that the point of the post on the official site was to inform players of our policy - which is apparently the point you want me to make.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
another graet option would be to just fix bugs like this, i mean, how long have animists been around? 3 years?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
I want you to forget that u ever learned the words "not my/our problem" when talking to a paying customer... there are few enough already


Loyal Freddie
Dec 15, 2005
Celestino said:
I want you to forget that u ever learned the words "not my/our problem" when talking to a paying customer... there are few enough already

Why would he?

If Requiel chooses to do so he could just never bother to reply to anything on FH at all. (something I'd recommend with all these whining kids who have had beef with GOA for the past 4 years)

This is more or less a public forum, not something run by GOA, and that a GM from GOA actually replies here with answers and usefull information doesn't mean he's obliged to actually doing that, he choses too.

Imho you need to forget about the words "paying customer" since I hardly doubt you are paying Requiel straightly to make him answer you (or rather, make him say what you want to hear) here on FH.

Oh and on another note, GM's are just people too incase you hadn't noticed, if you want to fight with GOA why not do it trough the proper channels instead of attacking a "random" representative.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Cozak said:
Comparing a game and rl, gj.
Clearly one has to resort to baby language to speak to the likes of you. So here goes:

No shroom DF doo-doo. Poop. Comprende?


Jun 3, 2004
I have in the past used bugs, the thing here is that they DO get fixed. You guys frankly have no idea what your talking about, there are some bugs: the infamous 5 hours to 50 CM bugs in hibernai were fixed two hours after discovered by simply putting some script in there, meaning that any player trying to atept to abuse the bug would be teleported. This however can not be done on a step, goa im sure do not was us teleporting arund the place. In my opinion GoA are doing the best they can to fix these bugs and frankly, if your going to use one your going to get banned.
The most probable reason that they cannot re-code the steps is because it cannot be done without Mythic (?).

I must say however the professionalism of your staff is sometimes shocking, I was using a bug and yes i got a warning. He was patronising, immature and incredibly sarcastic and i was going to lodge a complaint but couldn't pick myself up off the floor from the laughter.

"Yo, GoA on teh keyboard" - This is NOT a joke
"You have been warned"
"Understand me?"
"Do you undersand me?"

YES I UNDERSTAND YOU, IM THE ENGLISH ONE IN THIS CONVERSATION, DONT PATRONISE ME - i however rejected to say this, and just replied with a shallow "yes" and logged.



P.S. try and not be such bitches on here :/


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
fortunefish said:
"Yo, GoA on teh keyboard" - This is NOT a joke
"You have been warned"
"Understand me?"
"Do you undersand me?"

YES I UNDERSTAND YOU, IM THE ENGLISH ONE IN THIS CONVERSATION, DONT PATRONISE ME - i however rejected to say this, and just replied with a shallow "yes" and logged.
Eh, sure, whatever. :rolleyes: Oh, and for your information, all of the English server GMs are just that, English (except Zenythe, who is American).


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Belomar said:
Eh, sure, whatever. :rolleyes: Oh, and for your information, all of the English server GMs are just that, English (except Zenythe, who is American).

Requiel is scottish but thats not his fault, probably thinks its a bonus you called him english. :drink:



Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Belomar said:
Clearly one has to resort to baby language to speak to the likes of you. So here goes:

No shroom DF doo-doo. Poop. Comprende?



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
scorge said:
Requiel is scottish but thats not his fault, probably thinks its a bonus you called him english. :drink:


Lol seriously ? shit lol, i thought Him Xalin and Zenyth were all French lol

I allways wondered why they didnt go ape shit at the anti french comments we get on FH, i thought it was just being professional and calm but i guess now i know.


Part of the furniture
Jan 15, 2004
Belomar said:
Clearly one has to resort to baby language to speak to the likes of you. So here goes:

No shroom DF doo-doo. Poop. Comprende?

