Selfish Cabs



prob is, I dont rly know anny other places ( not that it rly matters I am past the gobo lvl'ing part ) but still, anyone got anny ideas WHERE ya can lvl except at gobos ?


Ellylls and Teg elves, (Thank you to the scout who was lvling there after i hit 50 and let me join his gorup and sit with him so i could get a positive ellyll faction)

Dart moor is good, so is Barrows
Out frontier also has quite a few areas where you can camp and kill, remember if you explore and find one it will probably have insane camp bonusses because very few people i know xp in our frontier.
Also i think that Gobo's will still be viable but just not as good xp as they are atm because you will need a pretty uber group to take them.



Stonelords in DM are a nice alternative to Trees


we can do what we want, we dont give a poop what u others think, u will need us ALWAYS as long this game is on..

This attitude (as well as the neverending "all those n00000bs are oh so ridiculous and I`m oh soooo uber l337 it almost hurts!" threads) speaks for itself and pretty much describes the state of Albion these days.



Originally posted by bahamut
tested my cabalist for the first time in rvr, didnt take to long for the people in dun bolg to take me as first target :)

fun aint it? :D

being the most hated guy on keepdefence/takes is loads of fun =)


aye never had that fun with my paladin :)

ravenclav giant is very good exp, got 68 mil for soloing one orange, they group when you go in group


I have some sympathy for the 'must kill tanglers' principle - since it simply does take longer to get xp elsewhere once you add group forming and travel time into the equation.

But equally I have no real time for the 'cabs are being greedy' idea.

Cabalists will have to take a fixed number of mobs out of circulation whenever they do it in order to level. The fact that they do it more quickly in greater numbers just gets them out of the way more quickly.


Another level 45-50 player soloing pygmies would still reduce your xp, but instead of taking a large proportion for a shorter time, they'd take a small proportion for a longer time. From the point of view of the entire non-cabalist community the effect is the same. Only it might encourage some non-tangler killing, which would probably help everyone.

Incidentally, if anyone knows of a non-insane way to take a Cabalist from 45-50 that

a) Isn't just 'go and leech off of a guild tree/DF/DM/LB group'.

b) Doesn't take months.

c) Doesn't involve tanglers.

I'm sure the community at large would be glad to hear it. I note that the whine posts above don't appear to suggest one.

The real reason that cabs affect you is that because they are forced to solo by having no significant PvE group abilities they are as a result killing the same mobs at higher levels - so they have to kill more mobs of a particular type, and so they appear to be hanging around in higher numbers.

PS. My own cabbie was created before the pygmy craze, and will not reach 42 (the magic pygmy level) until 1.54.


Originally posted by old.Ramas
PS. My own cabbie was created before the pygmy craze, and will not reach 42 (the magic pygmy level) until 1.54.

its 46 actually =P


he means when he can use a fire wizard to help him


Question: 'some mean old Cabalist is taking all the Tanglers away? how can me and my friends level???'

Answer 'Go to the Barrows and kill Wights/Celts'

though if DF opens dont all rush off to get DF xp. the time it takes to move a group there and set up shop means you will get less xp overall anyway :) and it kills me every time.


anyone know a good way to lvl up a matter cabby?

our guild aint got one since a certain ***** left us - so i was gonna make one to help out

got to 24, can easy get to 26 (ae on roman villa n stuff)

any pointers from there?


ok ill assume you can get to lvl 5 by your self.

in general soloing consists of either pull or get pet to attack target.

When pet has aggro put dammage shield.

When pet or mob reaches 3/4 health STRAF either q or w this breaks dammage sheild without the recast timer.

Then chuck in a pet hela if it needs it

then double dot, (base st dot and spec st dot stack) then stand back.

lvl 6 solo bandits
lvl 7- 8 solo stuff near mithra
lvl 8-11 mithra
lvl 11-18 plains/ NYMPHS these have weak hp's so when you get your first aoe dot at 19/18(?) send pet in with dammage shield, wait a bit, then aoe dot, QC aoe dot again and peg it :)

lvl 18-24 Fogou/Tepok
lvl 25-30 Cornwall/ Dartmoor/ Catacombs/dunters
lvl 30-38 House gobos
lvl 38-46 Tree gobos in a group, you WILL be wanted even at this lvl for pet pulling (tip: get wizard dammage sheild on the pet for an extra big pull)

/\ These are all asuming you are grouped apart from the ones were ive written solo...

lvl 46-50 solo Beech, beech is easiest as scouts done often come out far, send pet in, just befor it dies cast aoe dot, sprint up beech, QC another one run a bit more, they should all be dead, if any survive aoe dot them and run more.

