Selfish Cabs



Once apon a time, the was a beech (& tree but =P), twas a nice beech golden sand as far as the eye could see, was a nice place for low lvl 40's to hang out, relax and pull, but alas a dark time came, the cabalist craze, cabilist discovered that they can dot the beach spreading certain death for the poor tanglers. at ist it started out as the odd cab powerlvling an alt, then more & more came, now its impossible for anygroup to X from them normaly without a cab dot taking most/all XP or there just worth nothing... Same for the pygmy house but thats another story. The point of this story is this

Dam selfish cabs ruin 40-45, for hundreds (sorta) of upcommin alb, just to lvl a infi for themsleves

Yes there are other places to go, but i dont care,


Originally posted by Borlokz
Yes there are other places to go, but i dont care

Nor do I :>

I would imagine that Ciclya, Asel, Warrior and so on don't care either.
Bye now



<-------plays warrior/asel/cocomix depends :)

and tbh, like landshark, i dont care either


Originally posted by Borlokz
Dam selfish cabs ruin 40-45, for hundreds (sorta) of upcommin alb, just to lvl a infi for themsleves

actually we (read: our cabies :p) PL chars we need in guild as those classes arent excatly all over the place and u just need to pick em up + i wouldnt call early mornings prime lvlin time so plz put me on that "i dont care" list :sleeping:


cant wait for 1,54 :)

can peacefully PL all you want then, as beach and peninsula is almost empty(at least its like this on US servers, hopefully it will be like that here to :p)

put me down on the i dont care list also...well ls has allready done that, hmm nm.. ;)


Actually I hate those tanglers. I try to avoid them like the plague.


No better place for powerlevelling, though :)
Well, I say that but I haven't looked at advisors recently. I'd imagine they're harder though, even if the exploit/bug hasn't been fixed...


Damn nice to see the cabbies getting some grief about tanglers!

Makes a delightful change!

flame on! :flame:


You can moan Glen, but isn't it a similar story using your fire wizard account to power level your chars? Maybe not the same scale but...

Beside's you'd use Adam's cabalist if he gave you the pass.


Is this great flame you promise would happen Slimms,that I would be ridiculed so much by the BW daoc community . The facts of the matter I was there for 2.5 to 3 hours ,nobody said anything all that time, all you had to have done was ask earlier on .The infi was not a another character ,but someone who asked if I could help lvl , I aggreed even though I would lose about 2/3 of the normal XP I was getting.


well when i lvled my cabalist ( befor the days of solo tanglering) i had to pull aqua and have a wizzard finish the gobos off befor they died.

It makes me realy sad to see that cabalists are the new class of the month and rather than be played by a few ho have the paitence to play them they are being lvled as a PLing aid and a class that is easy to get to 50.

It upsets me greatly to see n00bies play a cabalist using the ruby pet when im lvling an alt.

When asked why they say "well its my highest lvl pet" i than have to tak time to explain which pets to use, which are crap and that the pet lvls so use any pet to fit the situation.

When i was lvling i met people who asked me
"what do cabalists do, ive never grouped with one before"

Just a few thoughts, but i hate it when the class i play and love is suddenly overcrouded with n00bies, now i know other classes have alsways been thus :p but ive always viewed (and certainly thats why i chose) a cabalist to be a somewhat elite more advanced class than all the rest :D



Originally posted by Tilda
well when i lvled my cabalist ( befor the days of solo tanglering) i had to pull aqua and have a wizzard finish the gobos off befor they died.

It makes me realy sad to see that cabalists are the new class of the month and rather than be played by a few ho have the paitence to play them they are being lvled as a PLing aid and a class that is easy to get to 50.

It upsets me greatly to see n00bies play a cabalist using the ruby pet when im lvling an alt.

When asked why they say "well its my highest lvl pet" i than have to tak time to explain which pets to use, which are crap and that the pet lvls so use any pet to fit the situation.

When i was lvling i met people who asked me
"what do cabalists do, ive never grouped with one before"

Just a few thoughts, but i hate it when the class i play and love is suddenly overcrouded with n00bies, now i know other classes have alsways been thus :p but ive always viewed (and certainly thats why i chose) a cabalist to be a somewhat elite more advanced class than all the rest :D


I totaly agree. When I got bored of my paladin I chose the class which was least played and an uncommon specline (matter). Then some months later everyone roled a cabalist. I used to do /who cabalist and see only 7 cabalists online. That were the days...


Tilda know if I am asked I will help lvl a character if I have the time and I am able I will help , she does pass on nice advise.


Pah Glen shaddup :clap:

I can safely say that every mornign when we wake up for a little pwrlvling session down at tanglers its always such a lovely atmosphere between the 6 cabas pulling from there :clap:

Again..... "i dont care" list :p its easy lvling


Never used to be more then a few friars on either, then they turned the same way and there all over the place now too. The whole class of the month power levelling thing is quite sad.


Originally posted by Kagato.
Never used to be more then a few friars on either, then they turned the same way and there all over the place now too. The whole class of the month power levelling thing is quite sad.

yeah but they aint got shit on the old boys, the pre 1.46 guys :D


Friars rock! I've leveled mine from 24 to 36 in just under three cute with the twirling and the whirling and the whatnot.

Not PLing...just forcing higher lvl groups to invite me so I will assist them with one of my many other chars.

"Got room for a lvl 27 friar in your goblin group?"

"You are too low."

"I can bring a lvl 50 sorc to mezz."


Mwahaha...body pulling the entire house and mezzing them is the new "cabalist at the beach".



Originally posted by dropkick
Tilda know if I am asked I will help lvl a character if I have the time and I am able I will help , she does pass on nice advise.

i dont quite uderstand that..

sorry :(


Cabalist are all evil and selfish! Well, ok they are not really. A few are morons with no consideration for other people who play in this "community" (don't laugh). But then the same can be said for lots of other people in lots of other classes.

