Shadowblade spec, poll.



Hello hehe

the famous grey killer of midgard , the spec its not just for me ,

i got friend whit lvl 50 too , and im 35 coz i wanna rr2 in bg3

i love kill hibis caster hehe


Re: its a nice choice ...

Originally posted by Lord-Pelu





or ...






Best option is to press the capslock button before typing a post.


Final 50 Spec

For Certifiable am going for something along these lines:

36 stealth (37 with left over points - want 50 as soon as possible to avoid any perfing! - or keep points for la)
39 axe (all along whilst levelling i have kept this at my level - though might lower slightly and raise stealth or la)
10 crit (bs2 - dead handy for stopping someone - also in position for the back move combo - nice damage)
46 la (all the moves and good damage - gonna be pushing for dual reflexes as soon as i can to get main hand damage up - could well end up with 50 though with some slight adjustments)
36 envenom (con/str debuff - just gotta have that!)

As for bs2 - only use that for runners.

Reckon i will be happy with above.

Certi (Norse SB - level 37 - buffed stats already are: 279 str, 234 con, 216 dex (not capped) and 190 quickness)


Originally posted by Muh

You have to be fully autotrained to pull this spec off tho.

50 axe
39 LA
21 cs
33 stealth
30 env

This will be a shadowzerk with PA and best str/con debuff, havent seen anyone use this spec before, but I belive
it will be awesome :p

this is my spec and its the best imo , PAs are around 2xx -3xx , near 1000 WS [ need to respec again ras] 50 stealth ,last debuff , stun in melee and well i do ok ,sometimes was close against buffed infils that DFed me and i didnt have purge ^^.

And to the guys saying 2handed sux , yes it does sometimes but you have to use it when you know they wont evade [ stunned, positionals]the dmg is ok, also from all the experience of rvr you have an extra chance to evade while using 2 handed.


oh and you dont need to do full autotrain for the above spec , i did till lvl 40, 0 points left over -.-


Originally posted by Lubricador
this is my spec and its the best imo , PAs are around 2xx -3xx , near 1000 WS [ need to respec again ras] 50 stealth ,last debuff , stun in melee and well i do ok ,sometimes was close against buffed infils that DFed me and i didnt have purge ^^.

And to the guys saying 2handed sux , yes it does sometimes but you have to use it when you know they wont evade [ stunned, positionals]the dmg is ok, also from all the experience of rvr you have an extra chance to evade while using 2 handed.

To give a good idea on what 50 Axe is like for a Norse Blade

182 str (334 buffed) aug str 2, +10 at start

50+15 Axe 1037 unbuffed
50+15 Axe 1513 buffed

44+15 Axe 1000 unbuffed
44+15 Axe 1458 buffed

The difference between 44 and 50 Axe hardly seems worth it for the extra points used, and my damage didnt seem to increase much at all over my 44+15 Axe spec maybe a few points of damage but certainly nothing to write home about.


currently testing 50 Axe, 44 LA, 32 Stealth, 30Env

all I can say so far, the damage increase isn't big ... barely noticable at all.

ran after a Sorc (buffed) happily SS/IB spamming in her back, didn't even break 130dmg mainhand while buffed to 321Str.

guess Bile's specc definitly IS the best around.


i havent tested difference between 50 axe -39 LA and 44 axe-44 LA dmg , i hope a friend let me test with his blade on pendragon and i could speak more about it .
Anyways doesnt looks like 44 axe-44 LA is out dmging 50axe-39 LA, and dropping 50 axe to 44 doesnt gives enough points to raise CS to 34 , also i dont feel like dropping axe to 39 i had it pre 1.62 and my WS was like 89x, i like my spec >.<


well if bile has done load of test as he claimed he did, he has more clue than me, but imo the 47 debuff and 50 axe > 39 cs


Take a look here, Almost shit my pants when I saw the PA damage from his vanish-PA move :p
Glad we can use 2handers to PA with...

h ttp://


I think geting the 47env 118str/con debuff is kind of a must considering the melee dmg output atm, top debuff can knock off about 400 or so hp.


about 1h/shield or 1h/LA

i heard if u not spec on LA u cap bot dmg wep to 60% , people try a 1h/shield and raise his dmg , not using LA , so if i not wanna got a gimped blade i need to use a shield to do normal dmg or spec on LA to raise both dmg weps ?

so 50 Sw , 50 Ss , 36 sth ,8 En whit shield are a bit gimped ? or use 2h , return whit the all slow problems that carries

or low Sw and spec on LA to raise both dmg

¿ any one testes 1h/shield ? to check if proc os poisons are abaliable on shield hitting whit garrote or other dual hits(or atleast show as dual) ?



Tryed to understand what you wrote didnt get it all though, hehe.

