Shadowblades vs Slash Infiltrators


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Garok said:
But with ToA cap increases its almost impossible to cap 26 str and 26 dex with out gimping other stats ... so generaly thrust users only see 1/2 the WS increase pure str based wep users get ..
cap is 25 not 26 and there is some items with bonus str and dex just need to find them ;p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 28, 2003
Darac said:
Would like to discuss how other Shadowblades do vs Slash Infiltrators such as Arauddry?

I am currently rr5, playing without TOA items and specced 39 Axe 39 LA 34 CS 34 Stealth 32 Env. I cap all resists including 26% item and 3% racial resist to slash. I have a 47 aug spec shaman with MOA 3 and 25% TOA buff bonus (overkill I know, givf RA respec!). My weaponskill is exactly 1400 when fully buffed.

Please discuss and provide specs. Opinions from slash infs are also very welcome.

no toa vs say aurd with battler/malice is another 10% base dmg diff, and probably at least 9% style dmg difference too (along with 10% speed diff)
then theres toa stuff like extra af, hits and str/dex cap, with 11 higher base weapon spec and 5 more + weapon from rr

probably works out as at least 45% dmg increase with relic and slash bonus


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Araudry said:
yea and ns/sb get perma red haste not like infil
and i always said i prefer more haste than af ;o

That requires TWO buffbots :/


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Wij said:
That requires TWO buffbots :/
two bb for mid not for hib and if mid get 2 bb shammy/healer they get all 6 resist...always forget to add that infil dont have heat resist buffs not like ns/sb they get from druid/shammy and i never seen any infil with friar bb :p
so in the end it must be so balanced for mythic


Jan 26, 2004
Araudry said:
cap is 25 not 26 and there is some items with bonus str and dex just need to find them ;p
Overcap cap is [lvl/2] +1 , so on a lvl 50 the max overcap you can get is 26


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Araudry said:
yea and ns/sb get perma red haste not like infil
and i always said i prefer more haste than af ;o

Rofl, haste charges are even easier to get than AF charges, and there are about a zillion of theurgs in apke after the port (theurgs who can give you a nice bt and a cool 10 dps dmg add i must add), and whit 250 qui and haste effect from DW/CD/LA any guy almost cap 1,5 secs speed even whitout haste so if it drops in combat is not a big deal, not like if the AF charge drops in combat.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
BigBlackClock said:
Overcap cap is [lvl/2] +1 , so on a lvl 50 the max overcap you can get is 26
i know but ur talking about resist and stats bonus isnt same thing


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Araudry said:
cap is 25 not 26 and there is some items with bonus str and dex just need to find them ;p

Cap is 26 fyi !!! ;P


- In researching this issue, we found that a 50th level character could receive up to 50 bonus stat points (the character's level divided by 1) from items, buffs, etc. Our design called for the stat cap to be set at the character's level divided by two (plus one), and we've even given this answer out in discussions and chats. Feedback from our users proved there was a discrepancy. We have fixed this bug, so now everyone's stat cap bonus will be lowered to meet the new formula. Now, a level 50 character's stat bonus cap will be 26, not the overpowered 50.

And yes it is possible to get dex and str overcapped by 26 xD .....

but requires more imbue points .. so harder to get a complete capped template


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Antedeluvian said:
Rofl, haste charges are even easier to get than AF charges, and there are about a zillion of theurgs in apke after the port (theurgs who can give you a nice bt and a cool 10 dps dmg add i must add), and whit 250 qui and haste effect from DW/CD/LA any guy almost cap 1,5 secs speed even whitout haste so if it drops in combat is not a big deal, not like if the AF charge drops in combat.
haste from theurg last 10 mins = suck
haste charge is max yellow haste and on timer also = suck
haste on weapons such as sidi fang isnt better than red haste and last 30 sec and it has to proc = suck
so in the end u get better haste than infil can get and who care of the af when u swing twice as fast with 4+ spd weap than infil


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Araudry said:
haste from theurg last 10 mins = suck
haste charge is max yellow haste and on timer also = suck
haste on weapons such as sidi fang isnt better than red haste and last 30 sec and it has to proc = suck
so in the end u get better haste than infil can get and who care of the af when u swing twice as fast with 4+ spd weap than infil

just need to pay for 3 accounts... yeah, think Mythic had all that in mind.

Bubble, want some logs/screenies of me perfing an Infil, pulling an full PA chain off on him and still loose due to the silly damage they deal out ?

got a few of those.

Btw, AF charges don't help against infil damage either ... unless you know a way to go past ~685AF as a SB without a GoV proc.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Araudry said:
yea and ns/sb get perma red haste not like infil
and i always said i prefer more haste than af ;o

Like many can afford both a shaman and a healer ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Cylian said:
just need to pay for 3 accounts... yeah, think Mythic had all that in mind.

