Shadowblades vs Slash Infiltrators


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Dumle said:
Wasnt it 40% off and then we got 20% boost again? In that case its not 20% off the damage ;)

100% - 40% = 60% + 20% = 72% actual damage (28% off the damage)

A swing does 100 damage to start with, take off 40% and it does 60, then add 20% on that 60 damage and you have 72 damage on a swing. 28% damage lost from starting damage.

I might be totally wrong but I think thats how it was?

We haven´t gotten any boost since the LA nerf. They nerfed us almost 40% and it has stayed that way since then.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Oh I heard talks about us getting 20% boost right before I took a 2 month break and was sure we had gotten it since then. :(

well then its still not 20% off damage, its 40 then :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004

40% off damage with la nerf?

Well that really needs to be put back to how it was or even la dispensed with altogether. Reason being is that you have no choice not to use it as it knackers up crit as well when using 2 weapons.

Anyways this player has had enough and i have destroyed my game cds and also my computer backups of the game. Hadda great time and times playing DAOC but really all i ever wanted to play were sbs. With the way things have been for so long i have had enough and no more daoc for me. Will surely come back if they balance the game for stealthers at some point. Thing is no way would i play an inf as things are because they are just so damn good.

Another thing i found is that they are not so hot at levelling. Infact they are definitely no better it seems than sbs to level as i have been trying them out on Excal (though thiinking about it this is mainly due to the damage add you get off a Mid Buffbot). It is just that with the points they get and armour advantages along with the af buffs pitted against the sbs disadvantages they become awesome.

I am sure lots of players have left owing to Mythics offhand and pathetic approach to the stealther wars.

Oh well i will keep an eye on things to see if something alters. In the meantime i looking for some other game to try.

Good luck all you sbs out there.



Jun 16, 2004
guys are you forgeting somethink ?? MYTHIC PLAY ALBS ESPCALLY INFILS

Midgard is best melee realm on game kings of melee and are sbs are geting spanked by a alb infil lol


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Gimmly said:
guys are you forgeting somethink ?? MYTHIC PLAY ALBS ESPCALLY INFILS

Midgard is best melee realm on game kings of melee and are sbs are geting spanked by a alb infil lol

go away :eek:


May 14, 2004
you can't really compare to Arauddry tho.. rr 11 capped prolly everything that is usefull and even more, he's like.. the best infil ever in my eyes.. atleast on prydwen :)


Loyal Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Araudry said:
haste from theurg last 10 mins = suck
haste charge is max yellow haste and on timer also = suck
haste on weapons such as sidi fang isnt better than red haste and last 30 sec and it has to proc = suck
so in the end u get better haste than infil can get and who care of the af when u swing twice as fast with 4+ spd weap than infil
For someone that used to use a Livid Silencer Fang i`d of thaught you`d get that right ;p

Fang haste procs loads, 20% haste (same as purp druid/healer haste) and lasts 1 minute.

I`ve had it proc 6 times in a row before, so its a pretty reliable form of haste tbh.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Morimdin said:
you can't really compare to Arauddry tho.. rr 11 capped prolly everything that is usefull and even more, he's like.. the best infil ever in my eyes.. atleast on prydwen :)
define best.. when your class clearly outdamages the other 2 by a long shot o_O

if the damage was equal and he did as good as he does now, then yes best would come into consideration.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 15, 2004

When a shadowblade equip an axe in his lefthand all the damage he do, mainhand AND offhand will be reduced to 62.5%. For every extra level the shadowblade raise his leftaxe spec he will raise his damage by 0.34%

The LA base damage adjustment formula is:

B+[(s * A)+ dr]=y
where B=62.5%
s = LA spec + items + RR
A = adjustment /train which is 0.34%
and DR is bonus for Dualist Reflexes which is 1.5% (3% total for both hands)

What this all adds up to is:
At 1 LA you do 62.5% of EACH hands weapons BASE damage when they hit this means you can do potentially 125% base damage (not factoring in haste effect)

At 50 + 11 + 9 + dr5 it will go up to 92.6% for potentially 185.2%

Your leftaxe spec will also determine your lefthand weaponskill (unlike dualwield and celticdual there the mainhand weaponskill determine the lefthand weaponskill).

So by speccing high in leftaxe will give you the following:

A higher basedamage, this means you will do more damage with both your mainhand and offhand.
Higher weaponskill on your offhand, this will grant better damage variance and that you will easier bypass your opponents eventual defence evade/parry/block.
Speccing low in leftaxe will grant the opposite, lower main- AND offhand damage calculated with the above formula.
A lower offhand weaponskill, this will make your offhand damage vary a lot, sometimes it will hit hard sometimes it will hit very weak but you will more often see those weak hits, and your offhand will be evaded/parried/blocked more.

Also the leftaxe spec determines your styled damage if you use leftaxe styles when styling.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 12, 2004
<- Got a nice thruster MP drop that procs a 30% haste. Nice UV and procs very often. Cant remember what dropped it though. oO Prolly one of the artifact mobs.


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