Gonna try to explain some leftaxe here, although I think Emma or some other sb would do it much better :)

If you use a axe in your offhand your basedamage for both hands will be 60%, and the you get another 0.5% damage to both offhand and mainhand basedamage.

So lets say you spec to 39 (many sb train to this to have the stun style) in leftaxe and are rr5. With the right gear you will have 39+15 in leftaxe. And your basedamage will be 60% + (39+15)/2 =87% basedamage for both mainhand and offhand.

So you see, if you are to wield a axe in your offhand you need to train leftaxe pretty high to do some decent damage with both mainhand and offhand. And to complecate it a bit more, your chance to hit with that lefthand axe is also determined by your leftaxe skill, and not with the mainweapon spec. And another thing, CS styles (even PA) are also effected by your leftaxe spec, the good thing about wielding an leftaxe is that it SWING every round not hit but swing. This will give you some haste effect, and this will make you hit faster then if you were using a axe/shield combo.

Some recent testing have also proved that using 2 weapons CD/DW/LA halves the chance a person have to evade an attack. So if your opponents (infil/ns) ordinary evaderate is 50% it will be cut in half to 25% if you are dualwielding against them. BUT if you use the axe/shield combo or a 2hander your opponents evaderate wont be halfed and they will evade 50% of your attacks. This opens up their after evade styles, the feared Dragonfang/diamondback.
So i probably have missed something and arent 100% sure about the numbers above (0.5% per leftaxe specpoint).
So if you chose to wield axe/shield or 2handers, you will swing slower and get evaded more (against other stealthers). But if you spec in leftaxe and do it fairly high (say 39 :) ), you will swing faster, wielding 2 weapon outdamage axe/shield and 2hander over time, you will be blocked/evaded less (dont remember if also parry is cut in half...not sure), you can apply 2 poisons at your first hit against an opponent and you get an off evade stun (although it is second in a chain it is still a stun). In my point of view, the 2hander is only viable in keepdef/keeptake to perf at climbspot and then jump off.
And I know many sb keep their envenom low because of our "need" to spec decent high in three lines, weapon/leftaxe/critstrike ~35 stealth, but again in my oppinion it isnt the dot that is important it is the debuff that are the important thing in this specline. Try to atleast get the second best debuff at lvl 37 in envenom (22envenom + rr5 and gear should do this).

2 specs I have thought about is.

"Bile's spec"

39 weapon
39 leftaxe
39 crit strike
35 stealth
22 envenom

Or a close one to bile, but with last debuff at rr5 (think this one demands some amount of autotraining)

39 weapon
39 leftaxe
34 critstrike
35 stealth
32 envenom

I am no expert in no way and may be incorrect on some stuff. But some of this help.
Also sorry for typo... english not my main tounge :)



ur explain very well , just myself not englis too , but we can undertand the basic , i really dont wanna use a left axe so just 2 procs venon . if it work on a shield , we can have a fun new sb not the clones dual sb , la sistem to work , gimped sb and make them use la , i hope we can find another way to get a decent stealther whit no la :)

(damn i just want a normal dual like hibernia or albion not our gimped left axe ¡¡¡)


Originally posted by Muh
And by the way Cap, what's your WS with that spec? :p

unbuffed with augstr1 (156str) and 39+13 axe my weaponskill is 880.

Compare to emma's 182 str and 50+15 Axe 1037 unbuffed

+26str and +13axe gives 157points higher weaponskill.

Didn't compare buffed as I don't have a 47+aug buffbot to use for compare.


I tried alil 1hd+shield in PvE only messing around while farming, green rocots...

you might as well go fast 2hd, don't block much, and you don't get haste effect of having a left hand weapon.


Final 50 Spec

Well i originally planned to make this alt a la type one, but on consideration and some melee action in Darkness i have had to reconsider - doublefrost end usage is just plain daft. I want to play as a SB so i don't really want to use the styles that others can use - i mean axe/sword styles - seems bleeding odd to me somehow! So am going to end up using garote it seems instead of doublefrost. Light weapon use and tireless up a few levels might get me styling at all times! Might that is - eh anyone done any tests on tireless beyond level 2?

Anyways by looks of it am gonna go for something along the lines of Emma's. Biles may lay down damage in manufactured and controlled environments but his envenom is low - 22. A slash inf also has to rely on str, and a debuff on that sucker also gonna hurt his damage - also level 17 weakness stacks on the level 47 str/con debuff so tis possible to debuff beyond 100 (or close to it) str! Ok they can do the same to us but sure is something i am thinking hard about!

Final spec is looking like this at the moment:

Stealth: 35
Axe: 39
Crit 21 (2 handed perf/bs/garote should still hurt a lot and allow me to utilize crit and la practises)
LA: 44 (unless i am mistaken a high enough rl and duel reflexes 3 would give 98% damage in both weaps)
Envenom: 36 (47 debuff to begin with and full poison at rl 4)

Really wanted to go full la but would have to rely on pots - eh no thanks!