Dont try to nuke survivors down because your aoe dot is pretty much a gaurenteed kill so then all you have to worry about is running.

The reason why you run and THEN QC andother aoe dot is because if you QC befor you run up the beech they often die too close to the spawn point at the end of the beech and call for help so run up the beech then turn and QC it.

Another tip: you dont need to face your target, you have a 180 degree arc infront of you where you can cast so your target needs onyl by 90degrees to your right/left, this speeds up turning times when turning to aoe dot again.

Only use Amber pet(lvl 1 pros a stun) or Spahire (lvl 12/13 procs a nice healing life tap)
all the other pets are crap, trust me. is a very good site, read the forums.

for matter first decide wheather you want to solo epic mobs with the help of 2 clerics? if yes spec 50 matter 20 body 6 spirit, if your not bothered about soloing epic mobs spec 46 matter 28 body 6 spirit.

For mile gate fights in RvR target outer door, (F7 only targets the inner one) and aoe dot, tilt view up and stand behind a pillar so you can see without being a target.

Get a lvl 50 Spirit Focus staff for pet reclaim.

/edit where you refering to me in your original post?



Originally posted by Tilda
for matter first decide wheather you want to solo epic mobs with the help of 2 clerics? if yes spec 50 matter 20 body 6 spirit, if your not bothered about soloing epic mobs spec 46 matter 28 body 6 spirit.

you really think the damage shield is only viable for epic mobs? 0_o

soloing in general is 10times more easy with that damage shield


no but it has a limited use.

in open RvR im better off casting dot's
im mile gate fights im better off nearsighting and aoe dotting.

keep sieges it can be useful, but then its not amazing and the combination if being forced to stand still and it draining your power leaving you very veurable is not good.

if you have a better/other use id love to hear it.



it is a PvE tool, and a mighty powerfull one at that.

you can take on red mobs without breaking a sweat with that damage shield

altough i have killed a guy in RvR with it :D


Originally posted by Tilda
[lvl 38-46 Tree gobos in a group, you WILL be wanted even at this lvl for pet pulling (tip: get wizard dammage sheild on the pet for an extra big pull)
at 42 you can start using a fire wizard.

send in pet on passive mode, throw ae dot 2 times, run all you can, let fire wizard finish the job.

and how can someone be so stupid that he kills himself on a pet? :)


Originally posted by Exinferis
altough i have killed a guy in RvR with it :D

It's funny as hell to watch someone kill themselves with damage-shield ;)


two of my pet favourites have to be:

setting pet on a grey con, pet 1 shots grey con

or setting pet on a bard and the bard either running around trying to get away (pet keeps speed for ever once he gets it) or just standing there and dieing :)



Originally posted by old.LandShark
Exinfer was full matter spec and lvl50 before it was known that soloing tanglers or killing barfog mobs with only 2 ppl would be possible.
Actually, this is not true. I do remember the AoE DoT trick being discussed on this forum before the patch came in, and I do remember Exinfer saying something like (he was 43 at the time) "only 3 levels before I can do this myself". And yes, Exinfer got his level 50 AoE DoTing tanglers after the patch came in, I saw him on /who when I was levelling my cabalist myself to get to 42 and start AoEing. In fact, I also remember the BW post where he congratulated himself about it (and Pin responded something like, "what, it took you 48 hours with the new patch do it?").

(This is not a flame towards Exinfer, btw, I just wanted to set the record straight. :))

Btw, level 42 is the magical pygmy AoE DoT level. This is the level when all pygmys have turned orange and below (except the tangler), and a level 42 Cabalist with the 36 AoE DoT can quite comfortably level on the pygmy house and, with a little more work, the tanglers as well. All you have to do is cast the first AoE, run for 3 ticks, then quickcast the second AoE on the goblins and run until those who survived (usually through resists) lose interest in you. Got me to level 46 very fast.