Clearly you think you are so high and mighty, but your not. Sorry to burst your bubble. I fail to see how you came to the conclusion that my post was written in "baby language" but you seem quite proficent in it, so I will let you be the judge. You dont seem to have any point in your post that hasnt already been covered, GoA are banning people for something that they know is in the game and cant be bothered to take it out, not the first time.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
What a big deal, right after DF was released the first few weeks people already got warned if they went up the 3rd step this is just the same only with shrooms this time.
I don't see the harm in banning people who are abusing such a thing because I am 100% sure they do know this is bug abuse, same with Bainshee's who abuse their CAE through bridges as I know each and every one of them knows this is abuse but if they like to continue doing it then a ban is in order.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Cozak said:
Clearly you think you are so high and mighty, but your not. Sorry to burst your bubble. I fail to see how you came to the conclusion that my post was written in "baby language" but you seem quite proficent in it, so I will let you be the judge. You dont seem to have any point in your post that hasnt already been covered, GoA are banning people for something that they know is in the game and cant be bothered to take it out, not the first time.

So by your logic ....everyone who buys a gun and shoots someone is innocent because the gun makers forgot to put on the box a) please don't shoot people , and b) they also forgot to fill the barrel with lead and make the bullets out of marshmallows..

I might make a whine thread myself soon about how GOA won't let me import the guns I use in CS:Source into DAOC... and its soooooo not fair..


Part of the furniture
Jan 15, 2004
evzy said:
So by your logic ....everyone who buys a gun and shoots someone is innocent because the gun makers forgot to put on the box a) please don't shoot people , and b) they also forgot to fill the barrel with lead and make the bullets out of marshmallows..

I might make a whine thread myself soon about how GOA won't let me import the guns I use in CS:Source into DAOC... and its soooooo not fair..

Oh, wow, another person who seems to lack common sense, sure, the bug is there its common sense NOT to abuse it and get banned. But if GoA are so bothered about banning people for this offence then they would remove it from the game, instead of leaving it there for people to abuse. Again, like Belomars, I see no point in your post, not that the post you made even makes much sense.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Cozak said:
Oh, wow, another person who seems to lack common sense, sure, the bug is there its common sense NOT to abuse it and get banned. But if GoA are so bothered about banning people for this offence then they would remove it from the game, instead of leaving it there for people to abuse. Again, like Belomars, I see no point in your post, not that the post you made even makes much sense.

I assume that you have a computing degree, and therefore fully comprehend how easy removing such a bug would be, yes?
I assume you have also studdied the code and know which lines are causing this problem and that removing them would have no other side effects on other aspects of the game.

no... ah well thought so.. now back to kindergarden with you.

Yes, ofc the ability to do it should be removed from the game, and i'm sure if they knew how to do it easily would of done it by now!


Part of the furniture
Jan 15, 2004
Golena said:
I assume that you have a computing degree, and therefore fully comprehend how easy removing such a bug would be, yes?
I assume you have also studdied the code and know which lines are causing this problem and that removing them would have no other side effects on other aspects of the game.

no... ah well thought so.. now back to kindergarden with you.

Yes, ofc the ability to do it should be removed from the game, and i'm sure if they knew how to do it easily would of done it by now!

Seems like you just came straight from kindergarten if you cant understand that a company who hosts a game should have programmers, coders, technicans, whatever who have the ability to alter the game. Why would I, as a player, need a computing degree (which incidentaly, and rather unfortuantley for your point, I will be embarking upon soon) to play the game, which afterall is what Iam here for, not to program the game I wish to play.

So your saying they do not have the ability to remove the bug? Fair enough, then they should not ban people for it, a warning and a 14 day suspension would be more than enough to get their point across. Banning someone is not the way to go.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Cozak said:
Seems like you just came straight from kindergarten if you cant understand that a company who hosts a game should have programmers, coders, technicans, whatever who have the ability to alter the game. Why would I, as a player, need a computing degree (which incidentaly, and rather unfortuantley for your point, I will be embarking upon soon) to play the game, which afterall is what Iam here for, not to program the game I wish to play.

So your saying they do not have the ability to remove the bug? Fair enough, then they should not ban people for it, a warning and a 14 day suspension would be more than enough to get their point across. Banning someone is not the way to go.

And what is it that they are giving you there in the news if it is not a warning... EVERYONE has been warned about it, if you cant be bothered to read the friday news then that is your problem. But it is a mass warning to all players (As a subscriber to online game you should check the website now and again to see news).

