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Two words... PBAE disease, its snare does work, more than you could imagine, as for the 3 albs :D rah!!!! I didn't just dot, I did DD, disease and at one point melee. :)

Anyway that was largely luck, mactavish never got a slam off on me and the merc was preoccupied trying to use his charged dot wep on me while i was kiting them.


My Shammy (lvl 39) was tested yesterday in a Duel vs a lvl50 skald.
The result:
DoT- Not resisted
Root-Not resisted
Disease-Not resisted
DD-Not resisted
Bolt-Not resisted

How come?
Duel codes?
I guess the root resist problem in RvR is long gone.

Not much dmg on the skald tho, maby around 75-85dmg/tick from DoT. Skald was able to kill me at will.. but it was a test :)


My disease is resisted like 3/5 times on even cons, my poisen very rarely, my DD now and again, and also root. So, yes, it is working, all depends on resists/level/amount in cave etc


Give midgard a melee seer class! healers are awful in melee and shaman even worse, at least if your an full AUG spec healer (note: gimp healer) you can put your damage shield up and hope the enemy kills themself on you...or if you are a pac healer you can mez and then run like the wind with your supra run buff (ahaha)

It would be great to give one or other of these classes simple weapon styles, but thats probably pushing my luck, at least give a healer a self celerity chant instead of this pappy 20 seconds then recast 4s spell. A shaman insta mez would be great too, doesn't have to be long, only 10 seconds or something, enough for them to get a bit of distance then land a dot or run away. Or possibly give a shaman quickcast so they can land an ae root then leg it....

It is true that any shaman caught at close range = dead, no doubt about it. Any healer caught at close range is also dead if their instamez is resisted, again no doubt about it. Pretty sucky really as the automatic assumption when someone starts hitting me is that I may as well sit down and die if my insta is resisted, knowing full well that it isn't even worth getting my weapon out. I'm not saying that I should be able to kill a fighter class, but I should at least be capable of giving a bard/cleric/friar(DAMN THEM, see my other post)/warden a half decent fight.


Re: Re: But sir.....

Originally posted by pudzy

My post is not pointless, how you cae to that i'll never know.

Urm read my post again and I think you'll find at no point do I refer to yours as pointless.


I think this explains quite nicely

Originally posted by Meatballs
Klav shamen are great offensively if specced for it, they do thousands of damage at milegates with those dots - doesn't mean they should be great in melee as well. If you spec an armsman in parry shield and then leftovers in slash, your shouldn't expect to do a lot of damage, same is true if you spec mending and augumentation.

Cave specced shamen can do very nicely thank you with DoTs and Disease and bolts.

If we get caught out in the open we should expect to die, we're not an in your face class, we are either the standing at the back buffing and healing type or we are the sneaking behind the tanks and casting nasty DoTs type.
I think it's a bit much to ask for us to be able to hold our own in the melee type too.


Shaman's have no form of repeatable damage, the end.


funny how a few months ago, Paladins and Cabalists were a running joke in alb, mids, and hibs alike. Then some cabalists came along and started to do well in RvR, suddenly Cabalists are no longer gimps, they are 'uber'. As for Paladins, i really dont think they were gimped in RvR to start with, just being played in the wrong way.

if your Shamen cannot CC, then dont go around solo, find the right way to play so that its uber and stick with it (but dont come near me when you do)


lets change the shift towards healers >:) we are already swindled out of getting any real bonues from realm ranks seeing as +pac does nothing, +aug does nothing and +mend also does nothing when you are using spec line heals (i think) and still 20 extra power on your heal is completely not worth getting worked up about. We don't get any RP from crowd control, so when a healer insta mezzes a group of albs so the mids behind can catch up, the only reward we get is watching some middies flatten some albs. We get no bonus from either power or strength relics (altho i hear power relics soon give us slightly more heal! that'll be useful in rvr)

Our realm abilities are pretty crap, perfect recovery can be nice to have on epic mob hunts but thats all I've found, and it costs a stupid 14 points (i hear rumor they reduce that at some point, can anyone confirm?). We get a pitiful amount of RP from rezzing ppl, 10% of the last enemy killed or something, what fun I'm going to hide all the way through a fight so i can get the lush rp afterewards from rezzing everyone..not. Healers are very effective in RvR as I'm sure you all know they can make a huge difference, there's just not a lot in it for them, boring class to play, boring rewards for playing it. :(

ps. if there is anyone who actually enjoys playing healer please shush as i consider u slightly strange ;)


Shamans need some kind of insta, be it a root or heal or whatever. Or they need quickcast. Fact is, when a blue con druid is opposing you for example, and he sends his pet on you immediately, you can't do jack shit.


Originally posted by old.Eynar_Vega
Shamans need some kind of insta, be it a root or heal or whatever. Or they need quickcast. Fact is, when a blue con druid is opposing you for example, and he sends his pet on you immediately, you can't do jack shit.
Well you can hope you got end regen up, and try to sprint for it :) And hope the druid is just far enough to make it away.


Guest a hammer! no sane shaman goes into a fight planning to melee in RvR, we would much rather have some other form open to us, our hammer damage just dont hack it.

I do however melee when I know the target wont pan me and after I have used my dot and DD. Then insta root and run, my melee is almost not existent dmg wise. ;)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Halo | NS
Well, being unable to defend myself here I can't say much really in case I get banned.

So instead I'm off to go post porn, try to sell my account and advertise web space. I may even throw in a 'how come I can't log into the test server' thread for good measure so I blend in with everyone else.

Have fun peeps...

Well... next time Pudzy posts one of his/her/its pointless "every class that can kick my support class character's arse needs a nerf"-threads...

Just refer to the old
"sum1 got pwned :rolleyes:"

*wonders since when BW is flame proof...............*


All i can say is thoose Friars i've runned into have evaded far more than any infil. Yes even you Derric. :p
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