I don't have a cabby myself but I have a good friend with a lvl 47 cabby. And sometime I sympathise with their problem, and their unwillingness to help other people. At lower lvls cabbies really strugle to get groups, it's only around the mid to late 40's that they come into their own as a really powerful character. The problem is that nobody wants cabbys in their group until they hit lvl 45, at which point the poor people playing them get PM spammed to death by people wanting them to power lvl them!

It's the same nightmare that alll rezing class go through the mintue they get rez ability, in some places non-spot pm spam asking for rez. When you say no you are busy you get abuse as if it is their God given right to get a rez.

Why can't we all just get a long, have consideration for your fellow characters, don't leave people out in the cold because you don't know what their class can do. Let infiltrators and scouts and cabbys and any other unloved class into your groups from an early level and they might be more prepared to be nice to you later ;) But this goes both ways.

I personally think that Cabbys should not pull from the gobbo spots when they are already camped to hell by other groups, and should leave if lower level people need the spot, it's only fair. If you want to cash farm or PL do it when the spots are free. By taking 1 spot you are denying 8 people xp, is that really fair?

But this will probably fall on deaf ears, the people that care already do this sort of thing, the people that don't are unlikely to change their ways just because of some post on BW. Sigh, all I can say is if you are being un-reasonable with your pulls, or any other in game behavoir, just realise that the people you are anoying are people you may need help from some day, and they might not want to help you because of your actions in the past.


Well, last night I was 'money-farming' at tanglers with a lvl 49 sorc and while there were 2 cabbies pulling from the same (tree)spot I still managed to get of a decent pull...

How? Be creative!

* Let your cleric instaheal the pet of the cabby (who cares)
* Put a pally in the middle next to the pet with a dmgshield on him
* Nuke the tangler (very funny)
* AoE debuff some
* Insane bodypulling with a mincer on speed

It doesn't matter, you will get some and if you're lucky you will get the whole tree (or unlucky, depends on your level <evil grin>)

Same about advisors.. I was once told to get away 'coz it was his spawn'.. After some arguments and word-calling I left (to be the good girl my character looks like) but when I want XP I have something like "hey, I pay the same for my account, what gives you the right to decide for me which mob I should pull)

I can do 1,5 bub of XP @ advisors at lvl 49 with my theurgist, that's better then most treegroups get off and a lot safer. Well, the guy needs XP, but so did I.

And Barrows is filled with nice guys and girls. A friendly cleric with some spare concentration, a friendly wiz/theurg with some EB/haste, a friendly arms who can give you a hand when it looks going wrong and the friendly pallies/friars/clerics who can rezz if you failed.

Nothing wrong with Barrows and you can level there just as fast as at tanglers if you get in the right group (trust me: I did it, a lvl 43 pally, theurg, arms and cleric can easily do wights without major downtime and it gives GREAT xp, no 'camp-spot taken problems', decent drops (!!) and great fun). What more do you want?

And for the guys who really are pissed off at cabbies: Tanglers will change strategy and stuff so you can't do them anymore with AoE-DoT and stuff. Just give them a break in the (short) time they have left pwrlvling their alts/guildies/friends. Or ask them to do it at non-primetime, if possible. Most cabbies are easy going and are willing to share spawns (your turn, my turn, your turn, my turn).

If they don't?? See up in my post. Annoys the crap out of them :)


Exinfer was full matter spec and lvl50 before it was known that soloing tanglers or killing barfog mobs with only 2 ppl would be possible.
As for the friars... Well, yep, battle friars became flavour of the month some time ago. How many do you see out in RvR? Not as many as you'd expect, given the volume of em that you see levelling...


Originally posted by Puppetmistress
And for the guys who really are pissed off at cabbies: Tanglers will change strategy and stuff so you can't do them anymore with AoE-DoT and stuff......
Just FYI you can aedot tanglers in next patch to ;) (edit: 0.1 - 0.15 each good pull at 50)


Hey i know!!!! Make a caba, will solve all your problems.


Cabby is 1 of the best casters and always will be, so STFU

we can do what we want, we dont give a poop what u others think, u will need us ALWAYS as long this game is on..

Only prob is that there is only few good cabby players, those what know what the best things what cabby can do, either body or matter cabby, doesnt matter, both has good things, and o other caster in albion ont have so much GOOD choices to do what cabbys can do..

at 1.54 tanglers will get cure poison, DD's and 150% HP, go then relax on your precious beach, before that cabbys own it and u just stfu you jealous moan


tested my cabalist for the first time in rvr, didnt take to long for the people in dun bolg to take me as first target :)


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Exinfer was full matter spec and lvl50 before it was known that soloing tanglers or killing barfog mobs with only 2 ppl would be possible.

Im not sure but im fairly sure that i beat Exinfer to lvl 50 (correct me if im wrong)
and when i hit 50 i know about soloing tanglers and barfog mobs, actually to correct you you ned about 4 people, a cabby 2 clerics a mincer.



Only a week or so to go now and all those cabbys will vanish. I am definetly gonna logon on patch day to see whether someone isn't clued up and pulls the lot...that will be worth watching.

I have heard many moan about the gobo nerf but I really believe that it is a good thing. Far too many players are becoming brainwashed into the hit 33 and then gobs to tanglers to trees mentality.

I have heard it spoken about it my own guild. When you dare mention the fact that there are other places to xp it is almost considered heresy.

Nerf gobbos some more and make players xp elsewhere. Stop the 'assembly line 50's ' who appear in emain yet don't know their way to Sursbrooke.

I have no doubt that the 'flavour of the month' class will change from cabbys once the nerf bites. Get ready for even more Friars...

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