Bubble, want some logs/screenies of me perfing an Infil, pulling an full PA chain off on him and still loose due to the silly damage they deal out ?

got a few of those.

Btw, AF charges don't help against infil damage either ... unless you know a way to go past ~685AF as a SB without a GoV proc.

I have around 598AF unbuffed. should land around 670-680 with AF buff then add AF charge on that.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
relics etc dont rise cap damage, it just make alott easier reach cap.

many think when having 20% bonus from relics they suddenly start do 20% more dmg, some situation this happend, if they didnt earlier hit to cap.

resists buffs isnt so big problem because they are up only limited time, personally wonder alott when shammy had 10 min realm castable end reg buff how much other realms whined.
as stealther that buff didnt last long enough, and usually was allready gone when 1st fight was up.
offcourse this hit hardest portal keep campers who waite kills near pk, and need suffer all timered buffs what botts can offer.
i am really happy when mythic changed anyway end reg con based buff because now dont need cast that stupid spell every 10 min dammit :)
but maybe end reg in mids need somekind tweaking.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
I have around 598AF unbuffed. should land around 670-680 with AF buff then add AF charge on that.

since when do you have a cleric as buffbot ?

RR5+ SB in MP gear : 562 AF
RR5+ SB with cap AF Bonus : 616 AF
with an AF charge while having 25% Buff enhance : 704AF

just that it's rather hard to get a decent template with capped AF Bonus.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
"there may also be another factor why Arauddry does so much more dam to your rr 5 sb m8 and it may be this

Arauddry - Infiltrator - RR10L6 - ML10 Spymaster"

There are a few rr5-rr6 slash infs who also hit for comparable damage to Arauddry. With your logic they will be hitting for 600+ main hand at rr10 then?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Not hard to work out how things are unbalanced.

Slash damage and crit is balanced on infs and sbs i think but:

La = 20% (think) off SBs damage
Vulnerable armour adds perhaps (for discussion purposes) 10% to Infs damage.
Better inf armour lowering sbs damage.
AF cleric buff is good for another at least 10% off SBs damage.

Above really is the problem. Mythic think that the 2 hander will compensate for the above but the 'above' is reducing an sbs damage 40-50% minimum to begin with. Add to that debuffing and desease and you are looking at a tremendous disadvantage without any way to compensate or make up ground.

I really think the armour needs altering to begin with so that leather is just that - leather with no bonus for one race or another. But to allow infs to have better armour AND an af buff from the cleric is mental. Am pretty sure if Mythic would stop this nonsense about leather armour then the game would alter nicely. But if one type of fighter gets a bonus then the other similar groups should get something too. I would really like to know how Mythic works these things out? Is there a magic spec that can put all similar damage dealers on similar footing, making everyone think 'oh my god it was that easy to get my damage up'? Nope, just some arbitary wreckless person or persons nerfing something you have toiled for months and months to get somewhere.

Reckon Mythic needs competition big time so this s*** can stop and they pay more attention to us AND balancing this game one way or another and stop pissing about.

MKJ (pissed off)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Cylian said:
since when do you have a cleric as buffbot ?

RR5+ SB in MP gear : 562 AF
RR5+ SB with cap AF Bonus : 616 AF
with an AF charge while having 25% Buff enhance : 704AF

just that it's rather hard to get a decent template with capped AF Bonus.

+AF items... rocks your boat.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
AF Buff in Mid does squad all if you got a MP Gear.
You still play in Mid, don't you ?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
hmm why does it do squat? haven´t heard anything of it being broken last time I checked except that it didn´t show the added AF. Dunno what rules applies to it. But then again. with af charge I still come up to 670+ af. and that´s what u asked about right?

"Btw, AF charges don't help against infil damage either ... unless you know a way to go past ~685AF as a SB without a GoV proc."

So in short. U can come up to that numbers as a SB.

Edit: Have to check exacly how much AF I have when I use an AF charge with my whole template.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
only thing base AF buff does, is to fill up the AF you loose when you use low quality gear.
That's stated by Mythic.
If you use dropped gear below 100% quality you can gain a bit of AF, if you use AF102 MP gear you gain nothing. And it does show.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
albs have only af buff what goes over cap, mids dont have any af buff what goes over.

mythic say hunters SPECCABLE af goes over but dont show up because somekind bug, after tests! hunters af still didnt add af if you allready had cap (MP armours) or base af buff rising you cap whit 99% armour or less.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
if I get +25% stat enchantment I will end upp with around 690-700. Trying to get to 700AF. That´s my goal :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
MKJ said:
La = 20% (think) off SBs damage

Wasnt it 40% off and then we got 20% boost again? In that case its not 20% off the damage ;)

100% - 40% = 60% + 20% = 72% actual damage (28% off the damage)

A swing does 100 damage to start with, take off 40% and it does 60, then add 20% on that 60 damage and you have 72 damage on a swing. 28% damage lost from starting damage.

I might be totally wrong but I think thats how it was?

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