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Bahh Gimp Halo , I've not even started yet.. I thought you posted like you did cause you like'd to flame.. and now it turns ut you cant stand the heat ??? Poor lil boy all alone , noone to wipe the snot from ya running nose :p


Need somekind of insta CC, today completely lost in mid frontier, I got chased for ages by blue cons who'd surely beat the hell outa me cos I can hit for toffee either.

Welcome to my world... lvl 40 healer, low pac... All I can do is sprint and hope normally...

although had a group of 8 oranges chasing me the other night, turned, AE Mezzed (have a small amount of pac) waved, turned and sprinted... unfortunately the buggers had speed and caught me...

being bound close by, I buffed up, returned, and found a group of our guys chasing em down... made with the AE Mezz again, and ran in and beat on their healer till she dropped...

occasionally we get our own back :p


I saw a post where 3 albs said that they were owned by Rolo, as he ran out of range, turned dotted, ran again, turn dotted = 3 dead albs. Ok, they prolly wasnt the smartest albs, but he still managed to beat them.
For the record, shamans are secondary healer class.

And Klav, why do you bother to reply to what Halo says, his purpose is to get people to flame him so he can flame right back, either he is very bored at work or at home, but he manages to kill time with people flaming him


Originally posted by Halo | NS

Said like a true 1337 n00b. I congratulate thee...

I have read upto this post on my thread, and this little fucker has Hijacked it AND now insulted one of my good friends, Klav.

Halo your a pathetic little f*ck, no1 likes you, except some of the geeks you hang around with mebe, you sit in your small room planning about how your going to wind people up in forums, and how you'll reply to each post to make yourself more annoying.. only most people think, what a prick. Your a lvl 26 STILL.. is this because the WHOLE time uve played this game you've been planning these forums posts which turn you on oh so much ? Your relatively new to the bw forums afaik, and you clearly have very personal problems because frankly you are one disturbed little boy. Do something constructive and jump off a bridge.

Damon clearly owns you.

Halo | NS

What did you expect from such a pointless thread?

Roo Stercogburn

I know shammies that swear by Ichor of the Deep but I've seen others say on these boards not to save it for your great escape, but to use offensively and stick to groups.

Perhaps get Mastery of Water and hang around lakes? Its probably the most uber RA in the game and has understandably just been nerfed in the US.

For me, hasteners, panning my camera and using obscure routes while running have tended to be more useful for couteracting enemies when I'm catching up with a group than anything else :)

Best defence is to not get spotted, he said, stating the obvious :D

I hate wide open empty areas.


I really think it's time for Halo to bring out his main barrysworld account and officially apologize to everyone he has insulted for no reason.


You know, I think shamen really need an AE insta deathtouch on a 60 second timer to boost their defence. :p

Halo | NS

Well, being unable to defend myself here I can't say much really in case I get banned.

So instead I'm off to go post porn, try to sell my account and advertise web space. I may even throw in a 'how come I can't log into the test server' thread for good measure so I blend in with everyone else.

Have fun peeps...


Actually that is a good idea pudz.. tbh all healing classes should have atleast one insta cc spell be it root/mezz/stun. because lets face it where as a healing class wont be out solo`n on there own they may be going to joina group/craft etc etc.. And instead of being an rp cow for someone they should have atleast a fair chance of escaping combat. seeing as Shaman gets baseline root they should get an insta root. even if its on a short duration it should be enough to leggit. And btw shammy end regen 5 = 10 min sprint :D basicly you leggit till the buffs wears off :p


What about the tanks, they don't get any CC (insta or otherwise) to escape people. I know, lets give all tanks insta mez, that's a great idea!


Originally posted by old.Emma
Actually that is a good idea pudz.. tbh all healing classes should have atleast one insta cc spell be it root/mezz/stun. because lets face it where as a healing class wont be out solo`n on there own they may be going to joina group/craft etc etc.. And instead of being an rp cow for someone they should have atleast a fair chance of escaping combat. seeing as Shaman gets baseline root they should get an insta root. even if its on a short duration it should be enough to leggit. And btw shammy end regen 5 = 10 min sprint :D basicly you leggit till the buffs wears off :p

rofl :D

nm cc then ill run my little ass off ;))))

Do you know if my buff RA's will affect the end buff too ?

Also Danyan silly thing to say m8 as tanks can fight..


Originally posted by klavrynd
1) maybe he did ask for a bit too much, but official class descriptions call the shaman the offensive healer-class and , compared to other support classes the shaman doesnt stand a chance in 1-1 let aside x-1 fights.

Hmm .. and Theurgists are the siege masters! ROFL ... so that blows the "official line" excuse out the door. We can't siege a paper door yet alone those uber doors mids keep putting up.