Edit: And though they may be able to code it out, there may be secondary effect caused by it that can cause even more problems else where... if it was an easy fix they would do it, however it is not as simple as "Delete this and we are done!". It better to leave it in then waste weeks coding it out so that all sideaffects from the fix are prevented and to warn and expect the community to abide by the ruling.. if they dont want to then tough, they signed up to the CoC/EULA agreeing to respect the community they play in and been warned this is part of the condition!
Now after that give a 14 day ban, then after that go ahead and terminate their account... quite possible that this is what they plan but we dont know exactly what "sanctions" they will apply. If you want to find out go ahead and shroom away :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Cozak said:
Clearly you think you are so high and mighty, but your not. Sorry to burst your bubble. I fail to see how you came to the conclusion that my post was written in "baby language" but you seem quite proficent in it, so I will let you be the judge. You dont seem to have any point in your post that hasnt already been covered, GoA are banning people for something that they know is in the game and cant be bothered to take it out, not the first time.
I am saying you need to read and comprehend (not that your post was written in baby language), it is quite simple. As a DAoC player, you undertake not to exploit any bugs. A bug does not even have to be acknowledged as a bug by Mythic/GOA for you to not be allowed to exploit it, it's common sense. For instance, if you find a way to duplicate items and make a killing selling them, this is quite obviously something you should not be doing. However, in this particular case, GOA has even gone to such lengths as to acknowledge the bug and warn people about it.

As for actually fixing the bug, that is something they have to rely on Mythic to do. In some cases it might not be practical to solve for reasons beyond our knowledge. It would simply not be practical to streamline the game (or society) to avoid certain practices instead of enforcing rules against them. Maybe it would be possible to avoid geometry exploits by introducing code that checked whether a player is inaccessible from mobs (or other players) by analyzing the 3D geometry around the player and make any damage spells ineffective if so--however, this would hardly be practical in terms of computing time (coming from someone who does have a degree in computing, and not merely is going to "embark" on one :p).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Belomar said:
Maybe it would be possible to avoid geometry exploits by introducing code that checked whether a player is inaccessible from mobs (or other players) by analyzing the 3D geometry around the player and make any damage spells ineffective if so--however, this would hardly be practical in terms of computing time

WoW has this system, but often as not it doesnt work very well and causes mobs to bug out and reset (evade evade evade evade evade etc) or players to get hit from miles away in pvp and such. So yes, its obviously not an easy thing to code.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
In fairness to Mythic / GoA (I've never understood who is responsible for what) - removing a code bug is not necessarily straightforward. Some are, but for the complex ones, specific development time needs to be set aside. I doubt they have 200 programmers crammed into an office ready to service the needs of the gaming community. Patches, fixes, server roll-outs all need to be scheduled and bug fixes need to be timetabled around the BAU stuff.

Having said that, if a bug's been around for years, and they've known about it, I would have thought it could / would have been sorted by now...

Whatever. Merry Christmas everyone.:)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
people should remember that removing non critical bugs does not generate mythic any new revenue, in fact it takes away resources from other projects.

The reason why mythic do not patch bugs, is not because they do not have the resources but that it does not generate any money for them. The most cost effective way is to tell people not to abuse the bugs then to fix them.

its lazy yes, but we all know mythic is lazy unless they have to do something e.g. they are losing money.



Part of the furniture
Jan 15, 2004
Belomar said:
I am saying you need to read and comprehend (not that your post was written in baby language), it is quite simple. As a DAoC player, you undertake not to exploit any bugs. A bug does not even have to be acknowledged as a bug by Mythic/GOA for you to not be allowed to exploit it, it's common sense. For instance, if you find a way to duplicate items and make a killing selling them, this is quite obviously something you should not be doing. However, in this particular case, GOA has even gone to such lengths as to acknowledge the bug and warn people about it.

As for actually fixing the bug, that is something they have to rely on Mythic to do. In some cases it might not be practical to solve for reasons beyond our knowledge. It would simply not be practical to streamline the game (or society) to avoid certain practices instead of enforcing rules against them. Maybe it would be possible to avoid geometry exploits by introducing code that checked whether a player is inaccessible from mobs (or other players) by analyzing the 3D geometry around the player and make any damage spells ineffective if so--however, this would hardly be practical in terms of computing time (coming from someone who does have a degree in computing, and not merely is going to "embark" on one :p).