Tireless 1 equals Endregen 0.5

above lvl1 it doesn't do anything.

only 21 CS is useless (tried that) Pa is no big hit, just a medicore bubble breaker with low end use.


Above level 1?

Eh - does for sure - using a heavy weap (slow) drains badly - i have used level 2 with a light weap and it did indeed help some (quite a lot infact) . To get higher must mean it regenerates far more - have you tried it?


Edit: 21 plus 11 in crit with a slow 2 hander gonna hurt a lot against some types for sure - as Emma stated.

Are you constantly trying to be as you were? - that is taking on tanks when LA was so damn nasty? I managed to kill a lot of slash infs prior to this nerf then i duelled a full la kobolt level 24 sb - i was absolutely shocked - he hit as much as a buffed slash inf whilst unbuffed. Ok i killed him on 3rd attempt hehe - cos i was playing as Peaceful and had high poison so i hit him and froze him and let the poison weaken him - then reperfed the bugger. But to be honest his damage really shocked me badly!



Re: Above level 1?

Originally posted by nerfdom

Edit: 21 plus 11 in crit with a slow 2 hander gonna hurt a lot against some types for sure - as Emma stated.

Are you constantly trying to be as you were? - that is taking on tanks when LA was so damn nasty? I managed to kill a lot of slash infs prior to this nerf then i duelled a full la kobolt level 24 sb - i was absolutely shocked - he hit as much as a buffed slash inf whilst unbuffed. Ok i killed him on 3rd attempt hehe - cos i was playing as Peaceful and had high poison so i hit him and froze him and let the poison weaken him - then reperfed the bugger. But to be honest his damage really shocked me badly!

First of all, you must stop comparing your experiences in bg with real rvr. They are NOTHING alike.

And second, I would love to learn that little place it peacfull trick of yours, freze him, let poison work, and the PA him again.
You must have a seriously long stun.
And im sure im not the only sb that would like to learn this sweet
move of yours, eh ? :p



Hehe - i got so many i forget em - i adapt to the circumstances m8 - freeze (imbalance so they can only do a slow walk) as well as perf (with lethal) - for effs sake use you ed (doh - and long playing player like you?) - perf someone and they bleed - poison someone and the poison ticks - get the picture (they can't hide cos in combat - eh but yu not hehe)? In the meantime you get out of range and relax - then hide - easy. Wait a while (and allow for high poison ticks to take affect) and return to perf - hell i done it in duels loads of times - eh wot you on about?


Edit: used above to kill pally and wizzie combo and also armsmen and caster combo a number of times! - First of all i hit armsmen/pally with lethal imbalance then run at caster to kill it quickly. I relaxed then (drop weaps fast) and rehid then watched armsman/pally hehe - sometimes sitting to recover while poison ticks weaken him. After a while i returned to armsman/pally and dispatched him - done so quite a few times - tis the reason i like high envenom!

Edit: could be why i was an assassin in UO - saw things others didn't hehe!!



nerfdom.. please tell us more about your adventures in this world of yours


Originally posted by nerfdom
Edit: could be why i was an assassin in UO - saw things others didn't hehe!!


Hehe, you're hardly the first to apply this technique, that's
also known as kiting. The most famous kiter beeing Narve.

But in modern rvr kiting isnt always as easy. You can get slammed, stunned, mezzed, snared yourself, rooted etc,
before you get away, all depending on which class you're
trying to kite. Not to mention purge. Kiting also takes alot
of time, and today in rvr you have to kill fast, and run away,
or get steamrolled by teh zerg. But by all means, kiting is
possible, but I wouldnt advice you to relay on it.

But seeing you're a good runner, I look forward to seeing you
sprint through emain, with a hord of infils after you. I'll cross my fingers you'll finish first of the hundreds this time too ;)

And jumping pala and caster at the same time @ lvl50, is not to be adviced, unless they con grey to you that is :p


Hehe - adaptation m8

Edited - drunken ramblings!



Re: Hehe - adaptation m8

Originally posted by nerfdom
Think i am silly? hehe - new circumstance new tactics - and as you are beginning to piss me off i could well target you for full attention - eh and never failed to kill my target yet (and never failed in my UO assassin kill target either) - could be good fun this!


Not silly, just slightly naive.

And never failed to kill you're target? sorry, but you're in for a reality check the first time u step foot out of mpkE.

But if you're as good as you say, midgård will have a real
advantage on the battlefield in the time to come. :)

Pm me ingame once too, you have some interresting techniqes I would like to test in a duel.


Good as i say?

Edited - drunken ramblings!



lol - you sound like a borg from star trek (for those who know them) :)

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