Should Mortal Kombat be an 18?



Edge are fucking morons tho. They gave GTAIII 6/10 on its release.


Edge only like games if they're from japan, in which case they give them 11/10

OTAKU OTAKU LADS =) HAY =) (£18 a year approx) is better than any magazine, with the reviews done mostly in videos, as well as usually 30 odd misc video clips of each game being available too.

(Oh, and guilty gear x/xx are excellent :D)


Originally posted by bodhi
Edge are fucking morons tho. They gave GTAIII 6/10 on its release.

Typo =] They actually corrected it next issue and gave it an 8 which is an amazing score fro them. I like edge as they make my videogame collection nice cheap and not full of crap like most 'independent' 'non-biased' tat that i also buy :D

Leggy btw...


"Typo", yeah, er right.

Edge are up their own arses tbh.


Originally posted by Sar
"Typo", yeah, er right.

Edge are up their own arses tbh.

Thing is, so am i ;) When it comes to games that is, we all think we know best, why should edge differ considering they have an admittedly expensive publication on the market.

I think the 'typo' was honest, if u actually read the review its positively gleaming and a few Edge bitchremarks(tm) thrown in just so you know you are reading the right magazine

Lets face it, we ALL have our own opinions and i just happen to agree with theirs


Originally posted by CptDoom
Mortal combat should have an age rating of 100, that way u will (probably) never have the misfortune to playe this over-rated dogshite series of a game, mythologies anyone?..

Seriously tho, ive tried several arcarde version of this, have 4 versions running gloriously running in mame, tried mk4 on n64 and ps2 and tbh if MK5 is going to prove any good they need to get Capcom onboard and shoot the producers of the MK series, ditch all the stupid characters that were on it and replace with anything maybe even stretching as far as Rise of the Robots characters.

This is a terrible franchise and should have been shot at birth, admittedly the V64 of MK2 version on NTSC machine looked sweet when it first came out but i had more fun just watching other people play it. Any other game that recquires a block button (soul calibur is forgiven) should not be made any way shape of form. Ever. Rant over.

BTW the fighting game i class as truly classic is probably sf2ex, hundreds of pounds spent on it and now a lovely version to stick in my mame cabinet has just shown up so me is very happy, oh and capcom vs snk 2 is pretty damn gorgeous too.

What!!! its a great series, I also own Marvel vrs Capcom 2 both games are great, personally I find Capcom games boring, with the execption of Super Street Fighter 2.

As for Block Buttons, What about Dead or Alive 3, it worked very well, having a block button makes you think more, about when to use it, instead of just pressing back AKA Tekken or letting go of the controller AKA Killer Instinct. Which is only useful for Newbies, and people crap at Beat'em ups.

The only problem with MKDA is the fact they killed off Lu Kang, as he was always my fav character.


DOA3 has a 'hold' button not a block one. You block by pulling left as normal. VF has a block button.

Liu Kang was far too annoying and girlie.


Streefighter series are the definition of 2 player beat em ups, when u got two equally skilled guys trying to dent each others pride its a great game

MK series is maybe more enjoyable in single player mode just because u can do fatalities etc so at least you have some gore to look at, the only redeeming factor of this silly franchise ;)

The play dynamic of the SF series is infinitely preferable but yeah as u all know its just my humble opinion, MK is no too dissimilar from Killer instinct in the fact that u can press a load of buttons and win, try button mashing in streetfighter and you will end up with a sore rump

Streetfighter, the gentlemans beat em up ;)


Nah in Street Fighter it's flying kick, sweep.

Or flying kick, crouching mid kick, crouching hard kick


Originally posted by plightstar

As for Block Buttons, What about Dead or Alive 3, it worked very well, having a block button makes you think more, about when to use it, instead of just pressing back AKA Tekken or letting go of the controller AKA Killer Instinct. Which is only useful for Newbies, and people crap at Beat'em ups.

Block buttons are the most homosexual feature a beat em up can have. Mind you I remember you to be a shit-stabbing cocklord, so no surprises there, then.


Originally posted by nath
It took me ages to come to terms with this, but that's true ://

TTT is win.

However, I do like Jins new fighting style... it's just that he has so few moves :/

You're both deluded :/ Although I can see why, given the shitness of the UK Tekken. Get Jappo T4 and you'll never look back - the utter cheapness of the earlier games (w/r stupid air combos) is all but gone.

You're my bitch at both versions tho nath :)


That's such utter arse, and you know it. I would rape your mangled skull with bryan :D

And btw, all i've ever played of tekken is the jap/us versions thankyouverymuch. If you remember, I was the one that told you there was a speed difference?


Man, Nash is just a faggot in combats, bryan is a fucking hardcore cyborg who can rip the turrets off of tanks.

Having said that, nash has sonic booms! wow!


Originally posted by nath
That's such utter arse, and you know it. I would rape your mangled skull with bryan :D

Didn't you try that? And didn't I crush you? 3 times? :)

Ironically, there's a T4 machine in the cinema in Leeds, last time I went there was the requisite kid-who-thinks-he's-tasty doing the usual cheapass Jin 3 move combos over and over. Sat down, stuck my quid in, picked Bryan, smashed him into the floor with a double perfect. The great thing about Bryan is he hits so damn hard, you can almost see the other guy wince when the punch lands.


Paul was the best Tekken Player by far!

As for button bashing in SF, thats all u had to do to win, I used to get blister's when I first had the game, but gradually over time, I learnt the moves and kicked ass.


No I hardly played the CPU, I got it to play against my mates I saved up to get it to show off.

And if you did read on I did learn the moves in the end

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