I understand what you are saying, but, I still think that it is harsh to ban someone straight away for something such as shrooming on the 3rd step. I have been in the position twice where animists have shroomed the 3rd step when I have been trying to access DF on my runemaster, sure its annoying but I didnt immediately think "BAN HIM!" Just my opinion :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Cozak said:
Why would I, as a player, need a computing degree (which incidentaly, and rather unfortuantley for your point, I will be embarking upon soon) to play the game, which afterall is what Iam here for, not to program the game I wish to play.

Here is a thought... when you get your degree.. apply to Goa, get a job as a coder and fix it yourself as its obviously easy to do...

Then teh whining about this will all be over once you fix it eh......

Bugs....JUST SAY NO !


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
@ Fana, wow does NOT have such a system, you are referring to a simple pathing feature: if the mob can't find a path towards you it will become immune (evade evade evade)

Additionaly wow doesn't even care about the z-axis, a "fix" that was introduced to make teleporthack lvling (you pick up all mobs in a dungeon and teleport to a spot in the air where mobs can't hit you, even tho reaching your position on the x and y axis, so you can kill them with ae spells in a few seconds) impossible.
Instead of fixing the teleport hack with a server side movement check they simply removed the z-axis from attacks so the mob could kill the hacker

That is just one example for blizzards bugfixing, another one would be the change to the neutral city guards or honorstripping when civilian npcs were killed, stupid walkarounds to fix one problem creating numerous new ones but never a real solution.

Ppl should be reasonable, this bug slipped through when they did the first fixes and is possibly on a very low priority as it only affects one class.
Its easier to warn and ban a few ppl while working on more important fixes for all players.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 12, 2004
Requiel said:
That's why we tell you so that you'd know. Ignorance is not a defence and if people don't bother to read the website that's not our problem. It's like saying 'I didn't read the CoC, I didn't know radar was against the rules'.

I have to disagree

Radar = third party program, you would have to go out your way to get it & along the way you probably find out that radar IS illegal to use in DAoC. Also that if you did want to use radar in daoc im pretty sure you would know its illegal.

Shrooming in DF = part of the game as it comes, If the game allows you to do it with the original code, why should we be punished? & more to the point why isnt it fixed if its highly against the CoC!?

Punishing the paying players for mythics own crap coding aint the brightest of ideas tbh.

DAoC as im sure everyone would agree is 90% PvP (rvr) people will do what ever they can to gain the advantage, weve spent months doing ToA *uber* templates to try gain an advantage in rvr (& i agree using 3rd party programs such as Radar sucks & people that use it should be perma-banned) but using normal game mechanics that the game allows which is of NO fault of our own but the fault of the devs...yet we are the ones who get punished!? ...aye it makes sence! :p

weather it was PB'rs in the past doing it through walls/bainshess los abusing/ shroomers shrooming where they shouldnt etc.. All of these are because (to put it bluntly) the coding for DAoC is crap... im not saying i can do a better job, but then im not being paid to & im sure there are devs out there who can definately do a better job ;)

If these fixes were done fast then fair enough, but instead mythic wave there "wand of doom" & threaten people who *abuse* there own bugs & its usually months before there even fixed...if ever, amusing tbh :p


Dec 22, 2003
Cozak said:
Clearly you think you are so high and mighty, but your not. Sorry to burst your bubble. I fail to see how you came to the conclusion that my post was written in "baby language" but you seem quite proficent in it, so I will let you be the judge. You dont seem to have any point in your post that hasnt already been covered, GoA are banning people for something that they know is in the game and cant be bothered to take it out, not the first time.

Belo is a complete tit, best ignored like a chav.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Celestino said:
Oh my god... so in order to play the game i HAVE to read the website ? Else i might get banned ? Where did I agree to that ?

nope, u dont HAVE to read the website. but it WOULD be a bloody good idea. but theres noone forcing u to read it is there?

and oh my god if u would have to do something besides farming RP's eh? it takes a whooping 5 minutes a week to read the friday news. the horror!!!!

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