Shreko, Officer of Avalanche. [inside story]

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im just too l33t for words, i didn't even read that part lol, oh well <hug>


Originally posted by Brelakor.
ur 4mer gueildies shuuld lurrn tui speell, wais a righut oot payn in the Rse reedyn that gibberish.

And if yuu suspikt cheetyng, riphort imo.

Your spelling aint much better you fish!


Originally posted by A_Scargill
Well here i am, what can i say ,you have basically taken advantage of Shreko's language problems and provoked him into saying stuff which in itself isn't even evidence ...,me on the other hand well i jsut plain don't like you and when sumone you don't like accuses you of Radar to a fellow guildie(Lleana) and that guildie tells me what you have said i tend to go a bit fecking crazy.You evidence you have against me is almost nil and GOA would not even pay it attention...your clearly a sad little boy Vivace if this is what you do in your spare time. You claim we have said inc etc and 2fgs have appeared 20s later from nowhere-ok fair enough where is your evidence- the screenshots you have will make GOA laugh mate, well they made me laugh. Straef,Nave seem to have been named on the BW forums - that is not nice mate,i know that Nave was at one point a little suspicious but he has informed me fully he isn't anymore and that he was never behind you 100%-Straef on the otherhand is one of my friends if he seriously suspected me he would message me and talk to me which has not happened. Shreko,apart from the language problems, is a nice guy and since joining the guild i have become friends with him-isn't that the general point of a guild.....I'll monitor the post closely and will await hard evidence.

Scargill <Avalanche> QQ

paragraphs are your friend


It is clearly a GM's duty to watch for members cheating.

My two cents :p


i personally doubt anyone in g2, or rest of guild uses radar/cheats, as i get more inc messages pm'ed than from group m8s...
and this post aint helping with anything..


Originally posted by old.Jeriraa
If GOA would really care they would monitor the gank squads on a regular basis. I'm sure that all of them have radar users with em. Its just too tempting to get your group that "little" advantage... you have to take the game not too serious to resist that temptation and the gank guilds take it VERY serious.

To be honest, I have run in quite a few Alb groups. Never seen anything to suspect rathar. I've been in a few lucky situations that could suggest radar for the other side, but knowing better, I know its the odd thing that happens know and then.

And I apply the same thinking when seeing opponents have a lucky moment. I cant say I got the proof to say that any Midgard/Hiberna players use radar. It's easy to suspect people of these things. I think people accused Faderullan of using radar. Which I know isn't true.

And anyway, if people do use radar, two facts apply:

1) If they are well-functioning normal intelligent people, it's no problem for them to use radar with moderation so that people never could prove or even begin to suspect anything.

2) If they are not, they are not very smart anyways, and deserve our pity.


such drama, please give more.
and oh yes, viviace, i always use radar, speedhack, basher, changed textures, and autotargeter !!!11eleven.
now go prove it.


i use 1337 f8 autotargeter ^^

think its counterstrike thingy


rofl vivace, are you idiot?

1. your post doesn't make any sense, your english SUCKS and it makes no sense at all

2. the IRC log, he asks a normal question in normal english and you can't even manage to understand it, you really are stupid

3. you still keep blaming him while he's trying to explain? you're either just big-headed or just completely dumb, because if you didn't understand what he meant then you should just shut the fuck up.

4. go back to school


My english is bad yet im intelligent enough to apparently use Shrekos dis-advantage and make him agree to things which presumable by what Scargill said, he doenst know what hes typing I twisted his own words :p

Aye yes thats it... go away radar and any cheaters , and anyone that likes to protect them.


I remeber one time in emain, we was at MMG and mids came thro and attacked our group/s, I was playing cleric and i was up on BM. I could see it wasnt going well so i jumped over the ledge to midside. Our group got wiped by gank squads. However i was not attacked at all. after mids went off to amg direction i managed to rezz those of my group that hadnt released.

So 4 albs in emain near MPK , we decide to last out a bit near MPK so we hide in a tree. You know the ones , like a fir tree but only 4 branches like a cross. so there we are all stood in the tree and 8 mids high RR from rvr guild (dontknow which) ran past us , within 10feet and didnt see us.

This was 2 diffent mid guild groups that could no way have been using radar.

I know this has nothing to do with the topic , but it made me think a lot about people saying <Bah!! radar users>


Tbh making this post clearly made impact on the guild.

So even if they aint going to be banned ... I made 2 radar users
[in my opinion after 1 1/2 weeks of grouping with them for 3 hours a night]
stop using radar :)


Cheating is an edge but will destroy the game.
If You have any suspicion of any cheating then please report it to GOA and let them deal with it.

Threads like this will unfortunately only serve as warning lights for abusers and personally I think any discussion on guilt here are redundant.

Gorse 50 merc Prydwyn


lol... get a clue vivace... show me where they said they used radar...


Originally posted by Xeanor
lol... get a clue vivace... show me where they said they used radar...

Not that im defending any side here.. but people are hardly going to admit to using radar :p

Unless people are SO stupid, we have to rely on our own brains for evidence, like inc before they are in clip range ect.

GOA can do nothing when people yell 'omg xxx is a radar user' because it will most likely make them stop (or play it smart) :p


Why should I not make this BW post ..
I spammed what I thought about them in GU before I made this thread , 3 days before ....

So it hasnt made any difference imo.

I have NO HARD EVIDENCE .. nope .. but does anyone ???

So xeanor if I had their INC ss's ..would that of made my evidence any more reliable, no ?
Aa O agree with u there then.

Thats why I had made this thread,
rather than getting them banned which I cant do on my behalf, i'll make sure they never use Radar again if they own it, or be utter stupid if they do :)


don't know how they knew their "INC" or when they said it,

but mostly people in my group say INC when they notice lag, and i notice it too


the only way to find radar user is personal monitoring reported player, or some very good server side scripting software.

If GOA didnt done sheet haveing this:

then i doubt they gona take serious any kind of acusations.

oh and vivace go fuck u'rself :eek:


very odd why alot of excal players which know Shreko have come here posting Radar program names and ss's ..
Trying to get thread closed down ?


you dont know if they cheat, if you think they do, report it...

dont accuse anyone in public, thats just sad cuz you THINK they cheat and you have no proof either....


Sorry Morch
But in my personal opinion I do not THINK they use cheats .
I 100% know they do.


Originally posted by Drum'N'Base
the only way to find radar user is personal monitoring reported player, or some very good server side scripting software.

If GOA didnt done sheet haveing this:

then i doubt they gona take serious any kind of acusations.

oh and vivace go fuck u'rself :eek:

don´t see anything in that screenie I couldn´t fake in Photoshop.

that would probably be why GOA didn´t take it serious


Originally posted by Drum'N'Base
the only way to find radar user is personal monitoring reported player, or some very good server side scripting software.

If GOA didnt done sheet haveing this:

then i doubt they gona take serious any kind of acusations.

oh and vivace go fuck u'rself :eek:


EU didnt have SI yet when this quite famous pic was created :p

P.S. vivace, getting paranoid lately ?

P.P.S I can feel when there are campers at amg while passing grannys on route from atk. Please go report me now.


guess why DAoCUnleashed is in \shareddocs there... exactly... because you can upload shit to shareddocs


Originally posted by Drum'N'Base
the only way to find radar user is personal monitoring reported player, or some very good server side scripting software.

If GOA didnt done sheet haveing this:

then i doubt they gona take serious any kind of acusations.

oh and vivace go fuck u'rself :eek:

Thats faked, fyi.
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