In regard to the original post, I would like to say that I think it is selfish for high-level Cabalists to PL on the tangler tree during primetime. Do it very early or very late to avoid a lot of (justified grief) -- that's what I did. (/em yawns from too many 4.00 am GMT morning sessions. :))


Originally posted by Tilda
lvl 38-46 Tree gobos in a group, you WILL be wanted even at this lvl for pet pulling (tip: get wizard dammage sheild on the pet for an extra big pull)
If you don't want to group (can be hard anyway), you can solo pygmys starting from level 38 (the first ones turn orange then). And then at 42, you don't ever have to group again if you don't want to, just AoE DoT the pygmy house (and, with some more difficulty, the tangler tree). Get Long Wind and Wild Arcana (in that order) to help you with this.
Another tip: you dont need to face your target, you have a 180 degree arc infront of you where you can cast so your target needs onyl by 90degrees to your right/left, this speeds up turning times when turning to aoe dot again.
Or use a /face macro, it will stop and turn you instantly.
if yes spec 50 matter 20 body 6 spirit, if your not bothered about soloing epic mobs spec 46 matter 28 body 6 spirit.
In both of these templates, 4 spirit is the best you can get, not 6 spirit.
Get a lvl 50 Spirit Focus staff for pet reclaim.
Your level 40 epic staff will do fine here, you only need spirit focus as high as the pet reclaim spell and the pet you use to reclaim with (usually amber, since it has the highest hps which translates to the most reclaimed mana).


Originally posted by Belomar
Actually, this is not true. I do remember the AoE DoT trick being discussed on this forum before the patch came in, and I do remember Exinfer saying something like (he was 43 at the time) "only 3 levels before I can do this myself". And yes, Exinfer got his level 50 AoE DoTing tanglers after the patch came in, I saw him on /who when I was levelling my cabalist myself to get to 42 and start AoEing. In fact, I also remember the BW post where he congratulated himself about it (and Pin responded something like, "what, it took you 48 hours with the new patch do it?").

friend of mine did 46-48 with 1,50 patch and i did most of 48-50 myself when 1.52 came

and btw belomar where is that cabalist poem?! :D


Originally posted by Jiggs

yeah but they aint got shit on the old boys, the pre 1.46 guys :D
:) yep used to be /who friar returned 10 results
now kinda s00ks


Originally posted by Belomar
Your level 40 epic staff will do fine here, you only need spirit focus as high as the pet reclaim spell and the pet you use to reclaim with (usually amber, since it has the highest hps which translates to the most reclaimed mana).

This is wrong actually, you get more mana back with a higherlvl spiritfocus staff(more than 3 spirit)


Originally posted by Exinferis
This is wrong actually, you get more mana back with a higherlvl spiritfocus staff(more than 3 spirit)
No. There's no way you could get more mana back with a staff that just has more spirit focus, as the focus level of a staff only affects the power consumption of casting spells. According to the following grab bag (link below), both the new and old focus system (I don't really know which one is in effect for us) would give you a 80% (or 90% in the old system) power consumption for all spells that are of equal or lower level than the focus level of the staff.

However, it is possible, even likely, that a level 50 spirit focus staff also has a bonus to the spirit line. That would definitely increase the amount of power you reclaim for each recycle, usually on the order of 2 power units per spirit level. So, for pet recycling purposes, the recommendation would be to get a staff with a high +spirit bonus and a spirit focus equal or higher than the intended spells you want to cast. At least that's my read of it all.


I'm fairly certain that the HP of your sim doesn't affect the amount of power you get back. I think it's based on the percentage health the sim has left.

This was discussed on the VNBoards and some people did tests using buffs etc. etc..



Only thing I've noticed to make any difference in power reclamation is your Spirit spec (focus aside, it's very minor difference anyway) when reclaiming, you can cast the simu with 3 in Spirit and reclaim it with 3+11 and you get the same back as casting it with 3+11 in both summon and reclaim.

Cons buffs didn't make a difference in the 20's, doubt that's changed either. Some discussion about that on a while back.


con buffs dont increase hp's on pets they increase its absorb.

This has been discussed on the necro class forusm.

i do find that the higher the lvl the staff with focus the more mana back, ie with prince spirit staff i get more mana that with DF brought one.

Belomar my suggestion for turning 90degress was for after you have cast aoe dot, face would turn you back towards your target, when you want to be facing away from then :( thus you can start turning and still cast your spell.



Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
I'm fairly certain that the HP of your sim doesn't affect the amount of power you get back. I think it's based on the percentage health the sim has left.
This is quite easily debunked by reclaiming your different pets and seeing the result. I get 146 power back from my amber pet at level 50, all my other pets give less power than this. I would attribute this to the con buff the amber pet casts on itself.


its the hp's your pet has at the time you reclaim it, not the total number of hp's the pet can ever have.

and thus because the amber sim has most hp's it gives back the most power.


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