If people roll a class without reading the class boards to find their REAL strengths and weaknesses, and then complain that their are lacking in a spell line .. tough. That is noob'ish behaviour.


Klav shamen are great offensively if specced for it, they do thousands of damage at milegates with those dots - doesn't mean they should be great in melee as well. If you spec an armsman in parry shield and then leftovers in slash, your shouldn't expect to do a lot of damage, same is true if you spec mending and augumentation.


We dont want to be uber at melee ( well if u trow it in for free by all means ) But we would like to be able to survive/leg it if we get jumped , as is now we more or less are the only mid class who cant either fight or get away if jumped , every other class can either fight or quick cast / insta cast a spell to get away , we can sit down , so we wont waste to much time dying. Well maybe it will get better when our pbaoe diesease actualy starts snaring , right now it makes a nice cloud of fluff and besides that not anyhting of real use, and then there is ichor of the deep..nice spell but 14 points for an escape spell is a bit much , make a cheaper version with less dmg and shorter duration plz !!!

carrot head

well some interesting bits in this thred.

Firstly its important to remember shamen are groop animals thay can only be sucsessfull solo if thay get a good drop on their opponents or are lucky.

Only thing a shaman in combat can do is fart and sprint to get some space between him and his opponents. In this reguard the next pach improves the shamen survival chance a lot. With end regen up a shaman can run for ages and with desiese sner fixed you get away more often.

Having said that I still expect to be taken out in many if not most close 1on1 situations.

But in a groop if the opposing groop dosent target the shamen quickly the chain cast dots/desise are gonna wreck all the opposing casters.

and finaly Ichour is definatly best used offencivly to take out opposing casters and fleeing nmes.


But sir.....

Originally posted by dippy
.....and No matter how they spec, they can spend those 14 points to get an Instant AOE Root with added damage.

That'll be this one then?

Ichor of the Deep Active 15 min. 14 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Rradius direct damage plus root, which means that any enemy in the spell’s area is damaged and rooted.

Only prob with this Dippy is that we have to last long enough in the frontiers to get the 14 points to be able to buy this RA ;)

I'm a mending/aug specced shammie and I can't stick my head outside Vindusal or Svasud without some nice kind stealther type wanting to chop it off and there's nowt much I can do about it other than pretend to be someone else's buffbot and park myself at the Mid PK in Emain ;)

Seriously tho, shamans do have a nice damage line spec in Cave magic and those that choose to go that way shouldn't really moan if they can't avoid the enemy when they're out hunting in the frontiers imho.


Originally posted by pudzy

Also Danyan silly thing to say m8 as tanks can fight..

And shamans can do what they are intended to do. CC in Mid = healer, meaning your start of this post is as silly as Danyans answer then?

Giving insta cc to another Mid char would start an endless loop of "this game is unfair gifv insta to my char".

Different classes are made for different things. What char apart from a stealther or a char with highest speed survive alone in enemy areas, and not even they do for long time.

And NO I dont have your "Impressive" line of chars as signature....meaning I am considered a newb I know that.


No fighting capabilities heh.. welcome to the nuke target world of a Druid (yes i know Druids are main healer).

Yes a self 10dps buff but that's sod all once ur spotted healing.


Note: A Thane cant get away, and he sure as hell cant defend himself ;<~


Originally posted by Anu
No fighting capabilities heh.. welcome to the nuke target world of a Druid (yes i know Druids are main healer).

Yes a self 10dps buff but that's sod all once ur spotted healing.

Druids get insta root in their nature spec lines, shamans have to spend 14 realm points (and miss out on lots of useful RA's) to get theirs.


Re: But sir.....

Originally posted by cadiva

That'll be this one then?

Ichor of the Deep Active 15 min. 14 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Rradius direct damage plus root, which means that any enemy in the spell’s area is damaged and rooted.

Only prob with this Dippy is that we have to last long enough in the frontiers to get the 14 points to be able to buy this RA ;)

I'm a mending/aug specced shammie and I can't stick my head outside Vindusal or Svasud without some nice kind stealther type wanting to chop it off and there's nowt much I can do about it other than pretend to be someone else's buffbot and park myself at the Mid PK in Emain ;)

Seriously tho, shamans do have a nice damage line spec in Cave magic and those that choose to go that way shouldn't really moan if they can't avoid the enemy when they're out hunting in the frontiers imho.

Hibs = Warden
Albs = Friar

We're the only realm without a fighting seer :eek:

My post is not pointless, how you cae to that i'll never know.

This snare and end regan is pretty cool I think it could help a bit.

Ardrias isn't wrong thanes offiicialy suck.. tho I lub many thanes I so hope they get something nice =[


Yep and u r the realm with the lowest amount of class choices and the realm that has no thrust weapons yet 2 races that would rock with them
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